AK Trigger Slap

Oh, I am. I am just unsure as to the correct response to a public fapping. [smile]

He does stuff like that from time to time. :)

I've got an Sar1 too, it was my first AK. I bought it from Four Seasons when I got my ltc years ago. Think I paid $325 and grabbed a case of Golden Tiger for $90 to break it in.
I've got an Sar1 too, it was my first AK. I bought it from Four Seasons when I got my ltc years ago. Think I paid $325 and grabbed a case of Golden Tiger for $90 to break it in.

Too funny. I bought mine from FS also. But IIRC it was $279 and $79 for a case of wolf. Ahh, the good old days.
He does stuff like that from time to time. :)

I've got an Sar1 too, it was my first AK. I bought it from Four Seasons when I got my ltc years ago. Think I paid $325 and grabbed a case of Golden Tiger for $90 to break it in.

I bought this SAR at Four Seasons a while back too although I paid more than 325. When I was stationed in Florida in 04' the prices were about that. I was between an AK and an HK USP. I ended up with the gat because halflife / counter strike... Yeah, I was retarded in decision making.
No trigger time. I did some long range shooting, anddddd I left my mags for ar10 and the ak at home. I have no idea where my head was. Single loading the ar sucks but I saved on ammo...
1911 grips on an AK?


J/K. That does actually look pretty cool. Nice rifle.
I got out and shot it on my buddies property yesterday. The g2 is perfect. It is light, much lighter than I expected and very smooth. It feels like it is under 4#s.

Thanks for the advice and input from everyone.

Cutting wood for the fire pit with an ak.

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Shheeaaatttt. The G2 is like driving a ferrari compared to the gremlin, the stock trigger. I am sure the ALG is awesome and I would probably love it . I am just happy that I can shoot this again.
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