2014 Northeast Regional this weekend!

Oct 14, 2009
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Looks like the weather is looking good for the Regional at http://www.readinghighpower.com/ this weekend!

I'm definitely shooting the 1000pt Regional on Saturday.
My days of being LEG Meat are well behind me but I may shoot the EIC on Sunday as well to be there to congratulate those that cut points!

If anyone that is not currently Distinguished that cares about Highpower at all they need to make sure they show up and Shoot the EIC Match on Sunday! If you're not distinguished and the wife will only allow one day of shooting this weekend my suggestion would be to make it the EIC Match!!!!

It's old news but Reading is a very nice Range with matches that are very well run.
They are working hard doing all the work required to make this big match a success.
If you want to see how your skills stack up against many of the best shooters in the Northeast reading is THE Place to do it...

Who's going to attend???
I'm no threat to anyone just yet but I am planning to shoot Saturday and Sunday. Inspired by the prone rapids scores at NFGA with the Garand last weekend, mostly. Should be humbling but fun, as always!
After shooting a personal best last weekend, I wish I could, however my youngest daughter's 17th birthday party at the cabin apparently takes precedence. I was hoping to be able to shoot the EIC, but it looks like that will be a bust, too! Oh well...
Ill be out on the island for my high school reunion. Id be there otherwise.
Best of luck to those who shoot. Weather looks excellent.

Is it a week or two early this year?
It was held on July 6th last year. Seems the new schedule at Perry has pushed things up in order to get the matches in before the Nationals
It was held on July 6th last year. Seems the new schedule at Perry has pushed things up in order to get the matches in before the Nationals

I don't know anyone by the name of Zeke so I don't know if I know you or not but;; Will you be shooting the matches at Reading this weekend?
Pat, you look too young to be out of High School..;) The weather is looking real good, the 300yd will have be done..nice new sod...the company will be great, where else should you be?
There is plenty of room...unless we get more than 56
Seems the new schedule at Perry has pushed things up in order to get the matches in before the Nationals

It has. The season is a bit compressed this year due to scheduling changes that affect Perry.

For those who can't make the leg this weekend, we will have another one on July 13th.
Ill be out on the island for my high school reunion. Id be there otherwise.
Best of luck to those who shoot. Weather looks excellent.

Bummer you won't be there Pat!
Always a pleasure shooting with you and the other " Men from Maine"

Do you know if any of the others from up your way are travelling down?

Thanks to the guys at Reading RRC. The range looked great! The match was run expertly! A few guys do a lot of work to put these matches on. Thanks again and congrats to CT
A huge Thank You and Hat's off to the Reading crew that did an outstanding job on this event.

The (embarassing) Results are even online already at http://readinghighpower.com/

Many do not realize the amount of work that goes into hosting this event...

Congradz to Charlie, Mike and Bob in the Regional!

Looks like Ryan from Ct had a great day on Sunday!
Congradz to Ryan and Rob for cutting points!

Looks like some of the heavy hitters from days past brought out the big wood (M1A's) for the EIC Match.
I have never shot Match Rifle or M1a so i have noexpierience there but I imagine it is quite the change up...

Well done Reading!!!
Wish I could have been there but I went to PA and shot the South East PA regional. Did OK, 3rd from last, but was a good score for me. I did do NE good though as I brought home the High Sharpshooter, granted only 2 of us, but still a New England win.

Congrats to all the winners this weekend here in New England and one day I hope to get to shoot with you and on your level.

Dave S
Like so many matches, the one who makes the least mistakes wins...boy I really thought I open the door at 300yds. I was fairly happy with most everything else...even though I keep shooting 9 at 600..all me for 5 of them.
Thanks everyone for participating...it was a good day and weekend for all
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