Anyone have a Seecamp?

May 1, 2005
Somerville, MA
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I'm looking into a Seecamp because they're so small and seem great for concealability. Does anyone here have one, and if so, how does it shoot? FTF, FTE?
I've shot a KelTec before and noticed that when I rapidly fired the gun it seemed to edge its way out of my hand, but not enough to take me off paper. Don't know anyone who has a Seecamp and would just like to get some input.
Everyone I know who has a CCW carries a compact Glock IWB. JUst doesn't seem very, umm, well, feminine.
Would especially like to hear from the other ladies, what do you carry?
I would also be interested in this. I just read a great article about the 32 ACP auto's and think it would be a great pocket gun for alternate carry..

I have a PPK that I use for deep concealment... utterly reliable functioning, double action, and it's a .380. Little more punch than a .32, IIRC. Only drawback is that it does kick a bit. I figure if I have to use it in an emergency, I probably won't notice it...

For the price I've seen USED Seecamps (~ $450 @ Four Seasons), I'd rather get a S&W j-frame revolver (Four Seasons ran a special where the model 637 was $299 NEW). The increased stopping power of a .38 special +P more than compensates for the two extra rounds of .32 ACP, too, IMHO...

I've had very good luck concealing my 360PD (.357 Magnum j-frame w/scandium frame and titanium cylinder weighing in at 12 ounces) in a pair of cargo shorts in the middle of summer and in an ankle holster in spring/fall...

(You can tell you're a gun nut when you start buying clothes based on concealment of your carry gun...) :D
Not to change the subject, but I've been looking at that 360PD Scandium. Now, I don't know about shooting .357 though it. I'm sure that it kicks like my Encore in .308. But I love the weight when I picked it up.

Ok, back to the topic at hand.
dwarven1 said:
I have a PPK that I use for deep concealment... utterly reliable functioning, double action, and it's a .380. Little more punch than a .32, IIRC. Only drawback is that it does kick a bit. I figure if I have to use it in an emergency, I probably won't notice it...


Would you say that a Walther is comparable to a Seecamp in reliability? I don't have experience with either.
I just bought a Seecamp .32 last week, but haven't fired it yet. It was less than $500 new in box at Collector's Gallery. It's an awesome little gun - extremely well made and feels great in my hand. I also got a Galco horsehide pocket holster for it and it conceals perfectly in the pocket of a pair of cotton gym shorts. I'm new to concealed carry, but think this is the perfect gun for the task. I'd rather have a little gun that can easily be carried 100% of the time than a .45 in the safe. Even though the gun is diminutive in stature, it allows you to be armed when 99.5% of the other potential "victims" out there aren't. As for the caliber, I sure wouldn't want to be shot by one, let alone seven, of the HydraSHock hollow points.

There's also this cool laser thingy you can get for it, which may be helpful, since the gun doesn't have sights. The gun prints like a wallet when it's attached. Before I get one I want to see if the draw is more difficult with it attached.

SiameseRat said:
Would you say that a Walther is comparable to a Seecamp in reliability? I don't have experience with either.

I really don't have any way to compare, SR - I've never fired a Seecamp at all. I can tell you that my PPK will cheerfully digest both the RNL reloads I use for plinking and the Winchester Silvertips that I use for carry (and more serious practice) all day long without a hiccup. In fact, I've been wishing that Riverside would run a BUG (BackUp Gun) stage at it's IDPA shoots sometime... I think it'd be a blast.

One thing I've noticed, though...don't try to feed it Blazers. Something about that aluminum case chokes my little PPK right up. Surprised the heck out of me - first time I'd ever had a feeding problem with it. So I stick with the reloads and the Silvertips.

I also have a Seecamp and like it for it's compactness and the fact that I can carry it in many outfits I would have a difficult time carrying anything bigger. Mine have been reliable.
I have to agree with dwarven1. I've had several PPKs. Some in .32 and some in .380. I've loved them. I don't have any right now. But I'm sure that some time in the future that I'm going to get another one.

But I've never had any feeding issues with any of mine. And for a long time that was all I would carry. And pretty much for a couple of years there, it was the only one that I was really shooting at the range.

But, I've never had a Seecamp either. But I have a buddy back in Ohio that swears by them. He has several and love them.
Yes, it does. Also, I would not carry a .32. Colt made a nice little .380 my father used to have. I think my mom sold it after he died, before I could claim it.
TonyD said:
Colt made a nice little .380 my father used to have. I think my mom sold it after he died, before I could claim it.

