An argument with an anti that ended with a new view on his part.

Regarding this "power trip" (for lack of a better term) felt when first handling a gun, I can definitively say YES, I felt an incredible rush of adrenaline when I first handled a handgun. It was even more intense when I stepped to the line and prepared to put rounds downrange. This feeling was VERY similar to the first time I got behind the wheel of my mothers Jeep Cherokee.

It was a kind of nervous excitement that slowly faded as I got more comfortable with the item (gun and vehicle). I am to the point now where I no longer get that nervous adrenaline rush when handling/operating either item (gun or vehicle), yet the situational awareness and safety conscienceness are still ever present.

I think we need a little chat [rofl]
I disagree. Most antis, not so coincidentally, also carry around the belief that most individuals are too stupid to govern themselves. We all know where that leads- that almost necessitates a desire for large, overbearing centralized government. Some of it is even a form of projection of their own failings- they feel they are too irresponsible to handle any sort of responsibility, so they'd rather have a government tell them what to do- and that should apply to everyone else, because they believe everyone is as stupid, weak, and irresponsible as they are. They'd rather be slaves than be free- because they don't have enough balls to deal with the curse of the individual- so they take this irrational fear/BS out on everyone else. "I think gun should be banned = I think I'm too stupid or irresponsible to handle a gun, and therefore, nobody else is capable, either. "

Yeah, they might not SAY, they want authoritarian government, but by suggesting that guns should be regulated or banned, they're basically implying and promulgating the notional that it's a good idea for governments to restrict basic rights- and that leads to overbearing governments with aforementioned tyrants being in power.

ETA: I'll also recognize that there are a lot of different kinds of antis. The ones that are hardcore in their belief, though, generally fit the above mold
pretty well. There are a metric ton of others that are "anti by default" and that is kind of another story, though... that's mostly based off fear or
misinformation than anything else. Those folks can often be saved. Others cannot be. In a perfect world we'd just deport the ones that cannot
be to some island somewhere where they can be ruled by some a**h*** government. [laugh]


Mike - I'd take that one step further. While having lunch with several lawyers for the state at the last GOAL legislative shoot, one of them actually told me he thought that the majority of people were not responsible enough to own guns...He got really defensive when I challenged him on why he felt it was his business to determine who should or should not exercise a right, such as free speech, freedom of assembly, religion etc. I asked him that if he felt that way, then shouldn't the state give permission for the average person to marry and procreate? His boss, who knew I am a psychologist, told him he was on a loosing streak and basically to shut up...

Almost ruined my lunch[grin]
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