An old liberal, crabby grandpa, or ancient non hacker?

Jun 19, 2009
NE Taxachusetts
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So I'm at the Post Office today dropping off a couple packages this morning. A woman and her baby are waiting in line behind me and someone comes in the door. He says to the woman, "What a nice little baby. Hope you don't raise 'em to join the military, what a waste of life". Now I've got "Veteran" plates on my car, a combat infantry decal on my windshield, and I'm wearing OD green shorts and my digi-camo NRA hat. What were the chances he was referencing me? Now I don't typically like to coin myself as a target, but I turned around and saw this hunched over old man. I had a scowl on my face and wanted to say something so bad in regard to his comment, but held my tongue and thought about what mom used to say to me, "respect your elders" and "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". When I went outside, I took a quick peek at the other vehicles(there weren't many) to see if there were any other vet plates about...none. I later told my wife the story when she came home from work(who also happens to be a veteran) and the first thing she said was, "why would he say that? were you wearing your camo's?". I don't know what I'm trying to get at, maybe liberals suck, liberalism has been around since the dawn of time, some people just can't hack the military or some people just have a blatant disregard for those that serve. Bah, in a nutshell the guy was an a**h*** and if I were his age, I'd maybe wrecked him with my cane or ran him over with my walker. Ok, I'm done ranting now, have a good one!
Me either.[grin]Especially where son is about to head out to Afghanistan soon. I would probably be respectful to a point.[wink] Military is a family business with us so I would definitely gotten my .02 worth in.

That's right. I come from a long line of servicemen and women. He would have gotten an earful. A RESPECTFUL ear full, but an ear full nonetheless.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch? would have been an approprate response. He would need to know what that meant if it wasn't for the military and all the good that they do around the world.
I don't know what I'm trying to get at, maybe liberals suck, liberalism has been around since the dawn of time,
Liberalism hasn't always been prevalent. Little problem for them is first you need prosperity then you can have the luxury of being liberal. Which kills the prosperity repeat as needed. Sucks to be us right now.
Yeah, I hear you folks, but when I talk trash, I really talk TRASH. I know me, I'd of made a spectacle of it. Besides, the old man practically had one foot in the grave. Soon, the likes of him will no longer be around to bother the likes of us. Soon he'll be worm food. That's my revenge. I'll live on, proud to have served and hopefully in the very near future, to have served again. Proud to have had the honor to stand alongside men and women that had the effing cajones to serve something bigger than themselves. Proud to call myself an American, not Hawaiian-American, not Filipino-American, not Chinese-American, just plain old American. Though I'd much like to squash people as outspoken as this old geezer, what do they really know about military service? Only what they want to hear or what the left tell them. But I know better, we know better and that's all that matters.
Your service in the military gave him his right to freedom of speech to say those hurtful and mean-spirited things.

The jerk will just never realize it.

Thank you for serving to protect my freedom, esswun.
Yeah, I hear you folks, but when I talk trash, I really talk TRASH. I know me, I'd of made a spectacle of it. Besides, the old man practically had one foot in the grave. Soon, the likes of him will no longer be around to bother the likes of us. Soon he'll be worm food. That's my revenge. I'll live on, proud to have served and hopefully in the very near future, to have served again. Proud to have had the honor to stand alongside men and women that had the effing cajones to serve something bigger than themselves. Proud to call myself an American, not Hawaiian-American, not Filipino-American, not Chinese-American, just plain old American. Though I'd much like to squash people as outspoken as this old geezer, what do they really know about military service? Only what they want to hear or what the left tell them. But I know better, we know better and that's all that matters.

I hear ya, but I would not have been able to let it slide. You never know how hurtful word like what he said can be especially if there was someone mailing a package or letter to a loved one in the sandbox.
I know of someone who went into one of our local PO's and the mail clerk gave her a hard time and she was just trying to mail a package to her son in Iraq. She was really upset by it.
So No, I wouldn't have been able to let it slide. I joined right after Viet Nam and I remember what it was like, so I will be DAMNED if some jackass is going to get away with making a rude comment about ANYONE of our service members.
You are a gentleman esswun. You did right not to rise to his bait. At his age he's probably confirmed in his prejudices and bigotry, whatever you had said he would somehow in his own mind retain the moral high ground.
You are a gentleman esswun. You did right not to rise to his bait. At his age he's probably confirmed in his prejudices and bigotry, whatever you had said he would somehow in his own mind retain the moral high ground.

At this point it’s not about him. It’s about everyone in earshot of him. What you tolerate, you validate. You can’t let that sort of thing slide.
"Thank you for expressing your opinion, sir. Whether or not we agree with them, it's always nice to see people exercise the freedoms that we fought and sacrificed to protect."

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