Government Mark IV Series 80
Colt Mustang Pocketlite which is just a shorter barrel.

Both are a small 1911 style. Both are .380. I don't know if it was one of those, but they are really nice.

A guy I work with has the Mark IV and he loves it. I've been looking for one that's not stupidly priced just because it's in MA. Which I know is a long shot, but I can wait. He got his for $200 less than what I'm seeing them in MA at
I have the .32 Seecamp. They will be coming out with a 380 which of course is slightly bigger. May take a while to get approved in MA.

This is not the gun to bring to the range and shoot all day. I've put a hundred or so rounds through mine to get a feel for it. You are really just trying to put it on the paper. It has no sights and don't expect pinpoint accuracy. It's intended for close range shots and it does that well.

It seems the intention of this gun was to be the gun of last resort. No it isn't as powerful as most other guns. However, because of it's diminutive size, I would argue you are far more likely to pop it in your pocket or purse when you are running out to the store than almost any other gun. That is why I think people like them.

Also, when you are shooting at somebody who is attacking you, they are usually cowards anyway. The sight of a gun is enough to deter 95% of potential troublemakers. The noise will get 4% more.

I know a lot of people who own Seecamps. None of them have had a jam (me included). These are guys who will be at a range with other guns then reach into their pocket pop off two clips because they want to rest the springs in the clips and to check for reliability. Most of the guys I know just pop it in a pocket with no holster. You'd think pocket lint etc would hurt the cycling process. No problems.

There are lots of trade off's with all guns. I find this Seecamp is very high on the practicality scale. Please dont tell Col. Cooper I said so.
I find this Seecamp is very high on the practicality scale. Please dont tell Col. Cooper I said so.

Hey, last time I checked, the first rule of gunfighting was "Bring a gun"...

My North American Arms .22LR 5-shot revolver beats no gun hands down.

Sure wish we could get Kel-Tecs and Kahrs here in the People's Republik. I'd like to get one of those mini-9mm for a pocket gun...
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm definitely going to get one now. Have wanted one for a while but was just afraid because I don't know anyone who has one. I just wanted something a little more concealable. With women's clothing it's a little harder to conceal without looking too bulky or wearing an ugly jacket.
When is the gun world going to design something for us lady-folk?
Jay G said:
Sure wish we could get Kel-Tecs and Kahrs here in the People's Republik. I'd like to get one of those mini-9mm for a pocket gun...

Jay, K&R Target Sports in Hudson, MA has 2 or 3 still-new Kahr's in their store. Tell Roy that Ross sent you. :-) I was going to get one myself but haven't sold my P10 yet, so I don't have the cash for it.

Adam_MA said:
SiameseRat said:
Thanks for the responses guys. I'm definitely going to get one now.

FYI Four Seasons has 2 now listed on their used gun page.


Thanks Adam :) I go to Four Seasonsat least twice a month. Usually I just go to bring Holly biscuits and buy ammo, so this week I'll check out what they've got!
I used to own a Seecamp, but sold it. Completely reliable and easy to carry, but that is about it. Not very accurate. At 30' I had trouble keeping all shots on the paper. It may be better then nothing, but it is way under powered and only good a belly distance. When I had it I either carried it in a pocket holster or an ankle holster and once again it was easy to carry. I now have an S&W 342 .38 special with +p 135 gr. Gold Dots. I still carry mostly in a pocket holster and occasionally in an ankle holster with the same ease as the Seecamp. So why cary a .32? I also carry a S&W 649 Bodyguard .357 in a pocket holster in cargo shorts with similar results. So why carry a .32? I see absolutely no advantage to the Seecamp over a j-frame. My wife has a Beretta Tomcat .32 that I like better then the Seecamp. Far more accurate and easier to shoot. My final comment is that if you can carry a Seecamp you can carry a j-frame. So why carry a .32?
So why carry a .32? I see absolutely no advantage to the Seecamp over a j-frame.
What works for me may not work for you, and vice-versa. For me, it's a lot easier to fit my NAA Guardian in the front pocket of my jeans than my J-frame. As for accuracy -- I can't hit much with my J-frame either :( YMMV.

My Kahr MK9 is as easily to conceal as my J-frame and I find it much more accurate and faster to reload. Unfortunately, it's heavier. If I could find a PM-9, I'd be in heaven.
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