AR-15 Questions

A more detailed question on muzzle breaks/flash hiders...

For post-ban guns (ie. after '94), I know that threaded barrels are a no-no, but if you have plain barrel (ie, no threads on the muzzle) can you put on a pinned-on break?

BTW, what's the difference between a muzzle break and a flash suppressor?
MAShooter said:
A more detailed question on muzzle breaks/flash hiders...

For post-ban guns (ie. after '94), I know that threaded barrels are a no-no, but if you have plain barrel (ie, no threads on the muzzle) can you put on a pinned-on break?

Yes.I think the welding method is used with a un-threaded BBL.Both of my BBL's are threaded and the FH is welded on(14.5" BBL.) The factory pinned the break on before I got it removed for a FH.

BTW, what's the difference between a muzzle break and a flash suppressor?

The break actually improves your muzzle rise,but extrudes a lot of fire and is really friggin loud.That was the main reason I got a pre-ban..I was losing friends fast at the

The flash hider is exactely that,it hides the flash.Not nearly as loud and looks a lot better IMO.
From what I've seen, a post ban barrel can either be plain with no muzzle device or it can be threaded but the muzzle device must be permantly installed in some way. The usual installation methods include, pinning and welding over the pins or silver solder brazing. This info is based on the federal ban when it was in place. The idea is it can not be owner removable.

As Greg said a FS will reduce the flash visible, reduces that ball of fire at the end of the barrel. A muzzle break redirects some of the gases to the top, sides and back to control recoil and muzle jump. Also redirects the noise back to the firing line.

Yes, a lot of good info there. Forums there can be quite nasty, to say the least . . . a number of us are "refugees" from there.

Most of the most knowledgeable AR15 folks have dropped off their forums due to the crap that is allowed to go on there.
I still go to arfcom for the tech forums & competition forum, but there has been a serious brain drain there in the past year or two. The General Discussion there is just mess.
yeah, i noticed people can be kinda rude to newbies. it kinda scared me of getting flamed if i posted. i only registered so i could use the search function .

don't worry, it was not like it was difficult or took much time. i just need to learn to read "tone" in messages. mostly just learning people's personalities. at least i'm not getting flamed fo r missing the sarcasm.
jack :D
thats the beauty of this site, no flaming.

like LenS said, alot of us migrated here from I met Greg Pre Northeastshooters, and I believe his sarcasm was pointed at me.
Greg is a silly bastard. If you go to and ask a question that has been asked before you will get strung up and stoned. When I first posted I said I needed help finding a civilian AR so I could continue to compete. My only experience was on the USMC Team and I knew nothing about who made a good civilian version.

I was flammed for quite a bit. Because I'm quite the poser. [twisted]

If you do venture over there be advised and have thick skin. Hell you guys already know I'm a jerk so it makes it a lot easier for me to post here. [lol]
Jerk and Poser, yeah right. NOT!

The lack of flaming is one of the 2 things I like most about this site. The quality of the people that post here is the other.

I came over from FALFiles and AKFiles. I also have posted at

At FALFiles, I got sick of the Carolina's folks that had a massive chip on their shoulder. They know everything about everything, just ask them. Needless to say, I don't post or visit there much anymore.

Another good forum is the M14 forum, Hawk is a member here as well.
Nickle said:
The lack of flaming is one of the 2 things I like most about this site. The quality of the people that post here is the other.

+1 on both of those statements. We have a great group of folks here and, to restate what I posted in the Mod's den a little bit ago....I just love you guys. :D
Just so's ya know, Lynne, us common folk can't see what's in the Mod's Den (Nor should we be able to), so, when something like this comes up, make sure and let us know about it, like you just did.
Nickle said:
Just so's ya know, Lynne, us common folk can't see what's in the Mod's Den (Nor should we be able to), so, when something like this comes up, make sure and let us know about it, like you just did.

Usually we just shoot the poop. [lol] [wink]
Yeah, and good luck trying to actually search for anything on the site. It defaults to 24 hours and you have to pick one of their categories, and the max is 30 days. That wouldn't be so bad, except it's 1 search per minute. So Lord help you if you forget to change the setting, or try something obscure, or nobody talked about your thing this month.


By the way, to answer a bit of the original post, nobody in any of the free states cares about pre or post ban anymore. To them, pre bans are just old guns now. And yes, you'll find the guy who's still trying to sell a 12 year old rifle for 1500 cause that's what they paid, but I just picked up an unused pre ban rifle for $800 and passed on an unnused pre ban lower for $400. Check out the auction sites. I'm all for supporting the local stores and all, but you shouldn't have to pay double for a pre ban rifle just because it's in state already.
Lynne said:
Usually we just shoot the poop. [lol] [wink]

And that's fine, too. Remember, my regular job is a little complicated. I'm not a worker, but not management. Kind of in between. We do similar things here, when it comes to info flow. I see a LOT of stuff that the workers and some managers will never see.
You dont need the barrel vise block with the upper receiver vise block wich is stronger and easier to use..$40 from Bushmaster,Barrel wrench,and a 1/16,1/8 and 5/32 pin punches,front push pin tool although I can do it with out the tool,a rubber mallet and a brass hammer,also I have a 3" piece of old gas tube that I use when tightening the barrel nut to keep the delta ring and space in the snap ring and spring from moving while I tighten so the space between the nut teeth line up perfectly for the gas tube to go through.And depending on what kind of stock you put on you will need a flat head screw driver or telestock wrench.I do builds on the side so I have a good assortment of tools to work on pre or post ban rifles A1,A2 and flat tops.Damn I was replying to a build thread dont know how I ended up here..sorry it ended up in the wrong area...Dave
BIG DAVE said:
Damn I was replying to a build thread dont know how I ended up here..sorry it ended up in the wrong area...Dave

Don't worry you're in the right spot, this started life as a build thread. It's just morphed a bit as time went on.[smile]

I prefer the action block as well. The extra piece of gas tube is a good idea, I usually use a punch but since it's heavier it tends to want to drop out.

crakowski said:
Yeah, and good luck trying to actually search for anything on the site. It defaults to 24 hours and you have to pick one of their categories, and the max is 30 days. That wouldn't be so bad, except it's 1 search per minute. So Lord help you if you forget to change the setting, or try something obscure, or nobody talked about your thing this month.

I'm not trying to say you are wrong,but if you are into AR's,there is no better place for info than ARFCOM.The knowledge some of those guys have is astounding.Read the thread on the new Wolf M193 ammo from Privi for example.As far as the search option,non-team members can only search one section,members can search all boards at the same time going back 3 years.

On a site with thousands of people,you are bound to be offended at something at one time or another.I can see how people don't like that site though.

I am trying to take apart my FSB,and there are a whole boatload of people that have done it numerous times,and the info I get from them is worth the cost of the Team membership alone.

I gave Derek money for this site only because I have some sort of strange man love infatuation with him,in a non-Brokeback kinda way.[smile]
Here's a thought, however, concerning the Post-Ban stuff.

It true that in MA you can only have 2 "evil" items on an "assault rifle/weapon" at a time. :-) Nowhere, that I can find, does it say I can't possess them and have them (stored) at the ready should the "need" arise.

For example you can easily purchase a collaspable stock over the web and keep it (off the gun) locked in your gun safe. If we were attacked by say terrorists and the need arose (all hell broke loose) you might be justified in being able to quickly attach it.

I know its "thin", for thought. No?
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