98k long range shooting advice

Oct 28, 2011
South Eastern, MA
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I am shooting a '44 production 98k which is in really good shape and the barrel has plenty of life. At 100 yards it's pretty spot on and offhand I can get good groups. I took it out for 300 yards for the first time and the shooting was very odd and any help correcting would be appreciated. The conditions were great very little wind and plenty of light.

Shots (8mm 198gr, from bench):

1. center hold 300 meter setting. Shot high and to the right about 1 foot out of 18 inch target.
2. 6 hold. Shot low and to left about 6 inches out of target. I think this was user error.
3. 6 hold about 3 inches out of target. Hit target high and to the right (about 1 o'clock).
4. Same hold as 3 with similar results.

After I got my holds I was able to keep it in the target so I did not adjust my holds any more but I quess I should shout about 6 inches lower and to the right to get it more spot on. So my holds are way out of the target. I do not think the wind was an issue as I shot when the flag was limp. I know that at 100yards the difference between yards and meters is negligible but at 300 yards the difference is like 75 feet I think, so I guess that accounts for the lower hold. The left drift is what is odd to me. Shout I try tapping the front sight?

suggestions from you kraut rifle fans would be appreciated. I remember reading something that krauts were trained to shoot for the belt but maybe that is apocryphal.
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My Yugo 98 shot almost 2 feet high at 200yards, I put on a taller front sight. I think they all shoot high.
What ammo where you using

The K98 sights are not exactly friendly.

What position where you shooting from. Your shooting left and right so either your hold is off or your rifle is not settling back in the same position
Start by giving all your action screws a little snugging up
I like 40 inlbs on front and 30” on the rear. At some point you can play with the actual tightness
How is the stock to action fit.

Loosen your action screws , can you move the action back and forth? You may need to shim the action if so.

At 100 yards what where your groups like.

What target where you shooting at

I would suggest you get some standard targets
For 100 yards get some SR-1
For 300 yards get some SR-3

This will help standardize everything and make dialing in your sights a bit better
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I have a Yugo capture M98. Ive tried many times to obtain a identifiable zero at 100 and 200 yds. My rear leaf sight just doesnt seem to be anywhere near what they should be for distances. The rear leaf notch is NOT shooter friendly especially with aging eyes. Compounding the problem is im trying to shoot 180 and 200 gr handoads not the 150 gr military load so thats also throwing off my bullet trajectory. The sights are only accurate with the specific intended load. Its very hard to find 150 gr . 323 bullets for handoading.
I have a Yugo capture M98. Ive tried many times to obtain a identifiable zero at 100 and 200 yds. My rear leaf sight just doesnt seem to be anywhere near what they should be for distances. The rear leaf notch is NOT shooter friendly especially with aging eyes. Compounding the problem is im trying to shoot 180 and 200 gr handoads not the 150 gr military load so thats also throwing off my bullet trajectory. The sights are only accurate with the specific intended load. Its very hard to find 150 gr . 323 bullets for handoading.
Over on gun boards and maybe K98 forum theres a poster there that posted the English Translation to the factory specs for K98 rifles
With sight in/trajectory specs and. “Accuracy” specs.
Like most mil spec rifles its not exactly out standing specs.
IIRC its something like 5 out of 8 shots have to hit a 10” W x 12” High target and those 5 shots have to be around 5 moa.
IIRC the aim point was below the target ?
MJSPUD has this info also.

If I where you

Take 3 targets with a 6” black bull and pick your hold
Take 5 shots at each target and post pics.
Over on gun boards and maybe K98 forum theres a poster there that posted the English Translation to the factory specs for K98 rifles
With sight in/trajectory specs and. “Accuracy” specs.
Like most mil spec rifles its not exactly out standing specs.
IIRC its something like 5 out of 8 shots have to hit a 10” W x 12” High target and those 5 shots have to be around 5 moa.
IIRC the aim point was below the target ?
MJSPUD has this info also.

If I where you

Take 3 targets with a 6” black bull and pick your hold
Take 5 shots at each target and post pics.

Im pretty sure somewhere in my parts stash i purchased an optional "tall" front mauser sight blade. Again where i only shoot heavy handoads im not sure what to do. I dont have any 8mm millsurp ammo to test .
Im pretty sure somewhere in my parts stash i purchased an optional "tall" front mauser sight blade. Again where i only shoot heavy handoads im not sure what to do. I dont have any 8mm millsurp ammo to test .
Start with the 3 target 5 shot target test. 100 meter setting pick your hold. Be it center hold or 6 oclock
What every your eyes can handle.

Need to establish a “base line”
No need to change sights or worry about ammo if the current rifle/ammo/you are not at least showing some consistent shot placement

Might help some, theres other threads also
If your shooting off a rest make sure you support the rifle back near the magazine plate. Dont rest it on the muzzle end of the stock.
Make sure you support the rifle the same way each time.
I either use my lead sled with 50lbs on it or go prone and use a large sand bag to support my front arm.
I have to get some test rounds up for my 7.62 K98
I have some 125s im going to be loading on the light side. Powder puff 200 yard shooter.
One other consideration-

Front sight picture. Can you get a crisp focus on that front sight? More important than the focus on the bullseye. If you can't get a crisp focus on the front sight blade, try +0.5 reading glasses or better yet a corrective shooting lens.
One other consideration-

Front sight picture. Can you get a crisp focus on that front sight? More important than the focus on the bullseye. If you can't get a crisp focus on the front sight blade, try +0.5 reading glasses or better yet a corrective shooting lens.

I recently went through this with handguns.

If you search Elvex RX500 on Amazon, you'll come up with several very affordable options. I grabbed their 1.5 glasses.

Amazon.com : Elvex RX500

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