Like any gun, Glocks have advantages and disadvantages. IMHO, Glock advantages include:
- low cost (in a free state)
- very low bore axis, results in little muzzle rise
- short reset results in fast follow up shots
- reliable
- excellent coating on the slide
- parts easily swapped out
- DAO/safe-action operation (single, consistent trigger pull)
Disadvantages include:
- poopy trigger (that's a technical gunsmith term)
- large grip circumference
- poopy trigger
- stock sights are terrible (though easily replaced)
- the whole non-drop-free magazine stupidity (now fixed)
- for us 1911 guys, the Glock grip angle is wrong (bloody thing points too high -- I'm waiting for a CCF Raceframe to fix that).
- did I mention the poopy trigger?
As for S&W, until the M&P, I think nothing they had was very competitive.
The M+P still isn't competitive- It has a nanny switch in it and a magazine
safety. The nanny switch I dont mind so much cause it's basically INSIDE
the gun, but the mag safety is pretty much an act of heresy. And you can
be sure that the only way to get an M+P without a mag safety is
via a contract leakout type deal on gunbroker or somesuch, and will
essentially be unobtainium in MA .
Theres also the magazines... which I honestly don't know about... the
gun will be a lot more viable though, in MA, if one can use preban SIGMA
mags with it.