ender 3 v2, 32 bit 4.2.2 board.
and i have, actually, a CR sensor, one from creality itself, but the BL sensor. no clue if it requires a diff code or same.
i also saw in the youtube that is can be a high speed or slow speed - no clue yet what that means.
i just had a long meeting with mentally challenged individuals, so feel a bit more infuriated than usual, sorry.
i do not know if the firmware with the filament end sensor will or will not work without the sensor.
as of max temp - i have all stock parts and just steel nozzle and updated tubes, so i guess the 285 is the possible safe max?
also do not know which version is safest to go with - 2.1.1, or 2.0.x, or whatever.
if you could compile it for me it would be greatly appreciated.