Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

I've been using Winchester primers for 40 years. Never had a problem. In fact for SPP, LPP and 209 they are my preferred brand.
I used to use Winchester for pistol, and federal for small rifle, but I have switched to "out of stock" brand primers for all my reloading needs
That the shit, I've been looking for some for a long time.
valley had a drop of R16 this morning - notification just came, 8lb jugs - i jumped in, it is already sold out, i am waiting if any will materialize after a 18min wait, but, it is unlikely.

i wonder what kind of bots are people using to sniff it out so quick.

PS. and that shit just switched into 'out of stock' not even waiting for the countdown of 18min to come to a 0. just 'out of stock'. grr.
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This item is not available at this time due to pending orders. Check back in 2 mins to see if items become available.
You did better than me. I played the refresh game for a long time and I got one in my cart but then couldn't check out because it was no longer available.
repeat checkout same way as you repeated to get into cart. then in the payment - it may again refuse and say not in stock - you repeat same torture in the payment screen.
it is a true masochism, but you may get it. i got 8lb jug of varget like that week ago. took 35 minutes to get it.

situation with powders is not getting any better than a situation with primers, so, a reconsolidation into the same feed is a simplest solution. at least then you can stock up on only 2-3 brands, buy a bulk at once and then just keep going. a reality when anybody could login and just get a 2-3 lbs when needed with no hassles is probably gone for good now.

i still do not get what the feck is the deal with alliants and why they got missed in action completely - the drop today was a first one in many months.
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Unsure if this has been posted but a new company getting into Primers. Wonder how long to get started and how much of a difference it will make.
Expansion Industries


I'll save everyone the horror of listening to that guy's talk FFS. New company making primers. They are starting with SR and SP. Sounds like first lots shipping end of Q2. They are handling distribution in house to try and spread them around.
I'll save everyone the horror of listening to that guy's talk FFS. New company making primers. They are starting with SR and SP. Sounds like first lots shipping end of Q2. They are handling distribution in house to try and capture profit the distributors would make for themselves spread them around.
Hmmm.... bulk shipment for Europe to alleviate a shortage .... sounds familiar :)

I wonder if this shortage will last long enough to make it worthwhile to see if I can get another primer deal with the one year or so wait.
Would be "decent" by todays standards if they were American made primers.
I think the vast majority of folks would buy child slave labor made primers with zero issue at this point.

I think even if they put photos of said slave labor children on the box with only 2 fingers on each hand from workplace accidents, people would still buy them if they were available.

I'll save everyone the horror of listening to that guy's talk FFS. New company making primers. They are starting with SR and SP. Sounds like first lots shipping end of Q2. They are handling distribution in house to try and spread them around.

That company has been referenced a number of times......they're located in tx and bought an existing ammo manufacturing facility that wasnt in use

Cant wait for them to start delivery......would be nice if they accepted orders direct from consumers......
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