My father is aging rapidly and has a variety of health problems.
We have a trust and will for real estate and it says all financial stuff including bank accounts etc go to me and the family.
With that being said, does it make sense for me to actually be on his bank accounts? That way, in the event he does kick the bucket I can just have easy access to his finances? He seems to think so but wanted to ask here first.
Otherwise, when he does kick the bucket, I guess I would have to bring the recorded trust and the will to the bank along with death certificate?
Uggghhhh....... Hate thinking the strongest man I know is weak, old and slow.
We have a trust and will for real estate and it says all financial stuff including bank accounts etc go to me and the family.
With that being said, does it make sense for me to actually be on his bank accounts? That way, in the event he does kick the bucket I can just have easy access to his finances? He seems to think so but wanted to ask here first.
Otherwise, when he does kick the bucket, I guess I would have to bring the recorded trust and the will to the bank along with death certificate?
Uggghhhh....... Hate thinking the strongest man I know is weak, old and slow.