American POW freed from Taliban

Lot's of .mil people are saying they look forward to his subsequent court martial for desertion.

Getting shit faced, walking off your FOB and getting picked up by the enemy isnt exactly allowed. Well, maybe it is. He got 2 promotions in absentia out of it, which is a total insult to E5, and even insults the sham shield rank of E4. scroll down to the good ol' PFC's photo and click comments for a taste of the love.

here are the comments basically in order as I read down the page. I think there was 1 semi positve comment in there before i stopped cutting and pasting:
this is deff. a USAWTF moment....can't wait to see him in handcuffs

I was deployed in the east when this POS walked off his FOB...He is a deserter and we just gave up 5 enemy combatants for him...What the hell is wrong with this country.

Welcome home, but hopefully a courts martial will soon commence.


"We will give him all the support he needs to help him recover from this ordeal, and we are grateful that he will soon be reunited with his family" And just forget he did it to himself when he laid down his weapon and walked away.

Isn't this the guy that just walked off the fob or am I thinking of someone else

Take that Army tag off your chest, POS! This boy could have died there for all I give a shit! He put everyone in danger by deserting

This one time I was in Afghanistan, I was like super stressed out so I threw on some PT shorts and some flip flops and said "**** you army I'm out" then I left and spent five years as a "prisoner of war"

**** that kid. Those who were there know the true cost of his actions.

Must be the most squared away soldier ever. He managed to complete SSD1 and submit a packet while in captivity. Lolz

Im ****ing furious. How come i get an article 15 for underage dr

Thats what his peers think.

Another interesting thing to note is people making comments saying they were associated with him or his unit in someway and how his subsequent desertion resulted in sear party fatalities and injuries.
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Non of us where there so that's not for me to comment on. Either way he was a pow and deserved to come home like anyone else. If court martial's come from it or not that's up to them.

Keep the bracelet on until he gets out of Fort Leavenworth.
While at least 7 soldiers died searching for him in the immediate aftermath of his disappearance, it's likely that more died over the years as special force troops continued searching for him.

On the other hand, 5 years with those animals seems like more than a debt paid for walking of base drunk.

I'm sure all the bad guys already place a premium on capturing US soldiers, so hopefully this doesn't change much on the ground.
I am also happy this POW is coming home.

however negotiating w taliban is NOT wise....its a short victory that guarantees overall failure.
Nobody really knows what happened yet. Lots of rumors, and that is what they are rumors. Thanks Dench for already deciding what this guy did or didn't do. You always live up to your reputation, no doubt about that. Let's dogpile him now in the finest NES Tradition.

He had two promotions in abstentia. Now DA could have done this for PR purposes, yeah sure just like Jessica Lynch, not saying it couldn't happen, however stories vary on his capture, and sources vary including what the Taliban says.

Let's see what DA says and how it all plays out before any rush to judgement is made. I suppose some will get their panties in a snit about the fact that we were involved in a prisoner exchange too. Well we can debate that until the cows come home, each side has its pros and cons. A lot of the negative remarks are being made by people who have "heard things" or "have a friend who knows somebody" etc. Supposedly Rolling Stone is coming out with some emails that he sent his parents prior to his capture where he said he was fed up with the whole thing in Afghanistan. If these are authentic, then it might put things in a different light, but the timing is also interesting too.
Nobody really knows what happened yet. Lots of rumors, and that is what they are rumors. Thanks Dench for already deciding what this guy did or didn't do. You always live up to your reputation, no doubt about that. Let's dogpile him now in the finest NES Tradition.

He had two promotions in abstentia. Now DA could have done this for PR purposes, yeah sure just like Jessica Lynch, not saying it couldn't happen, however stories vary on his capture, and sources vary including what the Taliban says.

Let's see what DA says and how it all plays out before any rush to judgement is made. I suppose some will get their panties in a snit about the fact that we were involved in a prisoner exchange too. Well we can debate that until the cows come home, each side has its pros and cons. A lot of the negative remarks are being made by people who have "heard things" or "have a friend who knows somebody" etc. Supposedly Rolling Stone is coming out with some emails that he sent his parents prior to his capture where he said he was fed up with the whole thing in Afghanistan. If these are authentic, then it might put things in a different light, but the timing is also interesting too.

Agreed. I'll reserve judgement until the whole story comes out. I would wager that a botched headcount after a patrol would be a career ender for a platoon commander and company commander if it resulted in a captured soldier. Considering how little information has come to light after all these years, it would not surprise me if a little misinformation has surfaced in order to cover asses.
Supposedly Rolling Stone is coming out with some emails that he sent his parents prior to his capture where he said he was fed up with the whole thing in Afghanistan. If these are authentic, then it might put things in a different light, but the timing is also interesting too.


