7 Dead in Santa Barbara Shooting

The reason I asked you if you were a Children's Therapist is you seem to have developed your own criteria for what "dangerous" is. And predicting that an 8 year old will grow up and potentially become a mass murderer would be impossible. You continue to use hindsight in your arguments- no therapist in this world is going to lock up an 8 year old child because they may grow up and may go on a killing rampage!

There is the answer right there. This is what you think and why you say what you do.

While you are correct this time, you are incorrect a hundred thousand times with others. Just because soccer mom seeks out a therapist for her struggling 8 year old the child is broken?

^^^^This guy used "struggling" and i decided to use his criteria, and he clearly see's the difference if he suggests that "struggling" kids exist. Therefore we can actually say that filtering "dangerous" people from "struggling" can be done accurately.
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Why do you insist on labeling people as dangerous, borderline dangerous, normal etc?? Life isn't black and white rwkjunior. JFC!

With all due respect, I think your ideologies are more dangerous than Elliot Rodger.



If your trying to Embarrass me it won't work. This is way off topic but i have no problem entertaining your poor excuse for putting me down.

Just because my signature says I'm "suppose" to be liberal it doesn't mean i am, thats the other problem with people, they assume that if you believe or belong to "X"then this is who you are, but you couldn't be more wrong, i'm about as far from being a member of any party as one could get, in other words, i'm all over the place, and registered independent. I joined the Union cause college wasn't for me, and had no real direction, the opportunity arose and i jumped on it, it had nothing to do with my political position, i was 19 and could've cared less about politics, the money and benefits were the biggest reasons, the shoe just fit.

I'm not actually a "Pipefitter", i'm a member, but on the Refrigeration technician side, but thats neither here nor there. Now your deflecting, and exaggerating everything i have said because you know your ignoring the facts. Why would you suggest that locking up an individual with a drug problem is the same as locking up a person thats diagnosed by a doctor to be a danger to society and himself?? It's an entirely different situation, and you know it is, your just trying imply that i suggested everyone should be locked up for minor issues, and thats not what i said, as clear as day, but your ignoring it because you have to stick to a certain criteria on NES.

And as far as the drug problem goes, i'm not on job sites like you suggest since i'm in another division. If i was on a job site i would absolutely turn a blind eye, i can't help a person that doesn't believe he has a problem, and usually they get caught in some way shape or form because they can't hide it forever.
I have no problem with 3 strikes and your out, or a piss test, a drug issue can be helped with rehab if the person decides to stick to being sober. But again we are talking about 2 completely different issues here, Pipefitters don't perform mass killings on innocent people due to being hooked on pain pills etc etc. Now if you can't differentiate a drug problem and a dangerous sociopath properly then there is no hope for you.

The facts are all there your just choosing to ignore them, and then judge me by my signature, shame on you.

WTH does pill popping pipe fitters have to do with this story? And junkies aren't dangerous?
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Why do you insist on labeling people as dangerous, borderline dangerous, normal etc?? Life isn't black and white rwkjunior. JFC!


I didn't label anyone, Elliots Doctor called him dangerous, so im using dangerous. someone else used "struggling" so it seems other people know that there are obvious differences in mental illness criteria. It really isn't difficult to understand if you want to.

If your trying to Embarrass me it won't work. This is way off topic but i have no problem entertaining your poor excuse for putting me down.

Just because my signature says I'm "suppose" to be liberal it doesn't mean i am, thats the other problem with people, they assume that if you believe or belong to "X"then this is who you are, but you couldn't be more wrong, i'm about as far from being a member of any party as one could get, in other words, i'm all over the place, and registered independent. I joined the Union cause college wasn't for me, and had no real direction, the opportunity arose and i jumped on it, it had nothing to do with my political position, i was 19 and could've cared less about politics, the money and benefits were the biggest reasons, the shoe just fit.

I'm not actually a "Pipefitter", i'm a member, but on the Refrigeration technician side, but thats neither here nor there. Now your deflecting, and exaggerating everything i have said because you know your ignoring the facts. Why would you suggest that locking up an individual with a drug problem is the same as locking up a person thats diagnosed by a doctor to be a danger to society and himself?? It's an entirely different situation, and you know it is, your just trying imply that i suggested everyone should be locked up for minor issues, and thats not what i said, as clear as day, but your ignoring it because you have to stick to a certain criteria on NES.

