I agree. You should NOT be putting anything into the gas tube.
That's the only part of an AR that is somewhat "self cleaning" thanks to the gases being blown back.
Check the gas key on the bolt. Some manufacturers don't stake them very well and they can come loose. Just tighten up those 2 hex bolts on the top of the carrier & try it out. If they're loose they'll loosen back up but you'll just need to try to restake it or get a new gas key & get it staked properly.
Also Wolf should work in any AR-15 that is properly maintained & in good working order. If your rifle only likes milspec ammo or hot handloads you have a major problem with your weapons gas system. Sure it's dirty and has varnish on it and is made of evil steel but it should shoot just fine.
Oddly enough this just happened to me at the NEShooters tac first aid/carbine course. I had 2 failures to feed (ejected though) and immediately myself and anyone around me who saw what was going on blamed the ammo (Wolf). Worked fine rest of the day but on my next range trip I noticed the gas key was almost falling off the carrier. Torqued those bolts down & restaked the key and my AR works 100% again.
I agree. You should NOT be putting anything into the gas tube.
That's the only part of an AR that is somewhat "self cleaning" thanks to the gases being blown back.