ABC News Uses Knob Creek Range Footage In Place Real World Footage

No, that brand of lunacy should not be ignored. That's the same brand of lunacy that's closing ranges in New England. Same brand of lunacy that's confiscating firearms from an 84 year old vet / retired cop based on the babbling of a waitress and zero warrants / court orders. Must I continue?

Ignore their whinging. Ignore their feelings. Ignore their rants. Sure we need to act if and when they make a move themselves, but gun owners need to stop tiptoeing around worried about catching the attention of antis, who are empowered by the reflexive kowtowing by some (present company excluded).
Watching this at lunch today (kind of on topic for corrupt press)...these people run the press and control the narrative. There is a reason these people dislike the 2A...

This stupid bitch at 1:45 in this one is the reason we should have stricter immigration controls.

EDIT: WTF is up with her hair?
Watching this at lunch today (kind of on topic for corrupt press)...these people run the press and control the narrative. There is a reason these people dislike the 2A...

This stupid bitch at 1:45 in this one is the reason we should have stricter immigration controls.

EDIT: WTF is up with her hair?

Well, that just sold another book for MY senator, Rand Paul.

As usual, an audience full of ignorami.
He lied about Tet. Granddaddy of fake TV news and father to Dan Rather.

Please, please don't get me started on Dan Rather, that is a whole day rant.

If news organizations could elbow you in the face on election day to make you stay at home and miss the election, they would do it in a second.

They will do and say anything to try and insure Trump is not re-elected.
Having been to Knob Creek, it was painfully obvious in the video that it sure wasn't in the deserts of Syria. I posted some old Knob Creek footage that was sold by the owner from the 80s on a blog site I run. The owner was quick to youtube about it and I think he gets compensated like other creators of copyrighted material do if the come to an agreement. I can only imagine how a lawyer could make this work for the owner. I don't think anyone should feel bad about getting their pound of flesh from ABC.

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Ignore their whinging. Ignore their feelings. Ignore their rants. Sure we need to act if and when they make a move themselves, but gun owners need to stop tiptoeing around worried about catching the attention of antis, who are empowered by the reflexive kowtowing by some (present company excluded).

Gotcha, all in for the stop tiptoeing.
No, it is not. Knob Creek's firing line is separated by a security fence from the spectator's bleachers. Nobody can get through without a proper badge.
Thank you.

I went back and watched it again and could clearly see where the firing line was.
This is how the media operates. It’s intentional. They run stuff knowing it’s lies, because far less people see the corrections than the original propaganda.

Damn right.

When the DC Sniper was active, the Glob had a graphic showing the size of a .223 cartridge....and it was about the size of of a .30-'06. I called them out on it, and they did run a correction. It was about 3 lines, on page two, not the half-page lie they'd originally printed.
There was a time when a journalist would have been fired for that fraud. Gone are the good old days! Jeeze I'm sounding like my Grandpa!

For those that missed the video
I started the video where you can see the firing line, the beginning is where ABC appears to claim credit for the video...

Are you fvcking high?

They broadcast that footage knowing full well it was from Knob Creek night shoot, hoping to plant the seeds of propaganda in the minds of the lazy, unwitting public.

"Appearing to show" doesn't relieve them of their responsibilty. They are damned fvcking liars and they know exactly what they are doing and why.

Sorry to upset you. Should have added this. [rolleyes]
This is how the media operates. It’s intentional. They run stuff knowing it’s lies, because far less people see the corrections than the original propaganda.

Reminds me of what Denzel Washington said: If you don't watch the news you're not informed; if you watch the news you're misinformed.
When the DC Sniper was active, the Glob had a graphic showing the size of a .223 cartridge....and it was about the size of of a .30-'06. I called them out on it, and they did run a correction. It was about 3 lines, on page two, not the half-page lie they'd originally printed.
Did they even bother to retract the part about
the round literally cooking the victims?
That wasn't part of it - just that the Paper of Record either could not get the correct info, or was trying to make the cartridge seem bigger and more killy. This is before the tiny little round was revealed to explode elephants and send the scraps into another dimension. [rolleyes]
Did they even bother to retract the part about
the round literally cooking the victims

I thought that that was their explanation as to where they got the cooked steaks they were eating while sipping wine in the combat zone in Syria . . .
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These outfits need to start paying a price for this bullshit.
Too bad the FCC can’t impose huge fines.
Right. Because what America really needs is Federal Speech Police empowered to punish people.

Never hand government the club they'll use to bludgeon you.
Knob Creek has been shut down for over 2 years.

Something about killing pumpkins, not recycling an old Porsche, a limo with illegal tint, Zombies, and dried up salamanders.
I think that Trump has done more than anyone could possibly do to expose the dishonest media with his fake news accusations and shunning reporters from certain news outlets. The problem is that the majority of the sheeple will continue to believe whatever is fed to them.
I don't think that things will change anytime soon .
I’m not sure if the video is knob creek or not... but just the the other day there way an article about me in our local news... complete hit piece... didn’t even reach out for comment... everyone eats up what they want to believe... it’s not even worth fighting... other then in court....

It's Knob Creek, I've sat where the video was recorded from.

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