April 22/23 Appleseed @ Pelham, NH. "We are descended from Dangerous Men"


NES Member
Mar 28, 2010
Beverly, MA
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
For those that are following along, we just finished up NH's first Appleseed for the 2023 season and April is right around the corner and we have some exciting news. It's APRIL!!!! That means 247 Years ago, the birth of our nation began. 8 hard fought bloody years would see the birth of a nation that would forever change the world!!!! Come celebrate the anniversary of when many felt it all started

Team NH of Project Appleseed, on. April 22nd and 23rd will be hosting another event out of Pelham Fish & Game in Pelham NH. Each April, we call them Patriots Day Shoots, and 2023 will start off a special Series. This April Project Appleseed will begin a new series of commemorative and collectible shirts and patches. The series is entitled, "We are descended from Dangerous Men".

This year's Patriots Day patch is in honor of Captain John Parker.


I believe this series will go on for the next 5 years. A new shirt and patch each year honoring a different Dangerous Man.

Appleseeds looks back to that fateful day on April 19th, 1775. Appleseed instructors tell the story of what happened that day, and how great men made a lasting effect on the world. How their sacrifices and desire for liberty would form a new nation the world had never seen before. Appleseed takes us back and recounts the events of that day and how marksmanship played a role in overcoming the strongest military force the world had ever known.

Appleseed is a great instructional event that examines our history and teaches the skills of what those brave men were, Riflemen. It's an exciting two days of skills training and history. You will learn how to shoot and the history of how we got here.

If you're a seasoned marksman come on out and earn your Rifleman patch. Better yet come on out and start the process to become an instructor. NH is looking to expand to new locations, add on new instructors, and build out the number of events they hold each year.

If you're new to rifle marksmanship or shooting at all, then what better place to start learning, than at an Appleseed event! The teaching focuses on safety and traditional rifle skills from standing, sitting/kneeling, and prone positions. The instructors review topics such as Natural Point of Aim, Six Steps to Firing the Shot, learning to shoot from a sling, Steady Hold Factors, Target Detection, Environmental factors, Scope and sight adjustments, and much much more.

It's a very very safe weekend of shooting, comradery, and history. If it's just you, they would be happy to have you, but it's not uncommon to see whole families and friends show up for a great day together.

If you have any questions visit Project Appleseed for more information. You can sign up at this Link, or feel free to PM me or post in the thread.

A great blog on what a Rifleman is is here.

Hope to see you there.
Will these be on sale at Appleseeds all year? Planning on attending the Littleton one this Summer with one or both kids.

This shirt looks awesome - plus it's my retirement date (but not year) from the military.

Funny story - Since I was in my 40s, I was one of the older guys in my unit, and had volunteered for every "real" deployment since we'd been part of Deny Flight in 1995. I was in the gym, wearing my Revolutionary War Veterans Association shirt, and a kid about 22 or so came over and asked "Excuse me sir, but just how long have you been in the military?" This shirt looks like it will lead to better questions and conversations.
Will these be on sale at Appleseeds all year? Planning on attending the Littleton one this Summer with one or both kids.

This shirt looks awesome - plus it's my retirement date (but not year) from the military.

Funny story - Since I was in my 40s, I was one of the older guys in my unit, and had volunteered for every "real" deployment since we'd been part of Deny Flight in 1995. I was in the gym, wearing my Revolutionary War Veterans Association shirt, and a kid about 22 or so came over and asked "Excuse me sir, but just how long have you been in the military?" This shirt looks like it will lead to better questions and conversations.
First, that's a great story and I agree the shirt is awesome. And hopefully does lead to some quality conversations.

Unfortunately this shirt and patch will only be handed out to those that attend an Appleseed event during the month of April. The events in April are known as "Patriots Day Shoots".

Both the shirt and patch will be given to attendees as part of the admission price, achieving a rifleman score is not required, for the special shirt or patch, the rifleman patch is still separate.

April is a significant month for our nation and Appleseed. So we try to do something special each year. Last year we had full color; red, white, and blue, Rifleman patches. I think it was last year, but we did a nationwide simultaneous 13 shot volley timed with all events nationwide.
I'm sure this has been covered. i haven't been following solution for M&P15-22 since the problem was found by Appleseed banned them way back.
but here it is.

call the link, at first call they want a SN but on a second call they just took my info, expect 10-15day before gauge comes.
free, call number hit 2 for S&W
Well it's been April for a few days now. It's time for a bump as there are still spots on the line!

