Appleseed Event @Pelham Fish & Game September 17 & 18, 2022


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
For those of you closer to MA, take a weekend right over the border in NH. Great location! Learn some revolutionary history about some great men doing extraordinary things. While you are there test yourself, and your skills with some marksmanship training.

If your luck on day two, take your skills learned and test out to 100m.

If you have any questions visit the Project Appleseed for more information. You can sign up at this link, or feel free to PM me or post in the thread.

There are two other dates in NH up at Dunbarton so look for those events as well.

Hope to see you there.
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Just about 30 days to New Hampshire's next Appleseed event. Is anyone from NES planning on going? It's a great central location for most of New England. Learn some history, learn some marksmanship. It's a win-win situation! If you have any questions PM me or post here in the thread.
Thanks for the heads up. Looks like I can bring the kids. It’ll be there first time at a range.
It's a great time all around. I've been on the line with kids as young as 7/8, and adults in their late 60's early 70's. It's welcome to all, The only requirement is an ability to follow the safety rules (most important), and a willingness to learn. Hope to see you on the line!
So I'm sitting here next to the fire, relaxing, camping in Saratoga NY. I had a thought. I haven't posted a reminder lately for the upcoming Appleseed event. Drink down, phone up, and here is your reminder.

Next weekend, Pelham! I know of one NESer signed up. Anyone else showing up for the weekend? Hope to see some more of you on the line.

End of PSA!

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hello NES,

So this past weekend was a lot of fun. Outstanding weather. Had to have been one of the nicest weekends all year. We had a great turnout over the weekend and a lot of instructors. So there was a great instructor-to-student ratio. Close to 2 to 1 I believe. Some students only signed up for Saturday, and the ratio was even better on Sunday.

I'm guessing, so I'm not entirely sure, but I've attended close 8 Appleseeds thus far. This weekend was by far the most significant of performance increase from Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon. On day one the average hits count was only out to 100 yards, and it was less than half the attendees. But Sunday, saw someone clear the Hits count target and 300 yards was the average score. Really some great performance.

After the last hits count of the weekend, we went over to the longer range and shot out to 100 and 200 yards. Very impressive, everyone was so excited to see everything they learned could translate to distance.

Dunbarton is coming up in less than two weeks!


I completely forgot, I got to meet a couple of members here on NES. Shout out to @thorin. It was great to meet you, you did a fantastic job. There was another member or two, but I didn't get their screen names. Either way, great job!!!
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