AK party

Sep 3, 2010
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Hey, I have been searching around for a while look for one of these. In recent events, I believe its better to have one now, than never. I know there are many skilled people in these forums that can make them. But knowledge is meant to be spread. I have assembled an Ar15 lower with some help before, and I will be the first to admit my skills in assembling/building are novice in any platform.

I don't know if I am missing another thread here or it hasn't been mentioned. But if someone plans to do a build party, I'd like to know if I can sign up or what the qualifications would be.

Thank you & Merry Christmas!

You've been missing all of these threads because we keep them in the "members section."

There's been two in the past 2 years. Another one is in the planning stages .... but the builders primarily bought parts and receivers weeks ago.

As wolf said- you're going to have a hard time finding parts kits unless you browse forum classifieds on other AK enthusiast sites
Alright well that's fair enough, I will then get a kit after the mayhem rush begins to lull down. I assume it is wise many of us begin to assemble. As a general rule, what state do these builds occur in? Is it unlawful to go across state lines?

Alright well that's fair enough, I will then get a kit after the mayhem rush begins to lull down. I assume it is wise many of us begin to assemble. As a general rule, what state do these builds occur in? Is it unlawful to go across state lines?


You'll need to go green if you want details.
As a general rule, what state do these builds occur in? Is it unlawful to go across state lines?

typically? In MA of all places. People in NH talk the talk, but they tend not to walk the walk. This is not due to a lack of testicular fortitude, but rather the ease of "buying whatever the **** they want" in the free state of NH. Either that or they like AR's more because they aren't surrounded by communists... it might be a little bit of both.

I have all the parts and would like to have more info.

more info on what? The future build? past builds? how to put it together?

future build: http://www.northeastshooters.com/vb...-fever-NES-AK-Build-Party-2013!WE-HAVE-A-DATE

2nd nes build: http://www.northeastshooters.com/vb...ild-party!-PM-s-SENT?highlight=ak+build+party

1st nes build: http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/137570-1st-NES-AK-Build-Party-10-23-2011

there are tons of links, info, etc in all three of those threads. and here's how you generally make an AK, courtesy of Boris.

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