Anyone attending the Inauguration?

Mar 7, 2023
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Anyone planning on going in person to DC for the inauguration?
I see alot of groups locally around me planning group bus trips leaving very early on Monday.
Just wondering what others thoughts were on attending in person.
This might be a good Poll:

Would you go if it was free?

Me? No. I've seen enough of the tower growing
Still going?
The swearing in has been moved to indoors.[crying]
The 1.5" of snow forecast for Sunday is enough to slow that city way down. Then, the "feels like" forecast for Monday noon is 10F. We're having serious second thoughts.
Anyone planning on going in person to DC for the inauguration?
I see alot of groups locally around me planning group bus trips leaving very early on Monday.
Just wondering what others thoughts were on attending in person.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. For a million reasons, f*** no. And none of them have to do with my political views.
Doing it inside might have just saved his life, who knows.
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