300 blackout suppressor recommendations


NES Member
Oct 2, 2011
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So my sister has been living in Maine for a couple years and got her first AR in 300 blackout last winter, but she wants something lighter so she can hold it easier
She doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of going down the SBR route - I tried.

So the next thing I recommended was a AR pistol. She ordered this PSA AR pistol yesterday

Anyway, now she wants to get a suppressor. What would you guys recommend for a suppressor that’s not too obnoxiously long and heavy, but yet quiet enough so she can shoot on her land and not annoy her neighbors too much.

I live in MA so I know next to nothing about suppressors. Anything else to consider with that particular AR pistol and mounting a suppressor?
She’s not far from Augusta so I recommended that she go to one of the dealers that has a silencer shop kiosk to do all the paperwork, find a suppressor etc.
That would make it really easy for her I think
Budget is going to be a big driver. Check out pew science for research. If money isn't a big issue then just get the CAT ODB off silencershop.com.
Budget is going to be a big driver. Check out pew science for research. If money isn't a big issue then just get the CAT ODB off silencershop.com.
Thanks. Definitely a good point regarding the budget. She had quite the sticker shock when I told her how much they typically go for. I need to narrow that down with her. She’s probably going to need to wait several months to save up some money to buy this
I am running a Nomad on one of my 300blk. It runs well and everyone loves it. I have a ODB in jail that i’m looking forward to trying. It really depends on her budget. There are some really great cans out right now.
Nice! What barrel length?
She can get a can that's light or a can that's cheap, but likely not both. The Liberty Precision Anthem (steel) or Mach (titaniun) looks promising and I've only read/heard good things. She can also get the QD version if she goes Anthem, which comes with a discounted Reardon hub mount, 1/2×28 flash hider and 5/8×24 brake.

Also, make sure she checks bore alignment and, if using a QD system, she either torques the muzzle device directly to the barrel shoulder or uses peel washers to time it. This is especially critical given it's going on a PSA rifle with questionable QC. Crush washers are a no go with cans in general.
Omega 300 for a 30 cal suppressor. I have many. If you’re running dedicated on a 300 BLK, you can even do something like the SiCo Spectre. Very short and very light. Not as overbuilt as the Omega 300 but for 300 BLK, doesn’t need to be. It’s under 4 oz and under 5 inches in length but will handle full auto subsonic 300 BLK and semi-auto supersonic 300 BLK.
So many suppressors are out of stock or backordered on silencershop.com
That normal? I figure going through the SS kiosk would be the easiest route for her
So many suppressors are out of stock or backordered on silencershop.com
That normal? I figure going through the SS kiosk would be the easiest route for her
Yes most are going like hotcakes. With the insanely quick approvals coming through the manufacturers are churning them out as quick as possible. Supply is currently not keeping up with demand. imo do your research, save up and put in your order with SS for the can you want if that’s the easiest supplier for you. They will fill the back order. I submitted a back order for a OCM5 with them around christmas. Thought it was going to be a while. Couple days later they filled the back order. Just certified it today. biggest determining factor will be budget.

Edit to add. you can look at other suppliers but if you want to use a SS dealer. you’ll usually have to pay a NFA transfer for your shop and then they will add it to your SS account to process it through SS. I do that with things I can’t buy directly through SS. or when I can get a better price including the NFA transfer. ie a mk18 risIII sbr for 1700 plus $100 transfer. when it’s 2300 through SS.
Yes most are going like hotcakes. With the insanely quick approvals coming through the manufacturers are churning them out as quick as possible. Supply is currently not keeping up with demand. imo do your research, save up and put in your order with SS for the can you want if that’s the easiest supplier for you. They will fill the back order. I submitted a back order for a OCM5 with them around christmas. Thought it was going to be a while. Couple days later they filled the back order. Just certified it today. biggest determining factor will be budget.
Cool cool. Ya I told her try to set aside like $1200. She definitely wants something light and quiet. I saw this one marked as in stock but when I clicked on it it’s OOS
May be overkill but I figured since she’ll want to shoot supers and subs it would be good to have
So many great 30cal options out right now. check out some of the printed cans as well. I’m picking up a ODB 718 tomorrow. Can’t wait to try it on my 300blk and 556.
So many great 30cal options out right now. check out some of the printed cans as well. I’m picking up a ODB 718 tomorrow. Can’t wait to try it on my 300blk and 556.
CAT’s warranty is ridiculous compared to competitors. It straight up sucks. No thanks. If printed, I’d go B&T WAY before I’d go CAT.
Straight from CAT:

