Any dealers still at the Mill

Everybody thinks I'm an A-Hole for asking these questions.

I don't want to be an A-Hole.

I just have a VERY short memory.

I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday.

I need to have the rules written down in front of me because I keep forgetting.

Everyone has a different interpretation.

GOAL and lawyers.


Informed buyers who know loopholes.

I think I'm going to put this hobby on ice for a while until things get ironed out.
I'm not going to buy anything new because it's too hard to know how to stay out of trouble.

I may be dumb but I'm not being obtuse.

To be obtuse, I would have to have intent and doing it on purpose.

Trust me, I'm not that smart.

I'd be an awful criminal or mafia member. When people "wink wink" / "nudge nudge" - I don't always get it.

I am used to dealing in Black and White rules so these new laws are very confusing to me.

I don't think there are any other laws in this country that are so convoluted.

Years ago, I had a hobby of selling Glock mags. My mags were pre ban and had specific markings that I could show in the Glock reference manual that explained why they were pre ban. I still consider myself a expurt in that subject matter. I was not dealing in ambiguous mags that came out later down the road.

I'm the type of person who would accept bad news that was true rather than an unclear answer.

I just wish we could all get on the same page.

Here is a prediction...

When post 98 Glocks were banned, the supply was cut and everybody was crazy about serial numbers.

Then some dealers just didn't care and new Glocks began to circulate. Most of those dealers never got in trouble and nobody was charged.

Maybe this will happen with post 8/1 AR's.

If no dealers get in trouble, maybe more dealers will start importing new AR's and sell them on the down low to certain trusted buyers who know the secret hand shake.

I think this law is a way to just keep everyone scared. It the state ever charges anyone - and those folks fight back in court - and the whole law will collapse. So they will not charge anyone.

So, maybe dealers at the Mill with their high powered lawyers would like to buck this new law and sell new AR's.
harry caray snl GIF
I think what the disconnect is is that you are looking for that utopian feel good sunshine and rainbows answer so you can do what you want and sleep well at night, which you will never ever get while your a Massachusetts resident.

I'm.not disrespecting you I'm just telling what I believe based on your questions followed by the beat down you continuously receive.
Dude, I'm not reading all that shit.

If I typed all that I wouldn't expect you(or anyone else) to either.

Can you satisfy my ADD and compress all that diatribe into one easily understandable sentence?
I'm not purposely being obtuse.

Lot's of NES claims that I am.

I have a short memory and keep asking the same questions.
Your questions are 99.9% BS. How f'in ignorant can you be? Did you join the site yesterday?
You absolutely know the dealers at the mill are under a microscope and would be foolish to be selling stuff that's illegal under Ch 135.
You know non 8/1 ASF's are illegal to import into the state after the law took effect, yes?
So what would you deduce from that?

The one possibility that I'm aware of however is that if an ASF is manufactured into a fixed mag configuration, then...
Can you figure that one out...?
Well that I never thought of!!!

I always thought that the Mill were on the edge of the law.

Blatantly advertising new Glocks on the internet showed me they don't GAF.


Like you said - if the Mill is under a microscope now - they are not going to go around the law.

I didn't realize that 8/1 was set in stone. I thought it was an interpretation like July 16, 2016.

If the Mill dealers think it's that 8/1 is a real law - then nobody will break it and there is no way to get a new AR.

Ok - so new AR's are DONE.

The dealers will follow the new 8/1 AR laws.

What about the Glock frame laws then?

Is that an actual law being followed, too?

Everybody said that "the frame game" is a over and "NO NEW GLOCKS".

Some people are getting new Glocks.

I was thinking that some dealers do what they want.
Everybody thinks I'm an A-Hole for asking these questions.

I don't want to be an A-Hole.

I just have a VERY short memory.

I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday.

I need to have the rules written down in front of me because I keep forgetting.

Everyone has a different interpretation.

GOAL and lawyers.


Informed buyers who know loopholes.

I think I'm going to put this hobby on ice for a while until things get ironed out.
I'm not going to buy anything new because it's too hard to know how to stay out of trouble.

I may be dumb but I'm not being obtuse.

