Antioch school shooting: Nashville suspect, 17, posted alt-right paraphernalia, photos from past school shootings


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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A nearly 300-page document posted on the X social media platform contains numerous selfies of what appears to be the shooter with various alt-right paraphernalia scattered between statements against “race mixing,” wishes to “take revenge” on society, statements praising Adolf Hitler and pages of explicit photos from previous school shootings.

This gentleman does not look like a White Supremacist.

Something odd about this.
black kid? mainstream news already forgot this ever happened until they need some school shooting statistics for when they try to push for new laws that wouldn't have stopped this
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black kid? mainstream news already forgot this ever happened until they need some school shooting statistics for when they try to push for new laws that wouldn't have stopped this

He'll no doubt be listed as a white supremacist in stats
We need to start teaching kids from day 1 how fortunate they are to have been born in the US vs a third world country. The problem with kids (and everyone) today, is far too many don’t appreciate how fortunate they are or how good they have it. Hell, they’ve been taught that they should be ashamed of themselves for being American, should be ashamed of America’s history and even ashamed of how they were born. Education needs a complete overhaul. No, the US isn’t perfect, but it’s a damn good place relative to most of the rest of the world. There are 8 billion people in the world. 340m in the US (of which many weren’t born here). Thats 4% of the world population in the US or 4 out of 100. Pretty dang lucky of those that were born here (or even born at all)
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A nearly 300-page document posted on the X social media platform contains numerous selfies of what appears to be the shooter with various alt-right paraphernalia scattered between statements against “race mixing,” wishes to “take revenge” on society, statements praising Adolf Hitler and pages of explicit photos from previous school shootings.

This gentleman does not look like a White Supremacist.

Something odd about this.
Yeah that was a little weird this time

Maybe it's a new wrinkle in the play book
We need to start teaching kids from day 1 how fortunate they are to have been born in the US vs a third world country. The problem with kids (and everyone) today, is far too many don’t appreciate how fortunate they are or how good they have it. Hell, they’ve been taught that they should be ashamed of themselves for being American, should be ashamed of America’s history and even ashamed of how they were born. Education needs a complete overhaul. No, the US isn’t perfect, but it’s a damn good place relative to most of the rest of the world. There are 8 billion people in the world. 340m in the US (of which many weren’t born here). Thats 4% of the world population in the US or 4 out of 100. Pretty dang lucky of those that were born here (or even born at all)
For real

I had this thought the other day

Like how can god not have blessed your dumb ass

Your worried about being able to shell out 150k to afford surrogacy

While driving 2 new cars

In a 500 k house

With a formal education

Etc etc i could go down the list

But the bottom line

Thank god i am american...and that there was this oppurtunity 250 years ago to try this experiment out and it worked.
For real

I had this thought the other day

Like how can god not have blessed your dumb ass

Your worried about being able to shell out 150k to afford surrogacy

While driving 2 new cars

In a 500 k house

With a formal education

Etc etc i could go down the list

But the bottom line

Thank god i am american...and that there was this oppurtunity 250 years ago to try this experiment out and it worked.

No wonder we have a mental health crisis. Kids come out of school ashamed of themselves and their country. The left is trying to destroy America’s culture from grade school up.
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