Every month is a great month to attend an Appleseed, but April is always a special event, come celebrate with us by hearing some history and practicing our heritage of marksmanship!
"Stand alone if you must, but stand!"

Captain Parker wanted his men to stand. Will you? Come stand on our line for the weekend.

If your new to rifles, come on out and learn the fundamentals.

If your a seasoned marksman we would be just as excited to see you on the line. We are always looking for new instructors to grow the program in NH.

Earn your rifleman or distinguished patch, or try for that perfect score.

The month of April is always special at Project Appleseed. Bring a friend or family member, but most importantly bring yourself.

Pelham is two weeks out.

Hope to see you there.
Ok, I'm tired and cranky. I've been up since 230 for an early morning flight. Last minute trip to the arm pit of the country,Florida. Just find out about this trip on Friday.

So, what better thing to do than think about the Project Appleseed event this coming weekend to lift my spirits. After all, who can't get excited over two full fun filled days at the range learning marksmanship, history, and spending that time with friends and other like minded individuals.

Still plenty of time to reserve your spot on the line. Remember this is April, each and every April we celebrate with our Patriots Day Shoots. Come on out and grab your Patriot Day shoot swag, learn the fundamentals, hear some history, earn your rifleman patch, and/or decide to step up and become an instructor.

I hope to see many of you on the line this weekend!!!!!!
Hello Hello,

Just wanted to let everyone know how our weekend went.

Saturday was overcast and cold all day. But even with the weather, we had a lot of fun. Spent a great deal of time on drills and instruction. Of course we couldnt' walk away from the day without telling the Three Strikes.

Started the day off with the Hits Count talk


The targets are scaled to represent a full-Size D-target at 100, 200, 300, and 400 yards. Each shooter takes three shots on each silhouette. Why three? Well, one hit, could be an accident, two a coincidence, but three is usually a good indicator of abilities. Saturday morning, most shooters hit the 100, but few to none hit the 200, 300, or 400. This was only the baseline target, so we got right into instruction.

Of course, at the end of the day, we saw dramatic increases in individuals who were able to put hits on the silhouettes. In fact, when we got to the range on Sunday morning, we had one of the students clear the Hits Count sheet. Three shots on all four of the silhouettes, PLUS Morgan's shingle!!!!! Morgan's shingle is a small rectangle. This rectangle represents a 7" wide cider shingle at 250 yards. The story of Morgan's Shingle is that he was 10 officers commissioned to form companies of Rifleman. When he visited your town, village, or farm he would simply place a Cedar roofing shingle on a post at 250 yards. If you hit the shingle, cold bore, welcome to the company. If you missed it, you were still welcome to join, but usually as the cook. ;)

But that's when things started to go downhill. The sky opened up and instead of laying prone for shots, students were struggling to keep their heads above water. Targets were covered with trash bags to keep them dry.

I have to admit, the students who showed up persevered. We spent the morning training, running some drills, and even got an AQT in. After the AQT we stopped for some Dangerous old men and women stories. But the downtime got the better of all of us. The cold and the rain just took its toll. Concerned with safety, and want to keep everyone healthy we called the day early. However, all shooters have been asked back free of charge to make up for the Sunday rainout.

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Saturday was absolutely awesome. Great instruction that made a huge improvement in my performance. I have a lot of material to work on now and make those habits my own. Sunday was another story. When I returned home, I disassembled the rifle to clean it and there was so much water in the trigger group, I had to set up a pump. That was some serious rain to shoot in, but I'll be back. Great outfit, look forward to doing it again. Thanks.
Saturday was absolutely awesome. Great instruction that made a huge improvement in my performance. I have a lot of material to work on now and make those habits my own. Sunday was another story. When I returned home, I disassembled the rifle to clean it and there was so much water in the trigger group, I had to set up a pump. That was some serious rain to shoot in, but I'll be back. Great outfit, look forward to doing it again. Thanks.

Absolute pleasure having you on the line!
I got so much out of this weekend, can't wait to do it again. I am blown away by how much I improved after Saturday, and the history portion was fascinating.

The rain was no joke, though. Props to the instructors for shouting over the downpour and somehow getting us through an AQT.

I snapped this just before we packed up -

I got so much out of this weekend, can't wait to do it again. I am blown away by how much I improved after Saturday, and the history portion was fascinating.

The rain was no joke, though. Props to the instructors for shouting over the downpour and somehow getting us through an AQT.

I snapped this just before we packed up -

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What was more impressive was how well you did on the AQT in those conditions! Hope to see you both back on the line, soon.
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