Ask mark about the bacon vodka I made and he claimed for him self ...
i still have about a pint of horse radish vodka left that my coworker made me if ya want (store bought vodka, home grown horse radish)
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Ask mark about the bacon vodka I made and he claimed for him self ...
i described the new dungeon to the lady. can we call it by the true name on NES, or are we too non-PC?
Tell you guys what, I will get drunk one weekend soon and document an AK pistol build and at the end weigh it so we can finally put this to bed.
Sent from my phone.
Not an expert by any means, but isnt it true (ATF regs) a Pistol Ak/Ar type has to have been a pistol from the factory, and can not be configured to be a pistol if it wasn't already???
Not that it matters in this state.
Don't matter about factory with these guys.... They'll make there own receiver .
You'll need the virgin receiver transferred to you as a pistol if you don't build it your self at least in mass cause of the fa10 . I don't remember if the fed paper work when you buy a receiver says what it is.The receiver has to be built into a pistol in it's first complete configuration. Once you put a stock on it, it is forever a rifle, as if anyone would ever know.
You'll need the virgin receiver transferred to you as a pistol if you don't build it your self at least in mass cause of the fa10 . I don't remember if the fed paper work when you buy a receiver says what it is.
On a gun like a ar15 if its first a pistol you can toss a stock and a 16" inch plus upper on it and use it as a rifle and convert it back to a pistol when ever you want . But if it starts life as a rifle it's always has to be a rifle . This why you can buy a rifle upper for a glock or 1911 and convert it back at will.
You'll need the virgin receiver transferred to you as a pistol if you don't build it your self at least in mass cause of the fa10 . I don't remember if the fed paper work when you buy a receiver says what it is.
This isn't relevant anymore. All lowers transfer as "Other" not as a Rifle or Handgun anymore. The latter two designations are only for assembled, functioning guns of the respective type.
Not an expert by any means, but isnt it true (ATF regs) a Pistol Ak/Ar type has to have been a pistol from the factory, and can not be configured to be a pistol if it wasn't already???
Yeah I figured on the federal level it was other ..
Just have to be careful about the mass FFl trying to fa10 it as a rife still? It's been awhile since I transferred a receiver into mass and that shop gave up on trying to do a fa10 since they had no idea what gun I was building . when they asked about barrel length and caliber I just said i don't know yet .
Drool. Would love to see how you'd do it under the weight limit. Ak pistol I get , ar not so much cause of the buffer. Granted I've see those weird uppers that don't use a buffer.
You assemble an AR pistol cause they are a bag o' fun, that's why. Ask Soloman02, CTC, and myself how we know! LOL That tube actually has some usage as it is. Trust me.
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View attachment 83933
You assemble an AR pistol cause they are a bag o' fun, that's why. Ask Soloman02, CTC, and myself how we know! LOL That tube actually has some usage as it is. Trust me.
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View attachment 83933
I am going to do this with one of the lowers I have kicking around once I recover from all the moving costs, they do look like a lot of fun.
then you'll come to monadnock and we can blast away with it?
or you can just come to my house and we can walk out my back yard...
PS why havn't you just pistol'd a lower until you NFA stamp comes in?
good mother****ing question, actually... not sure of legality as the lower is kindasorta trust property.
The receiver has to be built into a pistol in it's first complete configuration. Once you put a stock on it, it is forever a rifle, as if anyone would ever know.
So, how do you get a MA compliant pistol in MA without it looking like swiss ****ing cheese?
You buy a PAP M92 and do one of two things:
A. at the FFL before the transfer, you add a fixed stock and MASSufacture a legal length barrel. Then you take possession of it via the transfer AS A RIFLE.
B. do the above, but you Form 1 your pistol (with buttstock and hideously long and ugly as **** barrel) into a MA legal SBR.
Choosing option B. gives you a factoy built pistol with a nicely functional buttstock (which we know as a SBR). That's what I would do...
You could pin or weld a long barrel extension on in 5 minutes.
I'm sure many people on here are creative enough to figure it out.