animated gif's aren't so animated after upgrade


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
So Micro$ponge sent out an automated upgrade last night, and I downloaded it to my 2ghz Pentium 4 system, running Win2K, SP4 (or whatever the current level is this week)...

and suddenly, animated gifs aren't. No animated smileys any more.

I downloaded the latest Java runtime environment and the latest Macromedia Flash as well, but still no joy.

Any ideas?

Now some do, and some don't!! I don't UNDERSTAND!!!

This one does not animate:

but this one does:

What's the difference between them that makes one work and one not???

dwarven1 said:
Now some do, and some don't!! I don't UNDERSTAND!!!

This one does not animate:

but this one does:

What's the difference between them that makes one work and one not???


I see them working too Ross. Ummmm....Gremlins, maybe? :D
OK, this is no help, but I couldn't resist:

It's the Liberal filter. Liberals could never watch that whipping action and maintain their sanity. But the rolling Smiley is cute and passes the censors.

I recommend a complete exorcism of the computer by high caliber gunfire.

Like I said, they all worked before that darned patch.

And how could I be a Liberal, Derek, when you *know* that I have one of those Evil Hi-Capacity Assault Pistols? I'd get my card revoked for that kind of thing if I was a liberal.

But maybe my computer has been affected by a Conservative virus... didn't want to see that kinky stuff with the smileys?

They all seem to work for me. I'm only running an old 266Mhz PII. Of course, there's no Micro$oft anywhere to be seen, only GNU/Linux.

Total Cost: Hardware - free, surplus from campus; Software - doanloaded, burn ISO disk (roughly 50 cents for the disk); not having to put up with MegaCrap from Micro$oft - priceless.

[Sorry it this sounds like gloating; it really isn't intended that way, but as a possible solution. My wife's laptop, which is much more up-to-date hardware, now boots either Linux or Windows XP.]

Are you using Firefox or Internet Explorer? If IE, try running Firefox & see if that helps.

Just a thought.

cdkayak said:
Are you using Firefox or Internet Explorer? If IE, try running Firefox & see if that helps.

Good thought, CD!

It seems that now all the icons work in IE since I've updated Java and Macromedia Flash; normally, I use Navigator 7.2, though. I'll hit the Netscape site and see if I can find an answer there.


Well, upgraded to Navigator 8.033 and my emoticons are moving again.

Thanks for the suggestions. And Derek? I'm going to make sure I play some more shoot-em-up games to ensure that my computer doesn't turn Liberal on me again.

Another good reason to avoid dealings with the gonifs from Redmond whenever possible. They're notorious for going out of their way to make sure that any upgrade will screw up whatever applications you have installed on your system that they didn't sell you.

KMaurer said:
Another good reason to avoid dealings with the gonifs from Redmond whenever possible. They're notorious for going out of their way to make sure that any upgrade will screw up whatever applications you have installed on your system that they didn't sell you.

Why, Ken, I didn't realize you were Jewish! Or at least, know someone well enough that words like "gonif" rubbed off on you. :D

And yes, I don't like Micro$ponge software, either. One of the things I'm going to do while I'm out on disability is install Linux on one of my laptops - see if I can't finally learn enough about it to really use it.

dwarven1 said:
So Micro$ponge sent out an automated upgrade last night, and I downloaded it to my 2ghz Pentium 4 system, running Win2K, SP4 (or whatever the current level is this week)...

and suddenly, animated gifs aren't. No animated smileys any more.

I downloaded the latest Java runtime environment and the latest Macromedia Flash as well, but still no joy.

Any ideas?

Sure -- Linux!
Nickle said:
Office software that creates Microsoft compatible files using Linux?

OpenOffice (free)
StarOffice (about $80 from Sun Microsystems)

And no, the real joke is that people are willing to pay as much as they do to be beta testers for Micro$oft.

I think he was baiting me.

You're in the computer business, Derek, you know what's wrong with Microsoft, compared to other companies they put out of the business. Like making you pay for certain updates, though they seem to have reduced that.

Mostly, I dislike monopolies.
In the software industry it's hard not being a monopoly. If you make a superior product, which MS does, most people will use it. I think the last numbers show that over 90% of home users use MS as an operating system. Why should a company stay in business if they can't compete?

If you were a hacker and were developing a hack, which OS would you go after? If Apple had 90% or if Linux had 90% there would be just as many security flaws in that software as well.

Which brings me to another point. We use Lotus Notes (IBM) for my companies email. The reason why I wont change to Outlook is because nobody wastes their time hacking IBM because the niche is so damn small. Is MS Outlook better? By a long shot, but everybody from here to Singapore is constantly looking at new ways to break it.

I think people that complain about MS security flaws don't understand that it would be the same if MAC OS or Linux had a 90% share.

Speaking of Monopolies, my company has around a 60% share of the market place in New England. There are about 8 other companies that have the other 40%. Why? Our software kick the shit out of the competition. It would be asinine for the government to step in and prevent us from taking more of the market.

That monopoly line is a fine one and a tough one to police properly.
Microsoft has been to Federal Court over Predatory Trade Practices in the past. They did settle the case.

Yeah, currently MS makes the best stuff out there. I will undoubtedly stick with them, since I know their software by now.

I used to use Lotus's Word Processors (Ami Pro and Word Pro), back in the days of Windows 3.1. IBM bought Lotus, then never updated Word Pro for either Win 95 or OS2 Warp. Lotus was better, but I never really liked Word's biggest competitor, Word Perfect.

Word Perfect and Apple got their biggest boost due to giving away software to schools, so their product was the one taught. Funny that most businesses were using MS Office and the schools were teaching something else. Needless to say, the schools FINALLY changed up here. They now teach MS Office.

And hacking, your 100% right, the popular stuff is what gets hacked.
I also just saw that Microsoft had a patent in for the iPod technology before Apple did. They just didn't move on it. It looks like Apple may have to pay MS $8 to $9 for every unit sold. Apple has sold 21 million units so far.

I'll see if I can locate the link and post it here.

ETA : It wasn't even close, MS beat them by 5 months.,+Apple+in+iPod+patent+tussle/2100-1047_3-5830435.html
derek said:
Is MS Outlook better? By a long shot, but everybody from here to Singapore is constantly looking at new ways to break it.

Derek, you're kidding here, right? Please tell me you're kidding. MS Ouchlook is the worst piece of crap I've ever been forced to use. As an email client, it plain and simple sucks. It's slow, the interface is torturously difficult to find anything with, and from what I've been told by friends in the industry, the server is much more maintenance-intensive than any other server software. Certainly my company has more downtime than any other company I've worked for - they all used other email servers.

Frankly, the ONLY reason I use Outlook at work is that I'm forced to. At home, I use Eudora to access my POP3 accounts and I'm much happier with it.

Word I like because I've been using it since version 1.1. Excel I only use because Borland doesn't make Quattro Pro any more (that I'm aware of). Quattro Pro beat the pants of of Excel, frankly.

I'll agree with you that some of M$'s software is superior... but not across the board; no way.


I was comparing it to Lotus Notes Mail Server and Client. If you've used Notes, you would agree with me 100%.
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