Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

LOL what does one do with 200K SRP Magnums beside post "Look at me!" on the internet? I have heard of subbing the SRP Magnums for SPP's but have no idea how prevalent that would be.

Meanwhile, thanks to the NES Underground I am very well stocked for my highest use primers- LRP's. Also Mrs. Mountain and I enjoyed some choice spots on the North Coast.

Fort Pickering at Low Tide

Niiice! Haven’t been down that way in Salem since college.
The poster claims he’s a high volume long distance shooter, shooting 6.5 manbun…
But I dunno. I suspect he’s prepping like primers will never come back to normal prices etc.
I mean he’s basically set for decades possibly.
Niiice! Haven’t been down that way in Salem since college.
The poster claims he’s a high volume long distance shooter, shooting 6.5 manbun…
But I dunno. I suspect he’s prepping like primers will never come back to normal prices etc.
I mean he’s basically set for decades possibly.
His grandkids can sell them and buy a country. [laugh]
Do a karma for one. Not one box, just one single primer. See how many takers you get
Worth noting that I'm giving away some primers in the Winter Warrior iron sight postal match. Fabulous prizes (LOL) are by random drawing. Top score flexing rights only.
Somebody just dropped Federal SPP for $599,99 a case shipping and hazmat included. I'd tell you where except I can't because.... well just because.
I like his witty comments though. This crap better turn around this summer.

You f***ing wish.
So do I.
But it's not gonna happen.

The market has shown quite clearly that people will bitch about the prices - and continue to buy whatever is available.
Why should the prices drop?
You f***ing wish.
So do I.
But it's not gonna happen.

The market has shown quite clearly that people will bitch about the prices - and continue to buy whatever is available.
Why should the prices drop?
I see ammo prices dropping. If that continues, the savings for reloading diminishes. Reloading components should start dropping, eventually.

At least I hope so.

The people paying $100+ a box will eventually stop buying them. Their wife will stop that nonsense.
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