An intruder is at your door

You should have layers of security if you can.

Security lights outside....that are motion activated. Could scare him/her away before they even start....

A good dog because if someone is prowling around outside or testing your door the dog is going to react and perhaps that stops the potential intruder from choosing your house. At this point you might be alerted...

if not and...

you have a monitored alarm system...this does two things..obviously it notifies you when a breach has occurred plus if you cannot get to a phone the PD is notified. If not at least some signs saying the house is monitored. This way if they are casing the area in the day they may make a note they saw a sign at your house and they might choose a different house.

If possible a video surveillance system to help id the person in the event...but not completely necessary

If they still come in then at this point you have a couple of is you wake up a room full of ninjas that are bunking down the hall and they will dispatch the intruder. short of that you should already have your firearm in hand because of your dog and or alarm system you have gave you a few more seconds of time to react and prepare.

You should also have a plan for your family will be while you defend them.

If you have a dog and an alarm it might be good to train the dog to operate in spite of that loud sounds the alarm is making. And in case the intruder has a nice juicy steak to distract the dog it might be a good idea to train the dog to kill the intruder and then eat the steak. Of course these last two training scenarios are optional...
1) Seal bedroom door.
2) Flood rest of house with VX gas.
3) Go back to bed, I'll clean it up in the morning.

Didn't you forget the step about igniting the thermite plasma devices 10 minutes after the release of the vx to clear the house of the gas? Probably want to put that step in there...lmao...

4 pages and not one "tactical roll", c'mon NES.

touche'...that should always be the first
I just press the "deter" button on my safe storage coffin bed. A little compartment opens to dispense earplugs. You put the earplugs in, close the compartment and speakers throughout the house blast the 1877 kars 4 kids ad on a 5 minute loop. If there is someone in the house they'll never come back

Safe bed:
Police record all 911 calls and this will be used in court...may also prevent them from shooting/killing you instead of the BG since they have your description...
my detailed plan for survival, physical and legal does not involve 911 in most home defense scenarios. In public scenario its the first thing I do.
Didn't you forget the step about igniting the thermite plasma devices 10 minutes after the release of the vx to clear the house of the gas? Probably want to put that step in there...lmao...

Seems excessive, but fun.

We just vent the air through hydroxide, then steam the environment, test for residuals, repeat as necessary.
Is this a trick question?

I quickly open the safe near my bed and put all my guns back into it and lock it back up. They tell me I am statistically more likely to get shot with my own guns so I figure making sure they are locked up is the best course.

I get my 3 different pitched rape whistles and start singing kumbaya accompanied by occasional blows on the whistles in tune.

I grab my poster that says "We prefer rapists to racists"

I boldly walk towards the source of the noise knowing that my good intentions and pure spirit will save me.
1) The dog wakes up
2) Tactical barrel roll out of bed
3) Realize I just smoked my head off the dresser and apply first aid to the wound
4) strip down bare ass
5) get the gallon of KY lube and pour it all over me
6) Run out of my bedroom and challenge the intruder to a wrestling match.

7) I win because i am lubed up.
My house has wall speakers in several rooms. I have an iPod with the sound of a 12ga pump being racked.
I tactical roll down the hall to the iPod, push the Play button, then walk to a window, strike up a Newport and watch the BG running for his life.
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1) Dog Barks when perp enters yard or gets near house
2) Lawful Firearm Owner hears commotion and hits outside spots on lighting up yard like a Mall
3) Does Perp run off?
A) Yes - Man goes back to sleep, gives dog snack
B) No - Man walks to door and asks perp if he wants a 45 or 9mm for a night snack (I keep both by my night stand :)
4) Perp runs off?
A) Yes, Man goes back to sleep, gives dog snack, if time permits tells local popo that someone is out and about
B) No, Man looks to see if Perp has a gun, if NO, dog is let out from back door and commences to eat the shit out of him
Option 2) Man unloads from window above door a complete can of Bear Repellent on Perp
Option 3) Perp has Gun and is banging at the door still, Man advise family up to safe room, sits nearby door waiting to play Plink Plink
5) Man takes well deserved wizz, still gives dog a snack then goes back to bed
You are in bed sleeping but awaken by the noise (or wife elbowing you). Goal is to secure residence. How fast are you getting to your firearm using lawful measures of security?

