Another Soldier's funeral being protested in Maine

Mar 21, 2005
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Just wanted post a heads up on this one. Here is one of the articles from the local paper:

A link to the thread on the Patriot Guards site:

My wife and I plan on attending to show our support to the family.


ETA: The latest is the town is requesting all those supporting Sgt. Dan's family to wear red shirts. It has also been confirmed that the @$$'$ from Kansas will be spouting thier hatred at this funeral.
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While I support any persons right to protest whatever the hell they want,these people take it way too far.All in the name of religion as well,it figures.I haven't been in a good fight in a while,but I would love to scrap with these retards.

I hope this group of people meet a fiery crash that slowly burns them all to death on thier way up to Maine.While their skin is on fire,they can look in each others eyes and wonder if them burning to death is someones way of telling thewm they were doing something wrong.
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Lynne, Thanks.

From what I've been reading and hearing, it looks like there will be a good turnout to support the family and to help the PGR. Hopefully we can help them say goodbye and pay their resect in peace.

Thanks CD. Hope you run those scumbags out of town. Just remember they are looking to start a fight so they can sue.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
RIP soldier.[halfmast]

Can't thank the Patiot Guard enough for what they do.
these subhumans need to be stopped.
The goverment has become so powerfull that it can stop me from smoking a cigarette in a privately owned club/business, but these scumbags still have the right to stand outside a funeral and piss on an american hereos greiving family?

I think its time to look at other techniques for dispersing these people..
isnt there a chemical that designed for crowd control thats supposed to make corpses smell like apple pie. a few ampules of this on their leader and i bet they will rushing home in their SUV's to scrub off the scent of necrotizing flesh and feces.. and its not technically assault.
SnakeEye said:
I think its time to look at other techniques for dispersing these people..
isnt there a chemical that designed for crowd control thats supposed to make corpses smell like apple pie. a few ampules of this on their leader and i bet they will rushing home in their SUV's to scrub off the scent of necrotizing flesh and feces.. and its not technically assault.

hehehe....a little o' di outhouse, eh? I *LIKE* it.
i live here in maine,this is getting a lot of coverage,they are showing these maggot eating,piss drinking,animals dancing,showing signs,ect,i usally don't try to get too worked up over something,but it makes me want to take a baseball bat and smash them across the face,and when they are laying there in pain,take a dump in their mouth,then kick them to death.the men and women.may they rot in hell.
edsmith said:
i live here in maine,this is getting a lot of coverage,they are showing these maggot eating,piss drinking,animals dancing,showing signs,ect,i usally don't try to get too worked up over something,but it makes me want to take a baseball bat and smash them across the face,and when they are laying there in pain,take a dump in their mouth,then kick them to death.the men and women.may they rot in hell.

I'm glad you can take those !@#$$%%^s so calmly. I'd want to do something violent to them.
Oh, I agree Ross, but I wouldn't want to stoop to their level, plus these idiots are looking for anything to bring on a lawsuit. I am thankful that there is such an organization as the Patriot Guard.[wink]
From the news reports this AM, it sounds like that group didn't show up. Thank God the family and friends were able to honor and grieve for their soldier without interference from outsiders.
There were mixed reports as to whether the hate group showed or not; as far as I could tell there was no sign of them. It was a very impressive showing of support.

From the ride captain's report there were at least 300 people with the PGR. Over 130 bikes at the last count I heard, but they were still arriving after that. The community members were also out in full force with flags flying.

MrsWildweasel said:
plus these idiots are looking for anything to bring on a lawsuit.

That's how they get their funding. F'ing POS bozo's hiding behind their Bibles. They're the biggest misuse of religion I've ever seen. May they rot in HELL when they die.
Excellent showing.
I stole this thread and posted the info on the MC forum I am on as well. It got allot of response but I am not sure if any of them went.
Thanks for posting the pics, cd. And I'm really glad those SOB's didn't show up...or if they did, they weren't visible. A fitting tribute. RIP, Sgt. Dan.
nice pics cd,now that's what i call support.

if they did show up,they probably saw the support for Sgt Dan and ran away with their tail between their legs like the cowards they are.

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