4 months, 7 days processing time for a non resident ltc in CT UPDATED !

Congratulations, make sure you stay up to date with CT laws, No AR15, no threaded barrels even on pistols.


(1) We can still have preban assault weapons. Some people myself included have a more conservative interpretation of the preban exemption and choose not to own specific banned by name models or banned by type models (Thompson, MAC, AK-47) from the old list, as a matter of cautious prudence. That said there are many places that will sell them under the more liberal interpretation that DESPP has put out there.

I have no concern about owning non-named/non-type prebans, such as my preban PWA AR.

(2) Threaded barrels are never prohibited on manual action (e.g. pump, lever, bolt, break action) and single shot firearms. A threaded barrel on a semi-automatic pistol is sufficient features to make it an assault weapon. On certain semi-automatic long guns (e.g. rimfire rifles) a threaded barrel is a countable feature, but is not inherently prohibited in and of itself (e.g. a 10/22 with a threaded barrel and no other assault weapon features is legal). [rimfire rifles are subject to the old 2-feature test, meaning that the presence of a detachable and 2 features makes it an assault weapon] With respect to semi-automatic centerfire rifles a threaded barrel is not an assault weapon feature in and of itself any more. PA 13-3 replaced the "threaded barrel designed to accomodate a flash suppressor" with the flash suppressor itself as being the feature.
Just received Ct State Permit to Carry. in mail when I got home from looking at some land in NH.
Time frame sent app out April 6 they received April 8
Got the full application back on April 19 Glitch with NRA Basic of pistol shooting certificate
fixed sent out they received on April 22
Issue date was July 28
So 114 days from April 8 or
100 days from April 22


Congrats! still waiting here. sent in April 7th and still have yet to get anything; that makes it about 133 days from the day they received my app. they cashed the money orders a while ago. I wonder what the hold up is [thinking]
Finally received my CT license today. [smile]

Sent in my application January 30th.

They received your application on 02/04/16

Received today June 10th.

127 days or 4 months, 7 days between receipt of application by CT and in my hands.


I must be getting mine soon. They received my application on June 6th...Maybe sometime this week or next? [thinking]

Would love to get it so I can cover my ass when I go to steel plate shoots down here...
I waited 4 months for a Ri Resident LTC. Going for CT nonresident next. Do I need a birth certificate thats newly issued or will they accept a copy? Thanks

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Finally received my non resident carry permit.

They received the application on 6/10/16, I received the permit yesterday in the mail, 10/11/16.
Finally received my non resident carry permit.

They received the application on 6/10/16, I received the permit yesterday in the mail, 10/11/16.

Son of a....[laugh]

They got your app after mine and you got your permit before me!? Well sounds like I should be getting it soon.
Son of a....[laugh]

They got your app after mine and you got your permit before me!? Well sounds like I should be getting it soon.

I was kind of surprised, after reading about the timeline of others I was thinking at least another week or so before I would see mine.
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I was kind of surprised, after reading about the timeline of others I was thinking at least another week or so before I would see mine.

My wife just told me now that I got a package from the state of Connecticut yesterday in the mail (i'm currently working in Connecticut so I wasn't home). Looks like I finally got it.
I live very close to the RI border and ride all the time in RI and CT.

My next challenge which I'm preparing for is to attempt to get RI license.

I accept the challenge
Did you ever end up getting your Rhode Island License?
If not very easy to obtain it through Foster Rhode Island. And best of all it only took 4 weeks
For what it may be worth: I mailed my CT Non-Res Renewal on August 3, 2024. New permit was issued on August 14th, and it was received in the mail today. And the next expiration date runs to 5 years from old expiration date, not 5 years from new issue date (as it as done on prior renewals).
I hold a MA LTC, does CT require I still take a CT- approved safety course for an out-of-state pistol permit?

I live in Western MA, if I have to, where's a good place to go? Thanks!
I hold a MA LTC, does CT require I still take a CT- approved safety course for an out-of-state pistol permit?

I live in Western MA, if I have to, where's a good place to go? Thanks!
As I understand it, yes you would. They changed the course and requirements for CT permit applications (resident and non resident) submitted on or after July 1, 2024. The new state approved course now needs to be done within the past two years and must contain the new information required by the permitting statute. The state has a PDF with the list of approved instructors (as of 8/9/24):

CT Approved Instructors (updated 8/9/24)

The main pistol permit page for CT if you haven't already seen it:
I hold a MA LTC, does CT require I still take a CT- approved safety course for an out-of-state pistol permit?

I live in Western MA, if I have to, where's a good place to go? Thanks!
I believe that if you a MA BFS certificate and the certificate says "Live Fire," Connecticut will accept it. They have accepted certificates I have issued to a number of folks.
They have accepted certificates I have issued to a number of folks.
Was that before or after July 1, 2024?
New course requirements, and two year limit on that course, went into effect for pistol permit applications filed on or after July 1, 2024.

Sec. 29-28. Permit for sale at retail of firearms. Permit to carry pistol or revolver. Confidentiality of name and address of permit holder. Permits for out-of-state residents.
(b) ... No state or temporary state permit to carry a pistol or revolver shall be issued under this subsection if the applicant: (1) (A) For any application filed prior to July 1, 2024, has failed to successfully complete a course approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection in the safety and use of pistols and revolvers including, but not limited to, a safety or training course in the use of pistols and revolvers available to the public offered by a law enforcement agency, a private or public educational institution or a firearms training school, utilizing instructors certified by the National Rifle Association or the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and a safety or training course in the use of pistols or revolvers conducted by an instructor certified by the state or the National Rifle Association, and (B) for any application filed on or after July 1, 2024, has failed to successfully complete, not earlier than two years prior to the submission of such application, a course approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection in the safety and use of firearms, which courses may include those certified by the National Rifle Association or other organizations, conducted by an instructor certified by the National Rifle Association or by the state, provided any such course includes instruction in state law requirements pertaining to safe storage in the home and in vehicles, lawful use of firearms and lawful carrying of firearms in public.
There are additional information/form(s) that the instructor may need as well that can be found on the SLFU website.
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