“If you break it & it’s user error or not using their mount

  • “If your CAT suppressor is broken or cocked up because of some stupid shit you did, we WILL NOT replace it. If you use anyone else’s accessory and it blows out the end, sends a round through the side, that’s on you buddy, and we WILL NOT replace it.”
  • “CAT suppressors are engineered to line up exactly with the bore of your rifle (including a bore tolerance slightly larger than the caliber rated for your suppressor), as do our muzzle devices, so it defies engineering logic with all things equal that you’d have a failure.”
  • “Please don’t try and say the suppressor was on one of our muzzle devices, because we’ll ask for a receipt and a photo of all the parts, and we’ll see what you did to it in two seconds. We just won’t replace suppressors because of stupidity, laziness or lack of commonsense, and anyone who thinks we should is an idiot too (you can buy each other beers and cry yourselves to sleep).”
If you break it using their complete mount system

  • “If you buy a CAT suppressor, muzzle device and a reducer as a complete system, we are going to fix it by replacing it entirely in every case not because you want us to but because that’s who we want to be.” I would read this to mean an entirely new silencer & serial number, therefore new Form 4 wait - but this is unconfirmed speculation
Customer service while waiting

  • “please don’t annoy us with questions while we are trying to fix it. We don’t have time to explain what is wrong with it. We don’t want to not communicate with you because we don’t love you, we just have so much shit going on in the real world.”
  • “We don’t need you to confirm with us that we received your magic wand. You tracked it to us, didn’t you? Ok, then leave us alone, we’ll turn it around as quickly as our work schedule allows. You just do your part, we’ll do ours.”
  • “Again, we love you but if you’re disappointed by the fact that we had zero contact with you and won’t engage in 3-4 conversations on email, Instapop or your Mommy’s Facebook account about the status of whatever you’re on about, dry your eyes, Princess. We have Ying and Svetlana on social media to answer your questions, but we don’t have time at CGS’ factory in Area 51. We can either fix your sweet 6″ cherry blaster or we can email back and forth, maybe talk on the phone about your thoughts on advanced material dynamics when we could be working.”

  • “Any new wand blaster that you may wish to return will incur a $300 Restocking Fee, not our fault you get Buyer’s Remorse.”
Defective Product Returns

  • “You have had five (5) f***ing calendar days to play with your balls and return any defective CAT product from the date you received it. If you send us any CAT product back, it must be in the original packaging, and must be accompanied by your original receipt or proof of purchase, not a note from your Mommy.”
  • “Once we receive your defective CAT product, we will inspect it and notify you that we have received your return (with an acknowledgement that we probably f***ed it up at our North Korean Sweatshop), so we’re sending you a new one.”
I’m neutral here, just highlighting the key takeaways.

Only thing I wholeheartedly disagree with is the 5-day window to return a defective product… if I’m a weekend warrior & receive a new mount on Monday but I’m not shooting until Sunday, I might not be aware of a defect until I use it. If you send me a defective product, you should be willing to replace it period… at a minimum, you should be open exchanging a defective product within 30 days.”

