7.62x39 AR Bolt Carrier Groups. Any designed for steel cased ammo?

Feb 19, 2008
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When the assault ban gets overturned, I'd like to pick up a 7.62 x 39 AR rifle. I've heard that they are very reliable, provided you use the right magazines.

I've also heard that the steel cased ammo coming out of the Soviet bloc, is hard on bolt carrier groups. In fact, Anderson specifically states that they don't recommend using steel ammo with their AR bolt carrier groups.

Does any manufacturer make a BCG that can handle steel cased ammo, or do you just buy a bunch of BCGs, and replace them when they wear?

It's not the carrier that has an issue, it's the bolt itself. There is less material.
View attachment 775750

So you should keep and extra on hand along with extractors.

OP there’s some good info in this thread. I had to replace a couple extractors which is short money.
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