And as far as the drug problem goes, i'm not on job sites like you suggest since i'm in another division. If i was on a job site i would absolutely turn a blind eye, i can't help a person that doesn't believe he has a problem, and usually they get caught in some way shape or form because they can't hide it forever.
I have no problem with 3 strikes and your out, or a piss test, a drug issue can be helped with rehab if the person decides to stick to being sober. But again we are talking about 2 completely different issues here, Pipefitters don't perform mass killings on innocent people due to being hooked on pain pills etc etc. Now if you can't differentiate a drug problem and a dangerous sociopath properly then there is no hope for you.

The facts are all there your just choosing to ignore them, and then judge me by my signature, shame on you.

Not trying to embarrass you one bit. It's really not off topic though, there are many similarities here, and you just may not see them.
i have zero college, zero. I'm not attacking you because you're in a union, I am also in a union, and get attacked constantly, big deal right?

you said you would absolutely turn a blind eye on that job site, because you can't help a person that doesn't believe he has a problem, and usually they get caught in some way shape or form because they can't hide it forever.

Klebold, Harris, Lanza, Rodgers all clearly had problems that they hid. They hid them well enough from LE, parents, and doctors, and when did they get caught? When they couldn't hide it forever. It is the same thought process as the pill abusing pipe fitter, laborer, or cop. They get caught when they hit rock bottom, or when they smoke a bunch of innocents.

I don't think I meet or stick to any specific criteria on NES, in fact I'm pretty much in the cannon fodder group here, and I wear my big boy pants here just like when I'm at work.

Thedoctors and therapists only come out after the fact in these cases. How do you quantify that an 8 year old is a danger to society? Because he chewed a pop tart into a gun? Can an 8 year old exhibit sociopathic traits? I don't know, it's not my lane. What is my lane though, is dealing with people who lie, who know their rights, and know the ins and outs of the system. Rodgers is a perfect example. You and I have had the exact same amount of training when it comes to dealing with people with mental issues, I have the benefit of 26 years of experience dealing with people. Do you think you could have seen this coming from Rodgers from one interview, with zero training?
Why do you insist on labeling people as dangerous, borderline dangerous, normal etc?? Life isn't black and white rwkjunior. JFC!


WTH does pill popping pipe fitters have to do with this story? And junkies aren't dangerous?

Your signature line kind of goes against your argument here doesn't it?
And if I were to mention the rampant pain killer abuse amongst pipe fitters, what would you say to that? One of the biggest groups of abusers there is, and that is a fact. So should they all be locked up? How about evaluated or polygraphed? Piss tested, sure, but we know there are ways around that right? And there is always second and third chances for the guys that piss hot, right? Is that ok with you, or should they all be fired, right on the spot, and not given a second or third chance? Do you mention this to your bosses? If you've worked on a job sight, you've seen it, do you turn a blind eye?

This guy brought up pill popping pipefitter junkies, so i answered him.

Maybe you should follow a whole thread before Commenting and not show up judging me 5 pages later.

I'm sorry but the instances of a junkie on a job site killing his union brother ar far lower than sociopaths shooting up the public.

I'm more concerened with what the libs use as fuel for taking away our 2nd amendment rights.
Not trying to embarrass you one bit. It's really not off topic though, there are many similarities here, and you just may not see them.
i have zero college, zero. I'm not attacking you because you're in a union, I am also in a union, and get attacked constantly, big deal right?

you said you would absolutely turn a blind eye on that job site, because you can't help a person that doesn't believe he has a problem, and usually they get caught in some way shape or form because they can't hide it forever.

Klebold, Harris, Lanza, Rodgers all clearly had problems that they hid. They hid them well enough from LE, parents, and doctors, and when did they get caught? When they couldn't hide it forever. It is the same thought process as the pill abusing pipe fitter, laborer, or cop. They get caught when they hit rock bottom, or when they smoke a bunch of innocents.

I don't think I meet or stick to any specific criteria on NES, in fact I'm pretty much in the cannon fodder group here, and I wear my big boy pants here just like when I'm at work.

