A Modern Blunderbuss?


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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I found something interesting on page 117 of the March/April 2007 edition of American Handgunner. (that's right, 2007. I'm a little behind in my reading)
It shows a photo of a 12 ga. shotgun called the "HouseGun". What's peculiar about it is the 18" barrel that flares out to a muzzle diameter of THREE INCHES.
I guess this really opens up the pattern quickly.They call it the modern day Blunderbuss and it's supposed to be really loud too. There's a web address of www.housegun.com, but I couldn't find anything about it at that site. Anyone have any first hand knowledge of these things?
Looks like he ran out of money... lol the website had info on it a few months ago.. Archived Page

The deterrent factor: Imagine staring down a three inch barrel. The House Gun is the loudest shotgun ever made. The barrel acts like a megaphone. The House Gun is a hand held cannon. A real scatter gun. There is nothing more intimidating.


This is the same guy that came out with the EZ to PZ [thinking] I want this!! lol

Here is another one of his "Designs".. umm you see the pattern of his thinking now...


anyway.. glad he doesn't work for NASA.....
I seem to recall reading a test of that company's blunderbuss. It turn out the shot didn't fire with much velocity because the effective length of the barrel was just a few inches, as the flared tube didn't allow any increases in velocity.
This is actually sort of an interesting idea for getting around sawed off shotgun laws. The point of a sawed off is to to make the weapon more agile and give the shot a wider spread right? It seems to me that if you gave the barrel a more traditional blunderbuss trumpet shaped profile instead of this cone, you could effectively have say a ten inch barrel, to give the shot velocity, with a purely aesthetic extension that brings it up to the legal length limit. Probably a bit unwieldy though.
This is actually sort of an interesting idea for getting around sawed off shotgun laws. The point of a sawed off is to to make the weapon more agile and give the shot a wider spread right? It seems to me that if you gave the barrel a more traditional blunderbuss trumpet shaped profile instead of this cone, you could effectively have say a ten inch barrel, to give the shot velocity, with a purely aesthetic extension that brings it up to the legal length limit. Probably a bit unwieldy though.

Are you talking about a duck-billed shotgun like they used to use in WWII?
This is actually sort of an interesting idea for getting around sawed off shotgun laws. The point of a sawed off is to to make the weapon more agile and give the shot a wider spread right? It seems to me that if you gave the barrel a more traditional blunderbuss trumpet shaped profile instead of this cone, you could effectively have say a ten inch barrel, to give the shot velocity, with a purely aesthetic extension that brings it up to the legal length limit. Probably a bit unwieldy though.

I thought the rule against "sawed offs" or long guns being too short, was the concealeability issue. I was under the impression the lengthe requirement was to prevent you from tucking a shotgun into your waistband. Believe my your not going to be concealing that sumbitch any time soon.
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