To be obtuse, I would have to have intent and doing it on purpose.

Trust me, I'm not that smart.

I'd be an awful criminal or mafia member. When people "wink wink" / "nudge nudge" - I don't always get it.

I am used to dealing in Black and White rules so these new laws are very confusing to me.

I don't think there are any other laws in this country that are so convoluted.

Years ago, I had a hobby of selling Glock mags. My mags were pre ban and had specific markings that I could show in the Glock reference manual that explained why they were pre ban. I still consider myself a expurt in that subject matter. I was not dealing in ambiguous mags that came out later down the road.

I'm the type of person who would accept bad news that was true rather than an unclear answer.

I just wish we could all get on the same page.

Here is a prediction...

When post 98 Glocks were banned, the supply was cut and everybody was crazy about serial numbers.

Then some dealers just didn't care and new Glocks began to circulate. Most of those dealers never got in trouble and nobody was charged.

Maybe this will happen with post 8/1 AR's.

If no dealers get in trouble, maybe more dealers will start importing new AR's and sell them on the down low to certain trusted buyers who know the secret hand shake.

I think this law is a way to just keep everyone scared. It the state ever charges anyone - and those folks fight back in court - and the whole law will collapse. So they will not charge anyone.

So, maybe dealers at the Mill with their high powered lawyers would like to buck this new law and sell new AR's.

For most people in the gun business they're not making what you think they make. A few good attorneys would destroy your earnings pretty rapidly. Even if they collaborated.

You're overthinking this. This needs to be resolved by the courts.

In the meantime dealers are going to do what they're comfortable with and that's going to vary from one dealer to the next. There's no magic legal bullet here. The thing/truth/whatever you are so desperately seeking does not exist.

Punching yourself in the nuts over and over again isn't going to get you anything except your balls are just going to hurt afterwards.

If assuming some sort of legal risk bothers you then you shouldn't buy anything or you should stick to boring NPC shops and just not worry about it anymore. I hate to be that guy but anybody who thinks about this that much is obviously causing themselves some serious mental distress. That's pretty unhealthy to be obsessed over something that meaningless.
What about the Glock frame laws then?

Is that an actual law being followed, too?

Everybody said that "the frame game" is a over and "NO NEW GLOCKS".

Some people are getting new Glocks.

I was thinking that some dealers do what they want.
I wouldn't say that 'everybody' said that, if you're paying attention anyway.
The frame game IS over, except for glocks that is...
Glocks fall into a somewhat unique position where they ARE on the EOPPS roster but not the 'secret AG' roster... this creates possibilities for those who choose to go there...
I wouldn't say that 'everybody' said that, if you're paying attention anyway.
The frame game IS over, except for glocks that is...
Glocks fall into a somewhat unique position where they ARE on the EOPPS roster but not the 'secret AG' roster... this creates possibilities for those who choose to go there...
Oh wow!!!

I had no idea!!!

I thought the frame game was exclusively just a Glock thing.

Bummer for the non Glock cool gun lovers, though.
Oh wow!!!

I had no idea!!!

I thought the frame game was exclusively just a Glock thing.

Bummer for the non Glock cool gun lovers, though.
For someone who obviously spends so much time here, you're astoundingly clueless.
I'm heavily leaning toward thinking you shouldn't own guns, for your own safety as well as others...
For someone who obviously spends so much time here, you're astoundingly clueless.
I'm heavily leaning toward thinking you shouldn't own guns, for your own safety as well as others...
But, but he IS a paying customer . . .
At fist I thought reptile did this as kind of satire. I never met him personally. Seeing him in all the previous AWB and chap 135 threads..we know he knows the laws. Is this guy really a spy. Maura’s watchdog playing the role so obvious everyone just over looks it. Wow
At fist I thought reptile did this as kind of satire. I never met him personally. Seeing him in all the previous AWB and chap 135 threads..we know he knows the laws. Is this guy really a spy. Maura’s watchdog playing the role so obvious everyone just over looks it. Wow

A spy? That would explain his lingerie model girlfriend and buckets of used up fleshlights he said he had in his basement.
For someone who obviously spends so much time here, you're astoundingly clueless.
I'm heavily leaning toward thinking you shouldn't own guns, for your own safety as well as others...
I only care about Glocks and AR's.

