92FS failure to feed

Jun 13, 2010
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I am still having FTFs with my beretta, and it must be the shooter.

I originally had a blued 92FS, but I had FTFs and FTEs regularly (~5/100 rounds) I had it serviced, but I worked it out that I traded it up for a 92FS Inox (which I had been interested in, and so I jumped at the deal).

The Inox is a beautiful gun, by the way.

In any case, now I am still getting a quite a few FTFs, and two FTEs. I think that some of the FTFs may have been due to the shooter 'limp-wristing,' but I know that I do not have that problem and I also had two FTFs. I had one with federal ammo, and one with winchester.

Notably, I also had two FTEs. One was a classic stovepipe, but the other did not remove the casing from the chamber, and did not attempt to load another round. I treated it like a hang fire, since we didn't notice that the casing did not eject (then we stripped the gun to check for a squib load). Nope-what had happened was the casing just sat in the chamber.

Any ideas? I am not experienced enough to know where to go with this.

Limp wrist? That will do it, not holding firmly will allow the recoil to go into your wrist/arm rather than stay in the gun and do it's job, i.e., eject and load.
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That's what I'm saying. Some of the FTFs may have been due to my wife limp-wristing it, but I am positive that is not a problem for me. I have a very firm grasp of the pistol, and still I get FTFs too.

FWIW, a friend of mine who is an experienced rifle shooter (fairly little pistol shooting) also experienced FTFs.. though I don't know how to evaluate his technique.
What kind(s) of ammo are you having issues with?

Cheapo target ammo, or personal defense stuff?

Were the two FTEs with commercial ammo, or reloads?
I've seen a bunch of FTFs with crap magazines. I used to have a pile of them, and I tossed everything but the factory Beretta mags. I've done a bunch of shooting with 92s in the Army (dirty, beat up, inexperienced shooter, you name it), and I have yet to see the FTE issues you're having. And to have the same issue with two guns in a row is strange.
I've also had FTFs with dirty mags, but I have yet to see anything like the FTEs he's describing. The second one in particular (case not ejected, new round not fed) sounds very much like a squib that had just enough force to get the bullet out of the barrel, but not quite enough to actually run the action.
Too many variables here and not enough information. For what it is worth, and my two cents, although it won't answer your question -- It sounds to me like a great opportunity to work on IA drills. I wonder what you did when you had the malfunctions????? Probably froze and looked at the weapon, no offense, but I say that because most do. Remember, Immediate Action is done instantly, from muscle memory.

Any way, I'll guess that in my time shooting the 92's, with thousands of rounds, with marginal military ball ammo -- I personally experienced less than a dozen malfunctions. This is over many years, with various 92 pistols. The gun is proven, so it boils down to shooter error, bad mags, or crummy ammo.

Good luck.
Thanks for all your advice. Let me try to clarify, so you fine people can refine your suggestions.

I am using several kinds of ammo - ALL commercial, no reloads. The FTFs occurred on three different kinds : One was a VALUE PACK of UMC ammo by either Winchester or Remington, the next was also UMC ammo by the other (Winchester or Remington), and the third was Federal ammo.

The FTEs occurred with either the Winchester or Remington UMC. I think, one of each.

This has happened with both pre-bans and the factory mags that were included with the weapon.

"The gun is proven, so it boils down to shooter error, bad mags, or crummy ammo."

I totally agree. Since I had the same issue with a different pistol, too, it is really stretching believability that it is the weapon. Also, I received new magazines with the new pistol. This occurred with the previous new factory magazines and the new new ones I got. Thus, I assume it is the shooter(s) or the ammo(s). I don't get it. And I find it REALLY confusing, because it is three different shooters and three different ammos. I figure the common thread must be that I am doing something wrong, but I have no idea.

Thanks again.
UMC ammo is made by Remington, and is generally underpowered, shitty tolerance crap. I would try WWB or Federal.
I kind of had a problem with mine when I first got it. I cleaned the crap out of it and oiled her up real good. The first time I probably oiled her up to much but I didn't care. I took her to the range and put 200 rounds through. I had a couple FTF/FTE. I repeated the steps a couple of times and viola; the gun now shoots amazing and I probably can drop it in a pile of sand and it will still work just fine. Some guns work right out of the box with no problems and some don't. I'm sure once you keep running rounds through her while keeping her well oiled you'll be fine.
Stinx: No, failure to feed. In this case, the spent casing ejects, but the new round is not loaded properly into the chamber. In each case, the round ends up pointing up at 45 degrees, with the slide resting against it, half open.

That's what I meant by FTF at least.
what kind of mags are you using? get some factory mags that are known to function.then try them.
A little over a month ago i was at the range and a guy was having the same problems with a brand new 92fs. As mine is well used i helped him by trading out mags and ammo with him. turns out after a few combinations he was having problems with both. his new mags even caused my old reliable 92fs to FTF. Suggestions from another member was to stay with the federal ammo for a while, seems to be good and available. Also to load the mags full for a month or so to weaken the spring.
Ran into him again last week after he had taken the suggestions and he was having no problems.
Did you buy the Inox new or used? Might be going through a break-in period. I've had really good luck with Winchester White Box ammo. I bought mine used, so have no idea of the round count but have never had a problem (other than my own aim :-)
I shoot everything through my 92... mostly federal, some winchester, some reloads yadda yadda yadda.... and not one issue.

i'm betting you have some bad magazines.

i have seen even new or used factory magz have issues.

there are many gun shows coming up within the next several weeks! Perfect chance to get some magz and other toys to try!!!!! ^.^
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