Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

while it slowed from the Burn Loot Murder peak of last year, that won't last long as inflation continues.
Are you correlating inflation with greater volume of ammo purchase? I'm not sure I follow, unless you mean inflation means people freaking out.
Are you correlating inflation with greater volume of ammo purchase? I'm not sure I follow, unless you mean inflation means people freaking out.
I think that’s what he means. Civil unrest and whatnot...and I agree with him. Indianapolis seems to be at a boiling point lately...all the poors pissed off that they’re not getting free money from the .gov and going on stabbing/looting sprees. I have a rifle or pistol in every room in my house.

@Mountain, I hate to say I told you so, buuuuuut ;)
Are you correlating inflation with greater volume of ammo purchase? I'm not sure I follow, unless you mean inflation means people freaking out.

More unrest. Historically inflation is the number one killer of governments and creator of unrest.

We have a thread here where people are paying 2x to 3x the previous price 18months ago for reloading components. Demand for ammo will not slacken with rising prices. It will more than likely accelerate as prices rise.
NICS checks have fallen to ONLY 2.5 million PER MONTH. (From a peak of 4.5 million). So, you're only competing for ammo with 30-40 million new guns this year! 🤣

We need more US based capacity. I said when this started we needed more factories to make more ammo and components. Everyone balked because they weren't paying attention to the numbers and thought this would pass.

Newsflash. Demand is billions of rounds higher now and while it slowed from the Burn Loot Murder peak of last year, that won't last long as inflation continues.

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100% on target.

I can't find the exact video now, but Hornady posted one regarding the shortage and was making fun of customers for the 'tin foil' theories and also doubled-down on not adding capacity for a 'temporary' shortage. It was pretty f-ing condescending. I see a more tame and polite version of the same message on youtube now. No mention of the 'temporary' demand situation that they are ignoring.

Gonna give Barnes props whenever I can. I know firsthand that they shelled out some serious capex for new equipment to get a major bump in capacity while improving their already good quality.

It does seem like the ammo situation is improving a bit, which hopefully translates to primer producers throwing a few more bones to their reloading customers.
I paid $39.99 per brick of CCI400s Jan 2020. I saw what was about to happen as I watched China go full retard in Dec.

I too was not that astute. I thought I had a good stockpile, spanning back 10 years .... and then i realized a little too late, that I did not.

About 20% of what I currently have, I had to pickup at somewhat semi full-potato, early 2021 pricing.
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Props to @RankAmateur . We met at lunchtime so that I could swap some SRP's for LRP's. That gives me some solid breathing room for matches next year. I can't believe how long I've been watching the various vendors yet missed any LRP drops (or more likely was too cheap to pay the price). Thank you sir!

Said it before, I'll say it again: At its core, NES is a community where we take care of our own. Anyone in this thread with iron sight military rifles please check out my Winter Warrior postal match and take a chance at winning 'fabulous prizes' LOL. Least I can do as payback for this community...

Shooters Outpost had CCI #41 Small Rifle this afternoon--$89 per K.

They also had CCI Benchrest small rifle--didn't ask about the price.

Collectors in Stoneham has 8lb jug of BL-C(2) for $279, and an 8lb of H335 for $325 (+/-).

Pete's in Hudson NH has several flavors of 1lb powder--saw TAC and IMR 4895. Ask at the counter--you can't see it from the floor. No idea about pricing.
Should I buy more of everything before Putin invades Ukraine and Xi follows with Taiwan? Asking for a friend.

In all’s been my feeling that what we’ve witnessed this far is just a setting of the stage for what’s to come.

If you’re not and haven’t been in panic mode yet, I think you will be soon.
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Props to @RankAmateur . We met at lunchtime so that I could swap some SRP's for LRP's. That gives me some solid breathing room for matches next year. I can't believe how long I've been watching the various vendors yet missed any LRP drops (or more likely was too cheap to pay the price). Thank you sir!

Said it before, I'll say it again: At its core, NES is a community where we take care of our own. Anyone in this thread with iron sight military rifles please check out my Winter Warrior postal match and take a chance at winning 'fabulous prizes' LOL. Least I can do as payback for this community...

Awesome!! Great news.
I was glad I was able to get you some Varget earlier this year or was it last year? Lol.

In all’s been my feeling that what we’ve witnessed this far is just a setting of the stage for what’s to come.

If you’re not and haven’t been in panic mode yet, you will be.

If Rs don't win the house and senate led by Trump picked candidates ousting RINOs next year in midterms, I guarantee China takes Taiwan before 2024. Because after 2024 either Trump/DeSantis will be president or we'll be in a live fire civil war.

The Chinese want Biden in office when they do it because he's their puppet and he'll downplay the event.
The Ram has CCI SPP. Price up to $83 per 1k. I wonder if this is due to the price increase across the board on Fed/Win/CCI components? Remember seeing a bulletin on it but don’t remember when it took effect.
When is the last time anyone saw Federal primers in the wild ? #unicornprimers
I'm probably not your best barometer as I sort of check out of reloading during the high season at work, but I picked up some 205 shotshell around April.

I'm guessing it's the retailers who are poking us. The raw material inflation is definitely a major issue- we are dealing with it at work every day. LOL so the retailers 'pass along' the price increase on top of their own 100% 'just because' increase. They continue to sell out their stock, so there's not much incentive for them to stop bumping the prices up. Was nice to see those ram jam SRP's not sell out immediately- could be indicating a flattening of demand.

So now I need to actually use up a fair amount of my primer stock and spend time restocking the ammo cache. Usually I prioritize the rifle match needs but I think this time I'm going to build up the 'heavy hitter' stuff- 10mm, .458 socom, .357's, maybe some 44 mags. I do have a decent stock of LPP and SPP magnums.
It’s beyond ridiculous at this point. Finally shootings again with my son, have my reloading bench all set up and can’t get my hands on SPP’s anywhere.

If anyone in central MA has any stock they want to part with or leads/tips on grabbing some I would greatly appreciate it. I work long hours, have two young teens and coach multiple sports teams. I just don’t have time to be sitting in front of a monitor refreshing screens, and “in stock alert” signups have gotten me nowhere.

Just looking for 1k at a minimum to start reloading some 9mm with my kid over the holiday break.
It’s beyond ridiculous at this point. Finally shootings again with my son, have my reloading bench all set up and can’t get my hands on SPP’s anywhere.

If anyone in central MA has any stock they want to part with or leads/tips on grabbing some I would greatly appreciate it. I work long hours, have two young teens and coach multiple sports teams. I just don’t have time to be sitting in front of a monitor refreshing screens, and “in stock alert” signups have gotten me nowhere.

Just looking for 1k at a minimum to start reloading some 9mm with my kid over the holiday br
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