I never cared to know how people get off roster guns because I never wanted one.

As far as gun safety goes I'm more attune to the finer aspects of that part of the gun lifestyle.

I have taken many courses in the judicious use of lethal force and aspects of self defense.

Over many years I have retaken lots of those classes.

I belong to a number of websites where cases in the news are analyzed and the principles of said classes are applied.

I think in that respect, I am much more knowledgeable than 80% of gun owners in this country.

The majority of gun owners have never taken a single self defense class much less spent tens of thousands of dollars on the finer points of self defense law and classes on a range.

I am aware that lethal force can only be used in the imminent and unavoidable threat of grievous bodily injury or death to myself or an innocent. I would never use lethal force unnecessarily "even if I could get away with it". I realize the huge burden it would be to to take a life for all those involved.

When I get much older and become unsound - I have a plan to sell all stuff - before I am forced to or get in trouble.

In the mean time I will continue to be a responsible gun owner and use my brain to stay out of trouble in the first place.
At fist I thought reptile did this as kind of satire. I never met him personally. Seeing him in all the previous AWB and chap 135 threads..we know he knows the laws. Is this guy really a spy. Maura’s watchdog playing the role so obvious everyone just over looks it. Wow
I go through life with a mental playbook with all the plans and rules on a subject.

These laws and the gun laws in the US are always changing.

The new mass gun laws are based on who you want to believe.

I follow certain gun lawyers and GOAL but what they say may not be factual when this gets sorted in the courts.

Everything is up in the air.

Nobody have been charged or even convicted of violations yet.

The lawmakers can't even put up a FAQ. Even Healey had a FAQ when she issued her edict.

It's very confusing and after reading so much data on all subjects on the internet all day long - sometimes I forget stuff because there is always an update or new case law that changes everything.

What I do see now is that 8/1 is a rock hard detail about AR's. It has not changed over the months.

And, the frame game is over - except for Glocks because they are on the roster.

I've been on NES for a long time and never came across illegal activity so I doubt if Marsha gets much exploitable information from here. Secret plans for cases don't seem to come up on here other than what Marsha already knows.
At fist I thought reptile did this as kind of satire. I never met him personally. Seeing him in all the previous AWB and chap 135 threads..we know he knows the laws. Is this guy really a spy. Maura’s watchdog playing the role so obvious everyone just over looks it. Wow

Lol, it's not a conspiracy that's literally just how he is. I mean most of us are just smart enough to be dangerous but there are levels. He is not malicious, at least not intentionally. Reptile is well meaning but he's like the "Dollar General" version of rain man where he goes to a sales negotiation and loudly announces the exact commission the sales rep is making with no social awareness of the consequences of doing so. @Reptile pro tip.if you stay quiet and then have a sidebar with the sales guy after hed probably buy you a drink or something or maybe dinner. Collecting a vig is always better than shitting in the punch bowl. He does have legit questions but is lacking the acuity to understand that they will not or will never be adequately answered. Mass is a nebulous pile of shit when it comes to gun laws. I learned this long ago when having lunch with Darius Arbabi (may he rest in peace). The stuff he told me way back then still makes my head spin. He defended numerous clients against completely bogus gun charges. Staying out of trouble generically is 250% more important than worrying about gun laws. The gray man doesn't get arrested for gun BS because they stay out of trouble at every turn.

FWIW.... i have babysat a lot of guns for people who got bagged. The common denominator was always trouble. Want to avoid gun problems legally? Heres my short guide:

-avoid crazy broads at all costs
-keep your shit 4a secure under transport
-don't talk to police but be courteous as much as you can. Read the "room" if you get pulled over.
-keep your shit in order. License, reg, insurance. Check and recheck it
-Avoid doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people. And if you really NEED to do these things, do it without your gun or preferably out of state.
-avoid unnecessary physical and verbal confrontations. I get that it feels good to SYG but most of you guys should realize that the big dump you take in the AM is likely worth 5x more than the average MA townie f*** that wants to "fight" you. Your turd is literally worth more than his entire life is. Walk away.
-avoid road rage faggotry behaviors - no brake checking, aggressive tailgating etc.
-if you have drug or alcohol problems fix that shit. If you've ever been belligerent while intoxicated it behooves you to get some treatment. Eventually all these people get clapped and lose theur guns to the Waffen SS, unless or until they get sober and fly mostly straight.
I go through life with a mental playbook with all the plans and rules on a subject.