I am a newbie and curious of quick ways to get to my sidearm. Where is a good place to keep it? Under the bed?

Class recommendations welcome

Hi Maura. I will comply with all state and local laws regarding the safe storage of my firearms. If necessary, I'll let my wife and infant son die so as to not engage in "self help" as I know that is not recommended.
1) Dog Barks when perp enters yard or gets near house
2) Lawful Firearm Owner hears commotion and hits outside spots on lighting up yard like a Mall
3) Does Perp run off?
A) Yes - Man goes back to sleep, gives dog snack
B) No - Man walks to door and asks perp if he wants a 45 or 9mm for a night snack (I keep both by my night stand :)
4) Perp runs off?
A) Yes, Man goes back to sleep, gives dog snack, if time permits tells local popo that someone is out and about
B) No, Man looks to see if Perp has a gun, if NO, dog is let out from back door and commences to eat the shit out of him
Option 2) Man unloads from window above door a complete can of Bear Repellent on Perp
Option 3) Perp has Gun and is banging at the door still, Man advise family up to safe room, sits nearby door waiting to play Plink Plink
5) Man takes well deserved wizz, still gives dog a snack then goes back to bed
what if the perp requests .40?
I'd get to my computer and post on NES asking what to do, while the cats with untrimmed claws take care of business. I'm not too worried though - the sign on the front door says "gun free zone" so no intruder can hurt me in my safe space.
Do tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll out of bed onto floor while grabbing my .45 with rail light off the night stand. Proceed to empty magazine in a willy-nilly manner because our politicians and the media say all of us gun nuts do that all the time. Reload with another mag and go see if I hit anything. See perp, do another tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll because it's fun and adds drama. Empty another magazine during roll, hitting perp in the chest which sends him flying backwards down the stairs and through the door out onto the lawn (because that's the way it really happens right?). Hand over the perp to the helpful police who have arrived just in time to miss the action. Go get a snack and let the wife and kids know everything is fine, daddy just had to shoot a bad guy, again. We all laugh and go back to bed.
Do tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll out of bed onto floor while grabbing my .45 with rail light off the night stand. Proceed to empty magazine in a willy-nilly manner because our politicians and the media say all of us gun nuts do that all the time. Reload with another mag and go see if I hit anything. See perp, do another tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll because it's fun and adds drama. Empty another magazine during roll, hitting perp in the chest which sends him flying backwards down the stairs and through the door out onto the lawn (because that's the way it really happens right?). Hand over the perp to the helpful police who have arrived just in time to miss the action. Go get a snack and let the wife and kids know everything is fine, daddy just had to shoot a bad guy, again. We all laugh and go back to bed.

You could always ask the cops to bring some doughnuts on the way? they have to come over anyway....
Do tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll out of bed onto floor while grabbing my .45 with rail light off the night stand. Proceed to empty magazine in a willy-nilly manner because our politicians and the media say all of us gun nuts do that all the time. Reload with another mag and go see if I hit anything. See perp, do another tactical "Capt. Kirk/T.J. Hooker" roll because it's fun and adds drama. Empty another magazine during roll, hitting perp in the chest which sends him flying backwards down the stairs and through the door out onto the lawn (because that's the way it really happens right?). Hand over the perp to the helpful police who have arrived just in time to miss the action. Go get a snack and let the wife and kids know everything is fine, daddy just had to shoot a bad guy, again. We all laugh and go back to bed.
if you have indoor video recording don't forget to do multiple slide racks and press checks
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