7 months and still waiting on my Form 1 for an SBR build.


NES Member
Feb 6, 2014
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ATF cashed my check on December 8, 2018 for a Form 1 (Trust) SBR build.

I called after 5 months and again after 6 months and got the same answer. "It is in process". When I submitted the paperwork the NFA Tracker website was reporting a wait time of 4 months for Form 1 Trusts. Today it is reporting 5.8 months (176 Days). The report is based on a 12 month rolling window. FOr a 12 month rolling window to increase from 4 months to 5.8 months leads me to believe that the process has basically ground to a halt at the BATF.

Has anybody actually gotten a paper form 1 approved in 2019? When was it submitted?
ATF cashed my check on December 8, 2018 for a Form 1 (Trust) SBR build.

I called after 5 months and again after 6 months and got the same answer. "It is in process". When I submitted the paperwork the NFA Tracker website was reporting a wait time of 4 months for Form 1 Trusts. Today it is reporting 5.8 months (176 Days). The report is based on a 12 month rolling window. FOr a 12 month rolling window to increase from 4 months to 5.8 months leads me to believe that the process has basically ground to a halt at the BATF.

Has anybody actually gotten a paper form 1 approved in 2019? When was it submitted?

After eForm 1 came back online in October 2018 paper Form 1 definitely started to extend out. For a long time there was not a single paper Form 1 reported as approved. The ATF seemed to be making it clear they wanted people to use eForms. Just prior to the shutdown eForm 1 were being approved under 10 days. The current approval seems to have settled in around 20 days. It begs the question, why in the hell did you file a paper Form when the eForm was available?
I just checked the reddit thread. The last paper form 1 (Trust) approval I see was 7/1/19 it went pending on 10/18/18. 256 days pending to approved
Just a general education question, do Trusts have to be filed via paper? Sorry to hear your wait is so long
NO Trusts can be efiled also HOWEVER there is an issue with the efile system. I was unable to upload my Trust document in November and the Local ATF office in Bridgewater told me I had to file paper. After filing on December 5th friends were getting eFile approvals so I submitted another build in March. I had the same problem so I contacted the ATF Help Desk online and a very nice agent from West Virginia contacted me and told me that the eForm system had a known issue with uploading large PDF files as the first file (e.g. Trusts). The workaround was very simple : Create a dummy document in something other than PDF, Word, Excel, JPEG and upload it first. Then upload the Trust document second.

Voila!!!! it worked. So that FOrm 1 Trust was approved in 23 days and i'm still waiting on the December 5th paper. I've already called twice .... same Trust... same interested parties.... same fingerprints.... WTF!!!!! Nothing they can do about it.
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