Anti-War or Anti-Troops?

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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The first part is a letter from my bud to the Superintendent of a middle school in GA (Tony, did you hear about this?) - The second half is self explanitory. I'm getting my poison pen ready...

To: Dr. John Jackson, Superintendent
Greene County School District Dear Dr. Jackson: I sincerely hope and pray that what I just received below is totally untrue. As a retired "mustang" Marine Corps officer - with 15 years service in the enlisted ranks - I can tell you that this "story" is about to hit the rotating blades the likes of which you and your folks have never seen. And I stand at the ready to fire the first volley! I served my country for more than 29 years, having joined the USMC on my 17th birthday. I saw multiple tours in South Vietnam, was twice wounded and received several personal awards and citations for valor in combat. I went because I did what Marines do...fight for our nation according to orders. I well remember the "receptions" that I and my buddies received, coming back to the land of the big PX aka USA. It sounds - from the below - that our young men and women are now starting to get the same sort of "reception" as well! Your particular school "system" now appears to be opening that old pandora's box. I would very much appreciate being immediately advised about your official actions to right the wrong done to Marine Sergeant Zach Richardson and those great kids who wrote our young patriots in harms way before I push this one up the river and into the marina, all decked out. I am taking this affront to MY Sergeant very personally, sir! I await your early response, Sincerely, Herbert W. Donahue Jr Major USMC Ret Greensboro, NC (336) 643-1146 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

June 5, 2005
>>From Atlanta talk-show host Neal Boortz...

>>We talked about this one on the show yesterday (June 1), but it didn't
>make the Nuze. So here we go...the story of the Anita White Carson Middle
>School in Greensboro, Greene County, Georgia.

>>Our cast of characters is as follows:
>>Matthew Lund, first year teacher
>>Ulrica Corbett, Principal.
>>Zach Richardson, Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps.

>>So .. here's the story, gleaned from the front page of the May 26th
>edition of Greensboro Herald-Journal.

>>Matthew Lund and Zach Richardson were college roommates. After college
>Richard joined the Marines and Lund started teaching. Richardson went to Iraq,
> Lund to Carson Middle School, there to teach a 6th grade language arts class.

>>As a class assignment Lund gave his students the opportunity to write a
>letter to Sgt. Richardson in Iraq. Richardson wrote back and gave the class
>the names of five other Marines who would like to receive letters. Soon other
>middle school classes were also sending letters to the Marines >in Iraq.

>>When Sgt. Richardson returned to the United States he told Matthew Lund
>that he wanted to come to the Carson Middle School to personally thank the
>students for their support and letters. Lund filled out and submitted a
>"Resource Visitor or Guest Speaker Form" and submitted it to Principal Corbett.
> Lund says he never got the form back from Corbett. He says he asked the
>Principal about the form, and was told that she was not going to look at it.

>>Lund says that he realized his request to have Sgt. Richardson visit the
>school was going to be ignored by Ulrica Corbett. He made the decision to
>proceed with the plans for the visit, a visit that took place, or was to
>take place on May 23rd, one week before Memorial Day.

>>When Sgt. Richardson showed up at the Carson Middle School Lund took him
>to the school's media center to prepare to meet the students. At that
>point, according to Lund, Principal Corbett called him into the hall and
>told him that the Marine was not approved to be at the school. Lund told
>Corbett that the proper form had been submitted and had been ignored.
>Corbett's response was "that's your problem, not mine."

>>Lund's version of the discussion with Corbett in the hallway suggests
>that Corbett harbored a great deal of hostility toward Sgt. Richardson and
>Matthew Lund. She told Lund that the students had not earned the visit
>from the Marine, and closed the discussion with Lund with the phrase "what
>part of what we just discussed do you not understand?" She then ordered
>Matthew Lund to escort Sgt. Richardson off the school campus.

>>When this story hit the local newspaper Ulrica Corbett thought it best to
>do a little CYA work. She submitted a written statement to the Herald-Journal
>in which she stated "My decision not to allow Zach Richardson to speak with
>the students on Monday came out of my regard for the safety and welfare of
>our children." What a crock. Is Ulrica Corbett saying that this U.S. Marine
>who had just spent a year putting his life on the line for his country presented
> some sort of a threat to the children at the Carson Middle School?

>>My guess? What we have here is some self-important middle school principal
>who harbors a dislike, if not an outright hatred, of the American armed forces,
>and who is steadfastly opposed to our actions in Iraq and quite possibly in
>Afghanistan. This principal then decided to let her petty prejudices stand in
>the way of what would have been a memorable and >rewarding experience
>for both Sgt. Richardson and the children of Matthew Lund's 6th grade class.

>>Now that's just a guess. I've received messages that Ulrica Corbett has
>family members in the military and serving in Iraq. You would have thought
>that information might have been set forth in her written statement to the
>newspaper. It wasn't

>>Corbett is saying that the teacher didn't follow protocol. The newspaper
>has signed and dated copies of the documentation submitted by Lund.
>Someone here isn't telling the truth. One thing for sure: Protocol be dammed,
> Ulrica Corbett could have found a way to allow this soldier to talk to the
>students who had befriended him. She didn't

>>This morning the story is getting increased attention. Calls have been
>coming into the Greene County Schools from across the nation.
>Superintendent John Jackson has offered a written apology, saying that the
>situation could have been handled differently. The official story still
>seems to be that Lund didn't follow the necessary steps to get permission
>for Richardson's visit. I would like to know a little more about Lund's
>assertion that Corbett told him that she was simply "not going to look at"
>the written request, and that this was "(his) problem, not mine."

>>Right now it sounds more like the problem was with Corbett, not Lund. I
>guess it should be expected that the superintendent would protect an
>established principal in a controversy with a first year teacher on the way
>out the door.

>>Thanks to the Herald-Journal the people of Greene County know just what
>type of person they have in charge of the education of their children at
>the Carson Middle School.

>>Government schools. Gotta love 'em.

>>Here's the contact information for various parties:

>>Principal Ulrica Corbett
>>Anita White Carson Middle School
>>1010 S. Main Street
>>Greensboro, GA 30642
>>(706) 453-3308

>>On his webpage, Superintendent Jackson invites folks to "give us your
>>as to how we can become better. You are always welcome!" So why not
>>Dr. Jackson' s invitation?

>>Dr. John Jackson, Superintendent
>>Greene County School District
>>Corry-Boston-Jackson Education Complex
>>101 East Third Street, Greensboro, GA 30642
>>Phone: (706) 453-7688
>>Fax: (706) 453-9019

>>Heck, while you're at it, why not copy your correspondence to the
>district's school board members?

>>Emma O'Neal

>>Imogene "Cookie" Robinson

>>Kathleen Mayers

>>Janice Gallimore

>>Deborah Smith
Yea, I don't really have a lot of tollerance for people that this way. I mean, on one hand...we need anouther Australia, if they don't like what the armed forces do for you, then don't live here.

On the other hand, that's really what they are fighting for, for people to be idiots if they want to, it's the American way.

I still don't think that it's right, so there will be an e-mail coming from my address. As well as a copy to my brother-in-law, and he'll send it out to his whole squadron.
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