Thedoctors and therapists only come out after the fact in these cases. How do you quantify that an 8 year old is a danger to society? Because he chewed a pop tart into a gun? Can an 8 year old exhibit sociopathic traits? I don't know, it's not my lane. What is my lane though, is dealing with people who lie, who know their rights, and know the ins and outs of the system. Rodgers is a perfect example. You and I have had the exact same amount of training when it comes to dealing with people with mental issues, I have the benefit of 26 years of experience dealing with people. Do you think you could have seen this coming from Rodgers from one interview, with zero training?

These problems weren't hidden from the doctors or family members, they knew, they knew since he was 8, yes, maybe at 8 he isn't a present danger, but they knew as he grew older his problem would become dangerous. The patient himself doesn't know he's dangerous, he's sick in the head and will never know he's f'd up.
Do you actually think the doctor and family are going to announce that their kid is a danger to society, hell no??. Thats another problem, someone else posted that these parents need to accept the fact that their child isn't just a struggling kid that can be lightly medicated and go through life without a hitch, Adam lanzas and Elliot rodgers are on a different level entirely, that why they make national headlines with horrific crimes. It's more black and white than i think you want to accept.

The one interview your talking about was with the L.E. and they have absolutely no business evaluating a sociopath, so i'm not surprised by what transpired at the police station. The police should only be involved if the parent or doctor insists there is an issue, and do what they say, no more no less. I believe that this one piece of many pieces to a big puzzle that should be corrected, do as the doctor and family say, they are the ones that know every detail of his past and present issues.

These are the facts and your still ignoring them, it couldn't be more clear.
These problems weren't hidden from the doctors or family members, they knew, they knew since he was 8, yes, maybe at 8 he isn't a present danger, but they knew as he grew older his problem would become dangerous. The patient himself doesn't know he's dangerous, he's sick in the head and will never know he's f'd up.
Do you actually think the doctor and family are going to announce that their kid is a danger to society, hell no??. Thats another problem, someone else posted that these parents need to accept the fact that their child isn't just a struggling kid that can be lightly medicated and go through life without a hitch, Adam lanzas and Elliot rodgers are on a different level entirely, that why they make national headlines with horrific crimes. It's more black and white than i think you want to accept.

The one interview your talking about was with the L.E. and they have absolutely no business evaluating a sociopath, so i'm not surprised by what transpired at the police station. The police should only be involved if the parent or doctor insists there is an issue, and do what they say, no more no less. I believe that this one piece of many pieces to a big puzzle that should be corrected, do as the doctor and family say, they are the ones that know every detail of his past and present issues.

These are the facts and your still ignoring them, it couldn't be more clear.
But, you said earlier that LE dropped the ball.
I'm sorry but the instances of a junkie on a job site killing his union brother ar far lower than sociopaths shooting up the public.

If we want to get frank about it, either is statistically insignificant.

I'm more concerened with what the libs use as fuel for taking away our 2nd amendment rights.

Yet, you play into their garbage mindset by practically endorsing the same statist BS they love. [thinking]
I must be in the wrong thread from the last few pages I tried to catch up with[smile]
Thought this was about the lunatic in Santa B. Carry On Gents!
He killed 3 people with a knife and ran others down with his car...

That was an inconvenient truth I guess?

Amazing how I wasn't aware of this either. Granted, we get desensitized or overwhelmed or whatever by media coverage ("GUNS ARE BAD"!!) blah blah blah, but here it is nearly a month later and only now I notice that he stabbed his first 3 victims, and only because of a news story today about the first 3 victims' families wanting to know how this one man could've overpowered, and then killed, three "men" with a knife....http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/parents-elliot-rodgers-1st-victims-speak-24243061

I'm privately guessing the stabbing victims might have been three, um, "Starbucks" metro-sensitive type "men" of this new millennium, but I don't want to be thought of as angry neanderthal by disrespecting the dead.

And not to be "insensitive" either, but it left me wondering why BloomTurd didn't recruit any of these stabbing victims' families for a commercial on all three major networks...(not to mention an "ad" on every YouTube video you'd click "play" and get the usual YouTube mini-ad, but this one with the grieving - and ranting - father who has become the face of the "Knives....(OOPS! I meant "Guns") are BAD" campaign by the Anti's..

