A hot day at Reading

Once my sweatshirt was soaked with sweat I was more comfortable. The sweat in my eyes was a different story.....
The potta potty must have been "aromatic" to say the least. Definitely hot no matter what you were doing.
ha, seems charlie's getting a bit sensitive

shooting in the heat sucks...but like anything in this game, its completely mental. glasses fogging? easy fix. flip up the blinders on your hat so you get some airflow in there. if that doesn't work, stick a soft foam earplug under the nose bridge to pick them up off your face a little bit (also, more airflow)

just remember, as hot as it might seem to you....everyone else is shooting in the same stuff. no point in getting worked up over it...its only 20 minutes (plus, when you take that coat off, it could be 95 degrees....and it'll still feel like someone turned the AC on). Biggest trick is to STAY HYDRATED. water, then gatorade (I water mine down a bit...too sweet IMO)...then more water. when you get dehydrated, the eyes (like 98% water) are the first to fade.
Like Jasper says it is mental. I love shooting in very cold temps and rain because a lot of people don't and it really doesn't bother me. I do NOT like to shoot in high humidity. Desert heat doesn't bother me as much as Reading's swamp 90 degree days.
derek said:
Like Jasper says it is mental. I love shooting in very cold temps and rain because a lot of people don't and it really doesn't bother me. I do NOT like to shoot in high humidity. Desert heat doesn't bother me as much as Reading's swamp 90 degree days.

I'd rather shoot ten summer matches in Yuma heat vs. one in New England humidity. Perry is hot and humid though, and there's something to be said for training like you're going to fight.

and the weather out there right now is downright *nasty*. 100ish degrees and humid. they say next week is gonna be the same

best brace ourselves for a particularly sticky week.
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