
A big part of the Power Of Medicine is that if you know it will work it's more likely to work than if you know it won't work.

My mom (almost 92) knows that only Bayer Asprin work. Another brand, or a generic won't have any effect.

Accupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic (for curing cancer, etc.) , or honey, or silver, or "cleansing" may or may not work for a person....awesome. But it may be belief, as opposed to an actual mechanism, that makes it effective.

Feel free to get yourseld bled if it cures what ails you - but keep your fleams off of my veins. My humors are fine.

To the "local honey" proponentes - what is the theory behind "local" (and what defines local) being better than from other places?
I have been making products with Ionic and Metallic Silver for over 20 years and find them effective for reducing contamination when used topically. This is well supported by studies published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific literature.

Use of silver on implanted devices (catheters, joint replacements, etc.) has been shown to be effective in some studies but results are not as well supported.

No studies find silver effective taken internally. It's not a conspiracy against silver. It's just that nobody has been able to do a high quality study to show it works. And many have tried.

If it works for you - great. If it doesn't, forget a lawsuit against the maker. These garage bottling companies come and go as fast as FDA and state health inspectors can track them down. Think a few steps lower than the formulation compounding labs that are in the news that made drugs that are killing people.

Get yourself some broad spectrum antibiotics, put them in foil-wrapped, air-tight jars or mylar/foil pouches with moisture and oxygen absorbers and store in a cool place. They will last years.
Don't get me wrong, if I get cancer I'm going to take what the doc thinks will help me win the battle and I'm choosing his procedure over home remedies. But I am saying I would also do things like alter my diet to more raw foods, etc.

I'm not saying believe in fairies and pixie dust. I'm saying when you get a sniffle give it a try and see what happens.
A really good reference to have is a copy of the "Physicians' Desk Reference" aka the PDR.

And get the complete version, not one of the cheap condensed versions. Everything you would like to know about a medication is in there and can help you make informed decisions. Since I was a kid, I think I've looked up every medication I've ever been prescribed before taking it. I've consulted with my doctor over certain choices and rejected some as well.

Amazon sells the current version for about $70. Every couple of years, I drop my current copy into the library and order a new one. Cheap money for valuable knowledge. Heck, it's about what a good software book costs, and I buy those quite a few times a year. (I really wish more of them would be available electronically, But I'd never want my PDR in anything but a book unless I ALSO had it in a book.)

Speaking of electronic book... Added the electronic version of "Wilderness & Travel Medicine" by Eric Weiss MD and Michael Jacobs MD to my iPhone after several recommendations. This is the book that Adventure Medical Kits includes in their better kits. It's not the ultimate resource, but it is far better than most. What I really like about the version through iBooks is that it is formatted for the iPhone screen and is fully searchable with a lot of the content hyperlinked. As a quick reference that I always have with me, it is a nice resource. Anyway, figured I'd mention it.

Another thing to keep in mind about antibotics - The more they are used, the less effective they are. Learn how to properly clean and care for injuries to avoid needing them for that use.
A really good reference to have is a copy of the "Physicians' Desk Reference" aka the PDR.

And get the complete version, not one of the cheap condensed versions. Everything you would like to know about a medication is in there and can help you make informed decisions. Since I was a kid, I think I've looked up every medication I've ever been prescribed before taking it. I've consulted with my doctor over certain choices and rejected some as well.

Amazon sells the current version for about $70. Every couple of years, I drop my current copy into the library and order a new one. Cheap money for valuable knowledge. Heck, it's about what a good software book costs, and I buy those quite a few times a year. (I really wish more of them would be available electronically, But I'd never want my PDR in anything but a book unless I ALSO had it in a book.)

Speaking of electronic book... Added the electronic version of "Wilderness & Travel Medicine" by Eric Weiss MD and Michael Jacobs MD to my iPhone after several recommendations. This is the book that Adventure Medical Kits includes in their better kits. It's not the ultimate resource, but it is far better than most. What I really like about the version through iBooks is that it is formatted for the iPhone screen and is fully searchable with a lot of the content hyperlinked. As a quick reference that I always have with me, it is a nice resource. Anyway, figured I'd mention it.

Another thing to keep in mind about antibotics - The more they are used, the less effective they are. Learn how to properly clean and care for injuries to avoid needing them for that use.

+1 on the PDR. An excellent resource.
A big part of the Power Of Medicine is that if you know it will work it's more likely to work than if you know it won't work.

My mom (almost 92) knows that only Bayer Asprin work. Another brand, or a generic won't have any effect.

Accupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic (for curing cancer, etc.) , or honey, or silver, or "cleansing" may or may not work for a person....awesome. But it may be belief, as opposed to an actual mechanism, that makes it effective.

Feel free to get yourseld bled if it cures what ails you - but keep your fleams off of my veins. My humors are fine.

To the "local honey" proponentes - what is the theory behind "local" (and what defines local) being better than from other places?

Local honey is better for allergies because the local pollen that causes allergies is also what the local bees are exposed to when doing bee things.
Honey can also be used for wounds. Roman soldiers - who probably had quite a few MINOR injuries - used it. Not first choice but you never know.

Yup.. The Survival Doctor (whom posts on here sometimes) had that on his site some time ago. VERY good advice. Makes me want to get a group buy on honey going. Honey also ferments well into mead, which acts as a pain reliever and anti-anxiety medication.
One of my favorite and most used books on my shelf is Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Harrod Buhner. There are many natural/herbal antibiotics out there that can be turned into ready "medicines" very simply. Your first line of defense is to strengthen your immune system. Get this down and you'll rely less on external medicines (natural or otherwise). That said, there will be times when you may need something more. Someone in a previous post mentioned how the more you use (prescription) antibiotics the less they work. The bugs adapt. Herbs are complex things that keep the bugs confused. They cannot readily adapt. Example: penicillin has one active constituant: penicillin. Garlic has about 30 known active constituants with at least 30 more whose actions are still unknown.

This is a passion of mine and I could go on forever (no worries, I won't [wink]) But when TSHTF, I don't want to be concerned that there's no local CVS.
One of my favorite and most used books on my shelf is Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Harrod Buhner. >

This is a passion of mine and I could go on forever (no worries, I won't [wink]) But when TSHTF, I don't want to be concerned that there's no local CVS.

Oh, please do. [thumbsup]
Would you consider starting a thread on this subject in this forum ?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Suz again.

I believe there would be a good amount of interest.
Oh, please do. [thumbsup]
Would you consider starting a thread on this subject in this forum ?

This is probably just as good a place to post, since the question of antibiotics was originally asked here. One of my favorite 'heavy hitters' is Grapefruit Seed Extract (not the same as Grapefruit Extract). One bottle lasts me a few years as you only need a couple of drops. This is one instance where I do rely on store bought, but they are small bottles and last for years.

For a root canal the dentist required antibiotics as a precaution. (My Dr and dentist and I have an understanding, they give me a script knowing I will walk out and toss it and will take care of things my way). I took a few drops in water twice a day for a few days instead. I also upped my probiotics (homemade kefir with raw milk). This assures that the good bugs are supported to flourish cuz the GSE (and any antibiotics) will kill any and all bugs, good and bad.

It's also great for fungal infections (a few drops in water and soak infected area). I keep it as emergency water purifier for camping, etc.
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