89 Days - but who's counting? EDIT: 96 DAYS!

May 19, 2005
Brentwood, NH
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Cross-posted over at packing.org

I just got off the phone with my friends down at the Boston Police Department licensing office. Apparently, they're still "working on" my application. It's been 75 days since I passed my range test, 89 days since I applied.

The sergeant said it should take "another week, week and a half" or so to finish. I guess they're policy is to make applicants wait a full 100 days to "cool down" since we don't have a waiting gun purchase period here in Massachusetts.

Then he asked "That was for Sport/Target, right?" To which I replied, "Well, I applied for 'All Lawful Purposes' knowing that it could be subject to such restrictions regardless, and that I'd have to live with such restrictions."

And people wonder why Massachusetts has a shrinking population. Well, it's going to shrink by the count of four as soon as I can make it happen.

[remainder of post omitted due to my inevitable use of foul language]
[evil] [evil] [evil] [evil]

I think I've mentioned it before... I hate this state...

Bruce, seriously... Buy a Honda Insight and commute from Salem, NH...
Re: 89 Days - but who's counting?

mAss Backwards said:
The sergeant said it should take "another week, week and a half" or so to finish. I guess they're policy is to make applicants wait a full 100 days to "cool down" since we don't have a waiting gun purchase period here in Massachusetts.

100 days? I hope you were being sarcastic. The law on the books is no longer than 40 days....but then again, it's Boston, and they don't have to follow any stinking laws. WE do, but they don't.
Lynne, they DO have to follow the law, there just isn't any penalty for it, so they are not worried about it.

Imagine how many people would follow the speed limit if there was no penalty for breaking that law.

The sad fact for our friend mAss Backwards is that once the magic 40 days is over, you can assume denial for the next step. That next step is your appeal of the license denial. You only get 90 days from the end of the 40 days to file your appeal with the local court. Once those 90 days are over, you are SOL and have to reapply again - AND have to fill out that little part of the application that says "were you ever denied?".

I suspect that putting for your reason of denial as "@%*$% butthead police took 130 days to deny license and I had no privledge of appeal" would not be looked too kindly upon. However, the city will appreciate the extra $200. (In Boston you have to pay $100 for the privledge to go to Moon Island and show them that you can shoot)
Chris, you mean that Boston charges $100 to shoot a few rounds? In addition to the $100 LTC application fee?

WOW, that's mighty expensive ammo! Must be HE rounds!! [roll] [evil]
There is a $100 fee to file a petition for review with the Firearm Licensing Review Board for denials due to past convictions, not "virtual denials" due to over-bloated licensing officers sitting around with their thumbs jammed up where the sun don't shine.

In that case, if the petition review is successful the applicant can RE-APPLY (another $100 application fee).

In my case, I would be looking at a "petition for judicial review" to be filed with the district court where I live. I don't know what the fee for that is, but assume there is one. I would also assume, the original application would remain valid, but given this is Marxachusetts we're talking about, I wouldn't bank on that.

Pursuant to the normal application process, they do not charge extra for the "privilege" of having to take a range test.

Thus I wait.
Just because it's taking a long time doesn't automatically mean it's a denial. Hubby's took 138 days to get, but he did get it. One of our students just called to let us know that it took him 3 months. Don't know why that happens, but...
Chris, you are right, but since there is absolutely no penalty to the gov't, they can do as they please. If you jump into a lawsuit (only legal remedy between day 40 and day 130), you can almost be assured that the net result will be denial by a place like Boston (which doesn't believe that peons should have weapons of any sort) as "unsuitable" . . . with no recourse.

A good lawyer (Jesse Cohen) can work to "expedite" them by negotiating with them, but anything else is like poking a sleeping bear in the eye with a sharp stick!
Chris said:

I realize that long doesn't mean denied. It's just that the 'authority' seems to be able to take their sweet 'ol time, but the peasants are on the clock. It's still something you need to be aware of.


Oh, I know Chris. I just thought I'd put that in for some hope. :D
"It's still being checked over, sir. Try back next week."

- Elaine at BPD Licensing.

It's now been 96 days since I dropped off my application, got photographed and fiingerprinted.

[expletive deleted] MOTHER [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted]!.

And, oh yeah...[expletive deleted]!

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