Yeah, F these guys.
That was their launch warranty. They updated it shortly after launch. This is their current stated warranty. Warranty and Returns – Specters Cat imo seems reasonable to me.
In other words, they realized they were being arrogant and oblivious to a competitive market place that’s customers expect decent customer service.
Cool cool. Ya I told her try to set aside like $1200. She definitely wants something light and quiet. I saw this one marked as in stock but when I clicked on it it’s OOS
May be overkill but I figured since she’ll want to shoot supers and subs it would be good to have
I wouldn't even waste the tax stamp money on a free Deadair can. Read about the Deadair/KGM QC issues and the fiasco over the Sierra 5. Deadair went silent on all their customers with open RMAs after they drop shipped thousands of defective cans from the OEM (KGM) straight to dealers with no in-house QC. Baffles falling out after a couple hundred rounds turning them into maracas.

At $1200, there's so many other options out there.
I wouldn't even waste the tax stamp money on a free Deadair can. Read about the Deadair/KGM QC issues and the fiasco over the Sierra 5. Deadair went silent on all their customers with open RMAs after they drop shipped thousands of defective cans from the OEM (KGM) straight to dealers with no in-house QC. Baffles falling out after a couple hundred rounds turning them into maracas.

At $1200, there's so many other options out there.
Oh shit thanks for letting me know. I’ll remove dead air from the list lol
Deadair screwed up with their Sierra-5 release. that’s for sure. There was a lot of rumors and drama surrounding it. I will say though I’ve found their products otherwise to be exactly what I may be looking for. from the Nomad, Wolverine, Mask etc. I have moved away from Keymo but their new Lazarus 6 is interesting. If one of their suppressors fits your usecase. I’d still consider it, but it doesn’t need to be at the top of the list.

Seems like there is a lot of drama in the suppressor industry. but also some awesome products being released. I’m laughing at the OCL vs Q drama now.

fwiw I just got my ODB mounted onto my BCM 300blk. Will test fire it later today. Used a Rearden R2S and an Atlas mount. Textbook alignment. IMG_9155.jpeg IMG_9156.jpeg
Deadair screwed up with their Sierra-5 release. that’s for sure. There was a lot of rumors and drama surrounding it. I will say though I’ve found their products otherwise to be exactly what I may be looking for. from the Nomad, Wolverine, Mask etc. I have moved away from Keymo but their new Lazarus 6 is interesting. If one of their suppressors fits your usecase. I’d still consider it, but it doesn’t need to be at the top of the list.

Seems like there is a lot of drama in the suppressor industry. but also some awesome products being released. I’m laughing at the OCL vs Q drama now.

fwiw I just got my ODB mounted onto my BCM 300blk. Will test fire it later today. Used a Rearden R2S and an Atlas mount. Textbook alignment. View attachment 955581View attachment 955583

After the Sierra 5 debacle, and how Dead Air treated their customers, I will never give that company my money out of spite/principle.
For all the shit talking Kevin does, OCL has him dead to rights on this. This is unacceptable. Is it a sample size of exactly 1? Yes, but odds are the only can they created like this didn’t just end up in the hands of OCL.
Kevin is a narcissist. Even if the weld is a one-off, which I'm sure it isn't, there is nothing new or special about this design to justify the $1150 pricetag and he continues to dig his grave with every video and comment he posts. He also talked a ton of shit about the the Polonium, which is the same length as the Southpaw, then Q made a video comparing the Southpaw to the Polonium K, a shorter can that costs less than half the price, which the Southpaw only beat by 2ish decibels.

TL;DR - Q can shove it.
But Q will stand behind their products unlike Dead Air. Good peoples.
yea idk about the good people part. you must have missed the part where Kevin slandered OCL all over the internet in defense of his biased comparison video days after Andrew's brother passed away unexpectedly.
yea idk about the good people part. you must have missed the part where Kevin slandered OCL all over the internet in defense of his biased comparison video days after Andrew's brother passed away unexpectedly.

Both companies taking pot shots at one another is pretty ghetto. Such it is in the age of Internet marketing.
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