Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

Does it seem odd that CCI is the flavor available 9 outta 10 times ? Where the hell are the other guys up to ?
Timing on your part? I prefer CCI for most and for M1's / M1A's won't load anything else. I've had to work to find what I could get, and no LRP's yet. CCI maybe has slightly better availability but they all kinda suck for service right now.

To all the LRP hoarders:

May Nancy Pelosi use your toothbrush to scratch that embarrassing itch.


(Special exception to anyone helping others in this thread)
f***, lol...I just went to checkout after posting that up here and they went out of stock!

See what I get for trying help you f***s?!?!

Really hoping someone here got them? If so, please chime in to make me feel better.
Those SRP with the gift card weren’t in stock. You must have had that leftover in your cart previously.
Those 400s have been in stock for at least 2 hours according to the discord notification. Normally they’d be gone in seconds just earlier this year.
Sooo...the ram deal actually isn’t that bad at all...4000 primers for $350 shipped and you get a $75 gift card with the purchase. Use the promo code RTC for free shipping and $30 off.
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Woke up late this morning, figured I would check out forum. Saw this and got excited, for two minutes.
Same for #450 primers - was at $78, now shows $89.99 while still out of stock . I just got 2 packs that are available online for $99 , still. It is truly retarded.
#400 did not hold good with hotter loads I did so I switched to #450 and it works well.
If I were to bet on the duration of this insanity, I'd have lost money. No way did I think it would last this long. While some local shops are doing a good job of getting powder, the bigger online retailers are sold out of everything. Primers are still a huge PITA in general.

Don't know the situation on the ground for CCI, but I know Hornady pretty much gave customers a big F-U regarding whether or not they might expand. Gotta give credit to Barnes- they invested heavily in newer, faster, more accurate production equipment. This I heard firsthand. Wish they made primers, LOL.
If I were to bet on the duration of this insanity, I'd have lost money. No way did I think it would last this long. While some local shops are doing a good job of getting powder, the bigger online retailers are sold out of everything. Primers are still a huge PITA in general.

Don't know the situation on the ground for CCI, but I know Hornady pretty much gave customers a big F-U regarding whether or not they might expand. Gotta give credit to Barnes- they invested heavily in newer, faster, more accurate production equipment. This I heard firsthand. Wish they made primers, LOL.
I just personally gave up on the idea that anything is going to be better or cheaper and do buy what I need when I need it.

Or, lately, simply whenever available.
SRP's up again but those brown-eye pricks raised the price to $83 per 1000.
Lame. For what it’s worth there are coupon codes to take off $10. They probably jacked up the price because they know everyone is using coupon codes lol. Not a good excuse I realize.
"Bend over, here comes the Ram!" still has CCI SRP's available.

I wonder if any of the larger retailers are parsing out primers in limited quantities as a lever to draw more hits to their websites. In your cart then whoops, no longer available.

NICS checks have fallen to ONLY 2.5 million PER MONTH. (From a peak of 4.5 million). So, you're only competing for ammo with 30-40 million new guns this year! 🤣

We need more US based capacity. I said when this started we needed more factories to make more ammo and components. Everyone balked because they weren't paying attention to the numbers and thought this would pass.

Newsflash. Demand is billions of rounds higher now and while it slowed from the Burn Loot Murder peak of last year, that won't last long as inflation continues.


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