I'm also wondering if the Chipotle Restaurant chain has immediately announced a ban on all knives, even plastic ones, at their locations...and, of course, especially those nasty "Assault Knives"??!!! [wink]
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I'm privately guessing the stabbing victims might have been three, um, "Starbucks" metro-sensitive type "men" of this new millennium, but I don't want to be thought of as angry neanderthal by disrespecting the dead.

And not to be "insensitive" either, but it left me wondering why BloomTurd didn't recruit any of these stabbing victims' families for a commercial on all three major networks...(not to mention an "ad" on every YouTube video you'd click "play" and get the usual YouTube mini-ad, but this one with the grieving - and ranting - father who has become the face of the "Knives....(OOPS! I meant "Guns") are BAD" campaign by the Anti's..

WTF? Why are you ridiculing victims of a multiple knife slaying?
I haven't read that article you posted, but his plan was to kill 2 of them in their sleep, then lure others into the apartment.

Since the people he knifed were metrosexuals, I guess the people he ran over with his car must have been fat out and of shape and deserving it too.

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WTF? Why are you ridiculing victims of a multiple knife slaying?
I haven't read that article you posted, but his plan was to kill 2 of them in their sleep, then lure others into the apartment.

Since the people he knifed were metrosexuals, I guess the people he ran over with his car must have been fat out and of shape and deserving it too.

Lighten up Francis.
WTF? Why are you ridiculing victims of a multiple knife slaying?
I haven't read that article you posted, but his plan was to kill 2 of them in their sleep, then lure others into the apartment.

Since the people he knifed were metrosexuals, I guess the people he ran over with his car must have been fat out and of shape and deserving it too.


I'm not. Nobody said they "deserved" anything...It was more a general comment about the young generation these days. I have two daughters, and either one could walk into a Starbucks and kick the living sh*t out of most of the young "men" in there. Granted they are half Irish and half Sicilian, meaning they're tough and hard-headed to boot, this is now a nation of under-30 wussies who live with Mommy, being taught "guns are bad", and to not chew their PopTarts into the shape of an AR, or they will be sent home from school...

They almost pee themselves when 2 or 3 minority dudes are walking down the street towards them. They put their heads down, tell their girlfriends (who are usually tougher than them) to keep their eyes down, don't make any eye contact, etc etc, and hope that the "situation" doesn't get "scary", cuz then they will literally sh*t themselves while hoping they don't get "hurt" etc etc etc...

It was a comment about the overall state of the younger, and yes fat and out of shape (from playing Madden NFL and computer virtual sports games and eating garbage) wimp generation we've (not me, but "we" as a nation) created in this "great nation" we live in. They don't pay attention to politics, down't vote, they bow to the dirtbag in the White House because they don't want to be outed on Facebook or Twitter as being "insensitive" or "mean spirited" etc. Any "thoughts" they have aren't their own - they get them from "social media" as their friends tell them what to think, what to say, what's "cool" etc. They whine about being bullied in school so Mommy and Daddy have to come down and threaten to bring the media to the school, etc etc....It's a joke and a bad one.

My post was speaking to the irony of how some people were "shocked" and/or "surprised" that one kid could "overpower" three. Nowadys, one guy can stand up on a train or bus and threaten everyone on it and nobody moves, people start cowering etc. When I was a kid I'd take anyone on, and 2 or 3 guys also on board would join in and beat the crap out of the as*hole.

Today they duck and wait to get stabbed. And don't say they don't, cuz these kids simply AREN'T BEING TAUGHT HOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES from the, ahem, "bad people". Take fighting out of sports, pull pictures of guns off of Facebook, don't say ANYTHING that might, you know, OFFEND someone - anyone - even if you're simply stating WHAT YOUR BELIEFS ARE.

At almost EVERY one of these shootings (which "somehow" seem to keep happening - almost ALWAYS - at a soft target/"no guns allowed" location. There is nobody present who can help, because we've created a disarmed society and a young generation that think that this is "great", to take away LEGAL guns from citizens. Hoping that "all the guns will just go away". And how you can "just dial 911" when the sh*t hits the fan, just like Mommy and Daddy (who is scared sh*tless to defend himself also) would....

And when these soft targets become, well, targets, society's "answer" is to creat more legislation making it more difficult for ME, a law abiding, sane, American citizen/parent/MAN to defend himself and his family.

The guns WILL, eventually, all go away, just the way they've hoped.
And into the hands of the bad guys.
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