.43 Spanish Remington rollong block


NES Member
Jun 9, 2006
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I'd like to get a rolling block in .43 Spanish but know nothing about them. I saw one in a shop for $600.00. That seems like a good price but the rifle looks too good to be original. I want a shooter with a good bore and don't care if it's been refinished. Dies, bullet molds and sizing dies are pretty easy to find but brass is difficult. Anybody know where to get brass or have any comments on this rifle?
They are a hoot.
An Argentine Rolling Block owner was referred to me for ammo some time back. I had plastic stringers with about 25 rounds of uncharged ammo complete with primer and cast bullet. As best as I could determine these were .43 Spanish rounds. Absolutely no markings on the extra large berdan-primed brass, which had three flash holes.
Loaded them up with Trail Boss (as I recall) and he subsequently brought the rifle over. They chambered just as advertised and we shot a few of them. Sadly, no primer source to get them reloaded.
Buffalo Arms is likely your best bet for brass and dies, albeit premium $$.


I have one in very nice condition, ammo is just a little hard to come by. If that gun is still at that gun shop go back, and buy it you won't regret it.
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