Sorry to be the one to pour cold water on this, but I do NOT agree that "this is no big deal" and just ignore it. Lies usually have a way to trip people up.
The common use term "resided" (exact wording is "Other than Massachusetts, what other state, territory or jurisdiction have you resided in?") means "where did you live". It matters not that you didn't vote there, have a DL, pay taxes, or attend ball games there.
In common parlance, if you go to college in NY for a year or even 1 semester, you MUST answer this question by putting NY down there. For instance MA has some weird law whereby if you "move here" to go to college but lived in another state prior to college, you can NOT be considered a MA resident for tuition purposes (UMass). College students normally do NOT take up residency where they go to college, but remain residents of their "home state". HOWEVER, you still must answer this question with the info on the state you lived in while attending college.
Furthermore, you signed that form "under the pains and penalties of perjury". Loosely translated, you lie on the form and you can be denied on the basis of committing perjury and you are subject to criminal prosecution!
My advice (IANAL) is to fess up and submit a letter to the Licensing Officer explaining that you realized that RI should have been added but neglected to do so since you were there for a very short period of time (I'd specify from and to dates in this case), never got a RI DL, voted, changed address, etc. (if appropriate) and wish to amend your application accordingly.
Although I've never asked, I suspect that the reason for the question is that the Licensing Officer would then request a BOP (Board of Probation) check for each state that an applicant lived in as part of the background investigation.