3 gun at HSC

I just found this info on the HSC website:


Work is in progress to arrange a Harvard-Westford 3 Gun Team Challenge. Dates are set for May 21 and 22. Saturday, May 21, will be held at Westford with Sporting clays and trap event, followed by an informal cook-out. Sunday shooting will be held at Harvard with a handgun steel plate challenge, precision rifle and another cook-out. This will be a team event with 4 shooters on each team that is entered. If you would like to participate, please contact the HSC chairman for the event, Greg Strom, by e-mail: gstrom@easoftware.com or phone: 978-263-8992. More information will follow soon…….
That looks like a good time. Anyone going to make the trip. What do you need for the pistol shoot?
I dont have a shotgun (yet) but that sounds cool just to watch. I'm kinda interested in the contact email..easoftware.Does he work at Electronic Arts,and can he get me free stuff or a beta tester for future pc releases. :P
I have a Mass legal Colt M4gery, Remington 870, and Sig Sauer P226 and/or P228 so I definitely am interested.......too bad my guns in Maine arent Mass legal......anyways - I have enough to compete - not sure how the competition goes though..........
next time I speak with the club Ill see what info I can get. Jsmith- I think you can bring any gun you want to MA as long as your going to a shoot. Though I wouldnt want to test it out.

I was in Baumholder from 91-94, Aco 3-12IN, made it to freidburg a few times...
As long as you have a MA LTC-A you can bring ANY handguns into MA. For NON-Military, you MUST register all of them with FA-10s as soon as you bring them across the state line (only exception is if you literally moved in with them as part of your possessions being moved into MA at the same time).

For Military, I do NOT know if you need to register them or not if you do not consider MA as your legal residence. I'd have to ask Chief Ron Glidden for a ruling on that situation.

BTW, there is NO process for "UN-Registering" any gun you have previously registered, no matter what. If you sell it privately or to an FFL, it will ALWAYS show up on MA records as belonging to you (and perhaps another handful of people). This makes their precious database useless, but they just love having info on as many people as possible, regardless of accuracy!
A gun being "MA Legal" ONLY refers to what a FFL can or can not sell "in state". This law has NO effect on the legality of OWNING/Possessing any handgun! Private sales of said "unapproved" handguns is PERFECTLY LEGAL under the provisions of "Chapter 180".
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