21 killed, 18 injured in shooting at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas

I am not an expert on Columbine, but 2 shooters killed twelve people over a decent length of time. Again, I have not researched Columbine (and I have the troll on ignore so don't know what he said) but it is possible (and maybe likely to my mind) that more people would have died if they had had semi-auto .223 or 7.62 (or .308) rifles with large capacity magazines.

Disagree/attack me as you will. I am just giving you my opinion.
Columbine was really a one of a kind active shooter event and remains an outlier to this day. Firstly, there were two shooters and generally with all the active shooters these days it's only one. Also, unlike active shooters today who target any and all, Harris and Klebold were not outright killing indiscriminately and did allow certain people they did not want to hurt to escape.

Also, their resorting to using guns was a backup plan as it was the bomb that failed to go off was meant to do most of the damage.
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The Staged Show in Texas​

AC points out some of the obvious questions, contradictions and inconsistencies raised by the detailed timeline of what appears to be a federally-staged school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

Now, keep in mind that the only thing of which we can be certain is this: the event did not happen as the official story is reported. Everything asserted by the government-news complex, from the heroes to the villains, from the motivations to the methods, is fake and gay in at least some way.

But that doesn’t mean that no one was shot and killed. In fact, on the basis of historical observation, it is logical to conclude that the federal agencies responsible for producing these “school shootings” have, over time, gone from initially a) permitting genuine school shootings to take place by refusing to intervene to b) staging false ones using crisis actors to c) staging real ones using wind-up toys and/or patsies to cover for professional shooters. The truth may be considerably darker than most conspiracy theorists wish to imagine.

Precisely which school shooting happens to fall into which category is irrelevant, and in most cases would be difficult to ascertain, although the way in which the police perimeter was reportedly utilized to actively prevent the parents in Uvalde from interfering with what appears to have been a very reluctant shooter for over an hour tends to suggest the latter.

Whatever genuinely happened there, it is simply another transparent attempt to manufacture rhetorical support for disarming Americans, and that’s all we actually need to know about the matter. Ignore all the sob stories, the pictures, the interviews, and all the other blatant attempts at emotional manipulation, don’t permit yourself to get drawn into pointless discussions of these events, because it’s nothing more than the usual satanic attempt to shut down your intellectual capacities and rule you through the emotions of anger and fear.

As a general rule, never trust anyone who seeks to inflame or frighten you. It’s a near-certainty that anyone who does so is attempting to make use of you in some way. Neither fury nor fear tend to be in harmony with the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

I was thinking Sandy Hook was shady. Then Parkland? And Vegas?

The remember during sandy Hook their were reports of someone in camo in the woods. Was seen by a helicopter, that disappeared, then the crisis actors.

It's literally so easy to fake these things. A majority of the population would say you were crazy.

Maybe I am.
I was thinking Sandy Hook was shady. Then Parkland? And Vegas?

The remember during sandy Hook their were reports of someone in camo in the woods. Was seen by a helicopter, that disappeared, then the crisis actors.

It's literally so easy to fake these things. A majority of the population would say you were crazy.

Maybe I am.
Previously people thought crazy that the premier law enforcement agency would engage a conspiracy to frame a sitting president, twenty-some intelligent officials all sign a letter that an evidence-laden laptop a Russia plant, and a SecState would let an ambassador be killed to conceal evidence..., but here we are.
I was thinking Sandy Hook was shady. Then Parkland? And Vegas?

The remember during sandy Hook their were reports of someone in camo in the woods. Was seen by a helicopter, that disappeared, then the crisis actors.

It's literally so easy to fake these things. A majority of the population would say you were crazy.

Maybe I am.
Definitely does seem like you’re crazy yes
f#ck your kids - but the chief will live!
Local cops have kept guard outside Arredondo’s house around the clock.
“I do not understand why the police from Uvalde, Texas, are guarding Pete Arredondo’s home,” Torres said. “He is hiding in his home, requesting the PD patrol the area and guard his home day and night. He should come out and speak up.”
They did the same thing at Derek Chauvin's house in Minneapolis. Whenever a cop has been doxxed and there are people who are angry with them the local gov't will basically call out an army of police to guard the home.

It shows how the police today act more like organized crime in that they will go to no ends to protect their own, but when children are being actively murdered they gotta hang back for officer safety.
Wtf are you talking about?

You said you wanted to see more restrictions to save children and suggested banning certain types of guns. You have guns. So unless the type of guns you have aren’t capable of killing children, why haven’t you put your money where your mouth is and done something? The only two possible reasons are either you don’t actually want to save children and therefore supporting killing then, or you are a hypocrite.

So which is it?
You said you wanted to see more restrictions to save children and suggested banning certain types of guns. You have guns. So unless the type of guns you have aren’t capable of killing children, why haven’t you put your money where your mouth is and done something? The only two possible reasons are either you don’t actually want to save children and therefore supporting killing then, or you are a hypocrite.

