ABC News Uses Knob Creek Range Footage In Place Real World Footage

Watching this at lunch today (kind of on topic for corrupt press)...these people run the press and control the narrative. There is a reason these people dislike the 2A...

This stupid bitch at 1:45 in this one is the reason we should have stricter immigration controls.

EDIT: WTF is up with her hair?

Damn. Is Whoopi channeling George Washington with that hair or something???

But I never thought I'd see the day when flaming liberals are arguing we need to KEEP troops in a theater. I mean, didn't they complain about Iraq for YEARS????? Or is this more of "if Donald Trump found a cure for cancer, we would be pro-cancer" type of thing?

EDIT - I can't believe people watch that show, FWIW. They are the dumbest, 4th-grade-level-educated complainers on TV. "Oh so Maduro is not a thug?" Hon. You asked a question. He attempted to answer it. You yell over him your straw man argument. STFU and let the man finish. Even your stupidest viewers know that the # of steps between Socialist Bernie and a dictator is a quarter-step.

Did they even bother to retract the part about
the round literally cooking the victims?

It does. I use .223 rounds slathered with BBQ sauce to make pulled pork. Cooks as it hits and then the SBR just makes it perfect. A quick sweep with a metal detector and you're ready for dinner.
So that's wrong then??? They shouldn't doctor video and make it appear as something else? Was that wrong? Should they have not done that???

Reminds me of Time (Newsweek?) doctoring the pic of OJ after he got caught. They made him all blacky'er and dangerous looking. It was a bad moment for journalism. And headline news everywhere. This? "who cares?"
Walter Cronkite must be rolling over in his grave.

He was an actor, no more, no less. Years ago I met him at a bar on Martha's Vineyard, he was blotto and had to have a handler with him. He came across as a sanctimonious prick.
So that's wrong then??? They shouldn't doctor video and make it appear as something else? Was that wrong? Should they have not done that???

Reminds me of Time (Newsweek?) doctoring the pic of OJ after he got caught. They made him all blacky'er and dangerous looking. It was a bad moment for journalism. And headline news everywhere. This? "who cares?"

people been doing it for years....frame 313.
The media has no, zero, zip, nada, none, zilch, nothing, nein, non................credibility. The phony propagandists need to fuque off and die!

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