Any Members of the CZ Forum Here?


NES Member
Mar 6, 2019
Escapee from MA
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Hi All,

Having just purchased my first CZ pistol, I wanted to join the CZ Forum (, and am unable to register. When trying to register it gives a couple of security questions that you need to answer, and it doesn't like any of the answers I give, even though some of the answers have to be correct (in my world). And a Google search shows that others have had this same problem in the past, with no good solutions.

Any suggestions, or does anyone here know any of the mods or admin over there who can help me?

Thanks in advance.

I'm a member but apparently haven't been on there since 2013. It's a clunky forum for sure though. I recently picked up a Bren though so I should probably check back in, but as forums go it's not very impressive.
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Cz is too mainstream to be hipster, everyone I know has them. I’d imagine the new hipster guns would be more unique, like the Archon type b, Daniel H9, or RIA 5.0E.
You could try cztalk. Fora platform. Not as active as the Glock/Sig groups but not bad
Thanks for the suggestion. I signed up last night and have already posted a few times already. I was able to find some good, relevant info there, like sources for trigger spring upgrades, optics cuts, etc.

I'm pretty sure I have an account there. If so, I'm probably Chris_1001 there also... Prob signed up when I got my first CX (Shadow 2). Too lazy to check, but prob 2018 ish?
Do they actually kill warranty/parts support of the guns? Actually probably a fun question for CZ97 owners, as that things been done for a few yrs

You can't find any/many parts for an 805, consumables or otherwise. People are also complaining about Bren S2 parts availability (blaming Ukraine in some cases), but I don't have experience with that. They just introduced the Bren S3 so people are starting to talk about Bren 2 heading toward the same fate that the 805 had.
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They are notorious for out of stock parts. Took me ages to find SP01 polymer base pads, and in the end I bought it from a forum member. To this day, it’s still out of stock. Same goes with optics plates.

Yup, got my TSO optics plate from Cajun and even that one it was OOS for about a year... I gave up on the CZ one.
You’d think they would do what normal businesses would do and keep a steady production schedule for popular parts. I guess they’re trying to be hipster and do the opposite 😂.

I just ordered a dwx compact, and the selling point was that the dealer has a factory rmr plate to sell me with the gun. Otherwise, I would be hesitant to buy it knowing I have to wait a year for a plate. Or pray that impact machine makes one that cowitnesses.
I'm a member on that forum. It doesn't get much traffic though. I haven't actually logged on in months
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