Alliant Powder suspends production??

Just got a couple of emails from Midway regarding Bullseye and 2400...

We're Sorry​

The item you've been waiting for has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.


It’s just a Midway thing, Alliant is not discontinuing it, there’s just no pending date for Midway to receive any and they’re purging their notifications system.
The powder manufactures rotate through production for XYZ powder
Sadly very little is actully made state side.
I am also sure with all the BS with Vista Outdoors and loosing the LC contract might have something to do with it?
I would say at rhis point by what you can find thats close in performance

Good luck
Im looking for H4895
Until then im using cast loads in everything
Primers are still expensive and im not buying any till I can get 5000 of each
Midway very often list something is discontinued when it is in fact, not discontinued. Do not use them as the final word in any form.
I do see a shift
Powders IMHO are going to get to a point where once you had several options for powder choices to one or two that “will work”. Ideal or the best….not so much
Oddly, I was able to buy Alliant Extra-Light from Midway back in July. That powder has been out of stock everywhere for about as long as I can remember. At the time I bought it they had several other seldom seen Alliant powders, they sold out within about 4 days.

The powder gods must have been shining down upon me because I also had a great coupon from them at the same time for 20% off my order.

I'm told that they are running consumer powders quarterly and in limited quantities. At the time I got the Extra-Light no other retailer that I could find had it except Midway.
That was my #1 smartest "in the right place at the right time" browsing the 'net . I was able to use Brownells $.01 hazmat promo and a 10% off coupon to buy a 8# jug of 2400 . Even back 7 years ago when i bought it, 2400 powder has always been hit or miss to find . I did find a couple 1# bottles many years ago at the old Rileys gun shop in Hooksett . 2400 is excellent for my 44 Desert Eagle and my reduced cowboy plinker 30-30 Win lever loads .
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Found some in the mountains where I deer hunt and picked up 4 pounds of blue dot and a pound of RL16. 16 is supposedly temp resistant, we'll see this summer.
I remember hearing China has put export restrictions on nitrocellulose to the US recently. I think it was on the Wall St Journal podcast. So that's going to eff with the market. They were the largest exporter of it to us as I understand it.
I remember hearing China has put export restrictions on nitrocellulose to the US recently. I think it was on the Wall St Journal podcast. So that's going to eff with the market. They were the largest exporter of it to us as I understand it.
Did they restrict to other countries that produce more powder. Theres not much made state side and its all made in government owned facilities.
The UPS man brought me a couple of 8 pounders today.
I miss the group buys.
I had a good thing going until covid.
Theres no one left in my dependable group now.
They all got out of mass but 1 old timer.
He sold me what he had left for supplies 2 years ago and no longer shoots.

I miss the group buys.
I had a good thing going until covid.
Theres no one left in my dependable group now.
They all got out of mass but 1 old timer.
He sold me what he had left for supplies 2 years ago and no longer shoots.

A local group buy consisting of solid people would have been great. God bless anyone who runs a group buy around this place. There's always a couple people who expect the organizer to drive 45 minutes to meet them plus wash their car when they get there. I'm not exaggerating by much- people suck unless carefully vetted.

I burned through a lot of my powder during peak Wu Flu. Started off with a good stock of it, but was getting lower than I wanted. Thanks to friends here on NES and/or local friends plus watching the internet, I'm in really good shape for powder now.

From the same sell-as-they-go estate sale I sourced the Dillon 650, I bought around 60 lbs of cast and coated bullets for 45 ACP and paid scrap value. Also picked up more Bulleye- two unopened and one 2/3 full. The open one was actually from my friend and he was only loading with that, so no chance it was mixed. Got a big bin of Winchester 45 ACP tumble cleaned brass along with the rest for a couple bucks. Since the Dillon came set up for 45 ACP, I was able to start running it with all the 'new' supplies. Almost no adjustments were necessary, so these components and powder must have been what the late friend had been running. A small tweak on the powder drop was pretty much it. Even the low/high powder warning was set correctly.
A local group buy consisting of solid people would have been great. God bless anyone who runs a group buy around this place. There's always a couple people who expect the organizer to drive 45 minutes to meet them plus wash their car when they get there. I'm not exaggerating by much- people suck unless carefully vetted.

I burned through a lot of my powder during peak Wu Flu. Started off with a good stock of it, but was getting lower than I wanted. Thanks to friends here on NES and/or local friends plus watching the internet, I'm in really good shape for powder now.

From the same sell-as-they-go estate sale I sourced the Dillon 650, I bought around 60 lbs of cast and coated bullets for 45 ACP and paid scrap value. Also picked up more Bulleye- two unopened and one 2/3 full. The open one was actually from my friend and he was only loading with that, so no chance it was mixed. Got a big bin of Winchester 45 ACP tumble cleaned brass along with the rest for a couple bucks. Since the Dillon came set up for 45 ACP, I was able to start running it with all the 'new' supplies. Almost no adjustments were necessary, so these components and powder must have been what the late friend had been running. A small tweak on the powder drop was pretty much it. Even the low/high powder warning was set correctly.
It also helped 3 if the guys loaded for giggle switch equipped platforms.
It was nice getting
6/8lb jugs per box and up to 65lbs of primers to a box Almost always free shipping and no limits
2017 was last decwnt order we got in before things started to suxk.

I also miss the cash back on the CC from those irderes!
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