Anyone have any experiences with

Mar 17, 2016
Grafton, MA
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
I am shopping from some new sights for my Ruger LC9s, and I found a good price on some fiber optic sights on

I've never heard of them, don't know if they're reputable. Anyone ever purchased from them?

I've bought stuff from them in the past. they have cheap prices but haven't always been good about having their stock up to date on their web site. so sometimes you'd order and then wait only to later learn they don't have it anymore. frustrating but pretty common with discounters.

Reputable, yes. I have never had an issue ordering or receiving items.

Ethical no. Not pro 2a. First to price gouge after any disaster. I won't be giving them any more of my money.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys/gals. In light of their weak 2A support and post-tragedy opportunism I will be taking my business elsewhere. Gonna go shop my LGS over the next few days and see what they have to offer me.

Thanks again!
Yes, I was trying to buy some product and they wouldn't ship it to MA, though legal. I have a hard time with people who profess to be "2A Activists" only when convenient. So I called their customer service line and asked for the name of the CEO. They declined. Asked for a general manager that dealt with such matters. Also declined. Asked for a Supervisor. Strike three....
At last check (years ago), their shipping costs made up for any good prices they had.


Their shipping costs are horrendous.

I got whacked this way almost 20 years ago. They called me to advise me that my order would incur an additional $40.00 (IIRC) shipping cost as ammo cans are heavy. The irony . . . they shipped the other items inside the ammo cans and there was an original surcharge on shipping the ammo cans that was part of the original invoice cost before the rape add-on charge. If I didn't need the other items by that weekend, I would have canceled the entire order.
All of the fiber optic sights that I see on CTD are name brand companies. Just google the one you want and you will get plenty of other vendors to choose from. Google be your friend.
I usually check resellerratings dot com before i buy from someone i'm not knowledgeable of. take some of it with a grain of salt too, since most people who are upset with them will post compared with the happy ones.
It's been said, but I'll add another negative vote for Cheaper Than Dirt. I've tried to order stuff from them that shows us as current on their web site twice. Turned out to be back-ordered and their communications were lacking.

They also raised prices horrendously after Sandy Hook, seriously gouging.

I've had GREAT luck with Midway. The stuff they say is in stock IS, and they ship incredibly promptly. I don't know how well you'll fare in Massachusetts, because I haven't had to deal with that obstacle.

Brownells is another good online vendor, and as someone else said, Amazon is always worth looking through.
CTD gouges heavily whenever there's a crisis. They've been doing that for almost a decade now.

The only way they're cheaper than dirt is if that dirt's in downtown Manhattan or full of gold. F' 'em.
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