AR15 Detachable Carry Handle - How To Secure?

Aug 17, 2007
Sandown, NH
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My detachable carry handle doesn't seem to want to stay on for more than 50 rounds, it loosens up pretty easily. Do I just need to crank those screws to get it to stay on, or is there something else I should do?

Blue Loctite, or teflon tape will tighten those threads up but still make it easy to remove.

Don't use red.
Just a thought here. Are you sure that you are getting it securely seated in the rails before tightening the screws? If you are, my apologies for asking the question.
wow thats really odd that it wont stay on when you hand tighten it. what type of AR is it?
Just a thought here. Are you sure that you are getting it securely seated in the rails before tightening the screws? If you are, my apologies for asking the question.

I believe I am, what qualifies as securely seated? When hand tightened, the handle does not seem to move on its own or with hand pressure until after I start shooting it again.
wow thats really odd that it wont stay on when you hand tighten it. what type of AR is it?

Its my Anvil Arms NES build on a AA Stripped Upper.

Speaking of which, where exactly is the handle supposed to go.. seems to me that there is at least a centimeter or two of play, i.e. the handle could be all the way forward, all the way back or somewhere in between.
Who is the carry handle made by?

I like to have it as far forward as possible, for the mininum effect on zero should it need to be removed and reinstalled.
Some of the dimensions of the rails on your rifle, handle, or both are most likley outside of specifications.
Field expedient method

Field expedient method – Turn the knobs until they are finger tight. Then use a “tool” (screwdriver, coin, or the back of you knife blade) to tighten the knobs an additional one-quarter (1/4) turn. If you have a paint pen handy, you can paint a couple of witness marks on the knobs / carry handle for a quick reference to see when they are working loose.

I concur with (gently) pushing the carry handle forward while tightening the knobs.

Part of your “load, make ready” drill should include checking the sights. I normally do this last, right after I close the ejection port cover. In my case (for my M4gery), this means ensuring the levers on the LaRue mount are closed and I look through the RCO. In your case, you might consider checking the tightness of the knobs (and everything else that is attached to your rifle) every time you insert a magazine. Do this in a tactile way first (in case you every need to load your rifle in darkness or periods of reduced visibility) and then do it visually.

Caveat: This is “a” way, not “the” way. YMMV
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