All safe after Oxford High lockdown

I too attended one of those high schools where a lot of the cars and trucks in the lot had rifles or shotguns in them. ...No big deal, considering the rifles stored in the office for the school rifle team....

Isn't Oxford one of the high schools which DOES have a rifle team?
DANGER! a lone shotgun shell! everyone hide, it's going to kill us
all! AIEEEEEE!!!! [shocked]

Seriously, WTF? Don't these admins get it? Don't they get it that
these kids are -intentionally- f'ing with them at this
point? I realize "safety" but as Derek says, I can't see how
imprisoning a bunch of kids INSIDE the school is going to help
anyone, even if an attack -was- imminent.


+1 Kids are so "smart" these days, they know it's a day off and most likey laugh all the home (or wherever). It's better than skipping school. They should have a 'make-up' day at the end of the school year and see how they like it.
I always need to check the lugs in my boots before going into my sons school for anything. It is pretty sad when I am paranoid about a spent .22 case stuck in my boot costing me my LTC and allot of stupid embarrassment when the media shows up to ask me about my arsenal of .22's.
"He had two bricks of .22's stored in home, OVER 1000 rounds of ammo. He must have been a crazy gun nut."
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