These laws and the gun laws in the US are always changing.

The new mass gun laws are based on who you want to believe.

I follow certain gun lawyers and GOAL but what they say may not be factual when this gets sorted in the courts.

Everything is up in the air.

Nobody have been charged or even convicted of violations yet.

The lawmakers can't even put up a FAQ. Even Healey had a FAQ when she issued her edict.

It's very confusing and after reading so much data on all subjects on the internet all day long - sometimes I forget stuff because there is always an update or new case law that changes everything.

What I do see now is that 8/1 is a rock hard detail about AR's. It has not changed over the months.

And, the frame game is over - except for Glocks because they are on the roster.

I've been on NES for a long time and never came across illegal activity so I doubt if Marsha gets much exploitable information from here. Secret plans for cases don't seem to come up on here other than what Marsha already knows.
Bud, I find you funny and amusing, sometimes.

But you ask the same questions, then 2 weeks later ask the same question and a week later the same question.

Rinse and repeat
I go through life with a mental playbook with all the plans and rules on a subject.

These laws and the gun laws in the US are always changing.

The new mass gun laws are based on who you want to believe.

I follow certain gun lawyers and GOAL but what they say may not be factual when this gets sorted in the courts.

Everything is up in the air.

Nobody have been charged or even convicted of violations yet.

The lawmakers can't even put up a FAQ. Even Healey had a FAQ when she issued her edict.

It's very confusing and after reading so much data on all subjects on the internet all day long - sometimes I forget stuff because there is always an update or new case law that changes everything.

What I do see now is that 8/1 is a rock hard detail about AR's. It has not changed over the months.

And, the frame game is over - except for Glocks because they are on the roster.

I've been on NES for a long time and never came across illegal activity so I doubt if Marsha gets much exploitable information from here. Secret plans for cases don't seem to come up on here other than what Marsha already knows.
It's meant to be confusing and contradictory to dissuade you from exercising your 2A rights. And if you are adamant about moving forward some DA can twist and turn the law to convict you for exercising your 2A rights!

Remember this law was not written to stop criminals but all who dare to live free.
As far as gun safety goes I'm more attune to the finer aspects of that part of the gun lifestyle.
I was as much referring to you as being unsafe from a legal perspective, sounds like you're willing to buy/sell without having an adequate idea what you're doing or getting into. I realize many parts of the law are ambiguous but some are not and not being aware of the difference could get you and others involved with you on the wrong side of it.
It's meant to be confusing and contradictory to dissuade you from exercising your 2A rights. And if you are adamant about moving forward some DA can twist and turn the law to convict you for exercising your 2A rights!

Remember this law was not written to stop criminals but all who dare to live free.

Don't ascribe malice to what is mostly pure abject stupidity. Sure, those people hate us, but if they were REALLY hardcore they wouldn't make the laws so garbagey. Garbagey laws are actually a huge win for those with the ability to see between the lines, ill just leave it at
that. That's literally the only thing saving MA gun owners, is that the incompetence runs far and deep between different levels of government here.
For someone who obviously spends so much time here, you're astoundingly clueless.
I'm heavily leaning toward thinking you shouldn't own guns, for your own safety as well as others...
Im getting this out of this thread.......and my head hurts.

Im a free stater and could give a rats ass about any laws and seem to know on day 1 around 6 months ago...... that any AR bought in state prior or up to 8/1 is GTG, and Glocks are on the EOPS list which is what we are following now per the new law.... so that makes them OK to sell.
He is trolling all you guys.
Yeah, maybe some of it and yes he's an attention whore but as you've already said for yourself, my replies are partly to clarify things for others who may get sucked into the confusion.
That and so there's less excuse for hearing more of the blathering on about it...
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