A question for those who receive VA Medications in the mail.


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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I recently enrolled with the VA and just received my first mailing of Prescriptions. The
package had the usual documentation for each med, but nowhere did I find any information
on what my co-pays are, or how I am supposed to pay them.

I figured asking here might get me a quicker response from those who know.
Usually $8. You will get an invoice in the mail.

I'm thinking of getting my eye drops for my glaucoma from them too. Even with my Medicare co-pay it comes to $70/month for 4 different eye drops.
I recently enrolled with the VA and just received my first mailing of Prescriptions. The
package had the usual documentation for each med, but nowhere did I find any information
on what my co-pays are, or how I am supposed to pay them.

I figured asking here might get me a quicker response from those who know.
Are 30% or higher? If so meds are free. If not I don’t know how much they are.
It depends. Generic is $5. Brand name is $11. Copays for Urgent Care or specialty care can be high if you're not service connected.
Can't you apply for service connection for your personality disorder???? Or were you born that way? [rofl][rofl][rofl]
Kim, get what you can while you can. Swallow a little pride, you earned every nickel they send your way.
I recently enrolled with the VA and just received my first mailing of Prescriptions. The
package had the usual documentation for each med, but nowhere did I find any information
on what my co-pays are, or how I am supposed to pay them.

I figured asking here might get me a quicker response from those who know.
If you've received a disabillity you probably have no copay. Otherwise, I'm sure the VA will let you know.
Seems every year it goes up in price for me, who are you with.
I'm 60% so I'm covered. I have a regular PCP in Manch VA, as well as a PCP (work health insurance). So when I see my VA doc yearly, I update her with all the meds my reg PCP puts me on, and I have them re-prescribed by the VA so I can do autoship/free meds....
If your rated disability is 50% or better or if you are receiving medication for a service connected disability, you will not receive a bill for medications.
Even if rated under 50% (I'm 40%) you can get meds and medical care free or damn near free if you have other health insurance. I've been using the VA as my primary provider for 2 years. They record my civilian health insurance info.....and they bill them the co pays. I have not seen a medical bill in 2 years. I got a sleep study done in Bedford last year.....diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and they gave me a cpap machine no charge. My regular health insurance would have been $900 out of pocket for that machine. I had lump on the front of my neck by by collar bone.....concerned me......sent me to jp for a cat scan and they saw some "abnormal anatomy" and scheduled a scope of my sinus and throat. That proceedure sucked ass......but everything came back fine so no worries. No cost. So far I'm very pleased with using the VA as my primary provider.

On my first apt with my doc for a physical she went through all my military records and actually talked me into filing a claim. I didn't even know about claims filing and VA disability ratings I just wanted to try the health care to save some money.

I did file and 3 months later after 3 exams got a 40% rating. They have been very good to me so far.
30% or higher has no co-pays

link for co-pays. VA health care copay rates | Veterans Affairs

link for priority groups. VA priority groups | Veterans Affairs

Group 1 (rated at 50% or higher) no co-pays for medications. Group 2 - 8, co-pays for medications unless, it is for a service connected issue.

Outpatient care, no co-pay for 10% (group 3) or higher or for service connected.

If you have served and have any problems (physical or otherwise) submit the paperwork. If you qualify for the healthcare side, now you have options. As stated above, one member has saved hundreds in co-pays for procedures and sometime the care is at the same place you would normally go.

FYI, groups 7 and 8 are for service members with no service connected disability and does have co-pays but maybe cheaper or better than what your currently have or do not have for medical care. Keep in mind, no matter what group you are in, you may have co-pays but DO NOT HAVE ANY PREMIUMS.
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link for co-pays. VA health care copay rates | Veterans Affairs

link for priority groups. VA priority groups | Veterans Affairs

Group 1 (rated at 50% or higher) no co-pays for medications. Group 2 - 8, co-pays for medications unless, it is for a service connected issue.

Outpatient care, no co-pay for 10% (group 3) or higher or for service connected.

If you have served and have any problems (physical or otherwise) submit the paperwork. If you qualify for the healthcare side, now you have options. As stated above, one member has saved hundreds in co-pays for procedures and sometime the care is at the same place you would normally go.

FYI, groups 7 and 8 are for service members with no service connected disability and does have co-pays but maybe cheaper or better than what your currently have or do not have for medical care. Keep in mind, no matter what group you are in, you may have co-pays but DO NOT HAVE ANY PREMIUMS.
Yes, group 2-8 for service connection. That’s why I said if he’s 30 or higher no copays...when I was 30% I had no copays
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