So which is it?
Your logic doesn’t add up at all here. Actually enforcing laws and enacting tighter control and psyche evals for everyone who wants to buy a gun will ONLY help. The problem is both the type of gun used and the mentality of the person committing the crime. It’s not black and white. We need a full scale approach to gun crime prevention.
I am not an expert on Columbine, but 2 shooters killed twelve people over a decent length of time. Again, I have not researched Columbine (and I have the troll on ignore so don't know what he said) but it is possible (and maybe likely to my mind) that more people would have died if they had had semi-auto .223 or 7.62 (or .308) rifles with large capacity magazines.

Disagree/attack me as you will. I am just giving you my opinion.
The columbine kids had a .223 I believe. Also a shotgun, tech 9 and some handguns.

I think to have an honest discussion, we have to admit that yes, body counts will be higher with an AR or AK than a bolt action .22 or single shot .410. Weapon selection matters.

The AR platform is one of the most effective small arms on the planet. That’s why police, military, secret service etc all use it. With little training an average dude can put down a hellish amount of accurate, sustained fire.

That’s why we buy them. The people that might one day wish to oppress us will be wielding the deadliest weapons they can get their hands on.

Would the “massacre” have been less deadly if he had a Henry lever action? Maybe, but that’s not the point. It would have been less deadly if he had instead called 911 and said he was having a mental health crisis and needed immediate help. Instead he chose to shoot up a school.

I’m 4 minutes from my kids school if I obey traffic laws. If I got word there was an nut shooting the place up, I’m grabbing the closest piece and ramming my truck through the front door. I don’t care who sues me after or what Maura the scissor queen charges me with. It’s my one job as a father.

Two shotties, a Hi-point carbine, and a Tec-9. It was during the Ban, and .223 rifles were not available to them. No pistols.

The vast majority of the shooting was done with the shotties and the Hi-point.
Yeah you’re correct. Kind of sad to say it, but it’s easy to mix up the shootings these days.
Your logic doesn’t add up at all here. Actually enforcing laws and enacting tighter control and psyche evals for everyone who wants to buy a gun will ONLY help. The problem is both the type of gun used and the mentality of the person committing the crime. It’s not black and white. We need a full scale approach to gun crime prevention.

You posted that you wanted to buy a scope that attaches to an AR carry handle, did you not? Is one of your three guns an AR? If so, it seems my logic is spot on. You either supporting murdering children or are a hypocrite. I don’t actually think you support murdering children. I do think you are a hypocrite.

So many reasons.

None of your posts, frankly, have shown me there's any benefit in trying to spell them out for you. I assume you took Constitutional Law, though, so feel free to start there in some of your notes from law school. The ones about the Bill of Rights.
I was thinking Sandy Hook was shady. Then Parkland? And Vegas?

The remember during sandy Hook their were reports of someone in camo in the woods. Was seen by a helicopter, that disappeared, then the crisis actors.

It's literally so easy to fake these things. A majority of the population would say you were crazy.

Maybe I am.
I can assure you Sandy Hook did, indeed, happen. A friend was there that day, and almost didn't come home again.
That Asian shooter at Virginia Tech trained his gun skills for months and months at the range for accuracy. Didn't he order the students to all line up or something? And compliant students not knowing what to do, they followed his directions and waited to get headshotted one by one. No one wanted to rush him cause no one wanted to be that 'one guy' who tried and got shot. So everyone just waited for their turn to get popped.

Afterwards, the school training changed to encourage students to fight back against the shooter with whatever objects they could find (but no actual weapons, obviously). "Run, Hide, Fight". Only if you're discovered and can't hide, you should try to fight a gunman by throwing crayons and staplers at him.
Exactly. And what I said was the most important factor, MINDSET - of the attacker, of the targets, of the police.
One huge issue going forward may be parents rushing the school when these occur. Police inaction seems to be a popular theme this time around. The next shooting may end up with cops inside a building trying to find the shooter with dozens of parents running up and down the halls.
Solid stuff

That's why we need alternatives to todays schools. We have kids today that have poor skills and the ones that do have decent skills are being lured with dreams of sugar plum fairies by the college/loan industrial complex that a degree in Mesopotamian lesbian basket weaving is super valuable. In the end Josephine who listened to all of the garbage from teachers makes minimum wage with a college degree taking decades to be in a place where she can pay off her student loans. The system is broken, therefore instead of passing 'moar laws' we need local solutions not gigantic ham fisted nothingburgers from politicians.

Mom of Texas school massacre victim is told her daughter could have lived after being shot through the back but she bled out in the 40 minutes it took for cops to storm classroom - as DOJ launches probe into police response​


Mom of Texas school massacre victim is told her daughter could have lived after being shot through the back but she bled out in the 40 minutes it took for cops to storm classroom - as DOJ launches probe into police response​

While theyre at it, they should launch a probe into the former FBI agent who was communicating with the shooter
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