The Rolling Stone article which reviews the emails is from 2012. I don't think there is any dispute over the authenticity of them.
From what I can gather, we are suppose to believe that he was such a coward that he preferred to be a Taliban POW!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who's been in combat knows that's a lot of bull s***t. No one wants to be a damn POW. Freakin asswipes ! What we have folks is my 100% FU rant to these idiots who are ungrateful enough to suggest this crap. To the suggesters I say "then lock and load your damn selves asswipes".
From what I can gather, we are suppose to believe that he was such a coward that he preferred to be a Taliban POW!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who's been in combat knows that's a lot of bull s***t. No one wants to be a damn POW. Freakin asswipes ! What we have folks is my 100% FU rant to these idiots who are ungrateful enough to suggest this crap. To the suggesters I say "then lock and load your damn selves asswipes".

The theory is that he thought he'd be embraced by the Taliban as a hero. I would suggest you review the article I linked, read his own words, and then see if you change your mind.

Then again, I'm sure we can trust obama to make sure the truth cones out.
The theory is that he thought he'd be embraced by the Taliban as a hero. I would suggest you review the article I linked, read his own words, and then see if you change your mind.

Then again, I'm sure we can trust obama to make sure the truth cones out.

None of us have at this time credible proof of information. All any of us know for sure right now is that a POW has been set free. Support the man now. Question only after there is "unquestionable" proof.
My two sons are both currently serving and the word is he's a deserter. This is what the soldiers are saying and they believe it too. Whether it's true or not we'll find out soon.
None of us have at this time credible proof of information. All any of us know for sure right now is that a POW has been set free. Support the man now. Question only after there is "unquestionable" proof.

Thankful that he is freed. Can't help think how many will be captured or killed by those we set free in return.
I agree. Free Taliban leaders can't be good for the cause. It may be a tie on the issues . It's un-American to leave POW's or anyone else for that matter behind, but I agree that the price may be high in the end. Tough calls to have to make at best. The 1 for 5 ratio surely sucks too.
My two sons are both currently serving and the word is he's a deserter. This is what the soldiers are saying and they believe it too. Whether it's true or not we'll find out soon.

No one supports the troops more than me, but experience tells me that the troops generally don't know what's going on at that level, or what happened 5 years ago when they probably were'
nt in country. When in doubt, provide support. Ask the questions later.
No one supports the troops more than me, but experience tells me that the troops generally don't know what's going on at that level, or what happened 5 years ago when they probably were'
nt in country. When in doubt, provide support. Ask the questions later.

You didn't know what was going on with other guys in your squad?
Not if he walked away. If he walked way then **** him

The consensus for years has been that he walked away. The .mil did a semi bullshit job trying to cover up what went on. There's a reason we don't hear about this guy to often in the news. The only times I would see him in the news is when the Taliban decided to put a video out. That was it. The support behind getting him out was not very high since the circumstances around him being caught are the result of gross incompetence at the best or desertion at the worse.

The fact that he is a deserter doesn't really bother me. It's the fact that good soldiers got killed trying to find him. That gets me upset. If he wants to get drunk, high, talk shit about America, run off the post and get picked up my Mohammed Jihad and his friends, sure, that's fine with me. But when the .mil rangles up a bunch of hard dick operators to find his stupid ass and they get shredded by an IED in the process - the party stops.

I don't think he should see jail time, personally. Even if he flat out says he deserted. Time served either way. The guy has to live with himself, lost 5 years of his life and is hated by the military community with a passion. The only people who seem to care about him are people who weren't in the .mil (ergo, don't understand how FOBs and operations work) and people who are very optimistic.

This guys not an E5. He's a PVT for what he did and should be let off with a less than honorable discharge. Thats what I think should happen. Is it harsh? No not at all. It doesnt need to be. He has to live with himself, thats all the punishment this bozo needs. Just got done watching him with Obama, the guy has a killer beard going and was up there speaking a local Afghan language. Keep digging that hole fruit cake.

I was wondering for years if he had converted to Islam and had a wife over there. Thats something straight out of the Taliban playbook. Look forward to details on his personal life in captivity if they come out.
That wasn't Bowe, that was his father.

That's his dad? Holy shit. No wonder. His dad looks just like him.

Speaking of his dad, he was on his twitter account last night apparently saying some things that would rile the (R)'s up

It's one thing to say you want to close gitmo, but I'm not sure what he's trying to get at with the god repaying for the deaths of the children.
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