AR15 jammed while extracting cartridge


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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I have a Bushmaster AR15 which I took to the range today with about 200 rounds of Wolf JHP ammo.

After about 150 rounds had been fired (rather quickly), the bolt jammed after firing a cartridge.
I couldn't pull the charging handle back, it was stuck fast. I finally whacked the butt of the gun back against a bench a few times, and the bolt freed up. I'm beginning to believe those rumors about Wolf ammo gumming up the chamber...
were the cases the new ones or the lacquered ones?...i ran 100 rounds of wolf through my beta mag from a bump fire and had no malfunctions...the gun was hot and dirty after...but still performed flawlessly
I have had the same problem (jamming) with the Olympic Arms ammo in my Bushmaster. If I avoid the stuff... I have no problems. I guess my rifle only likes federal.
I would never use Wolf centerfire ammo in any gun I cared about, or any gun I relied upon.

Their rimfire stuff is top-notch, but that steel-cased, urethane-covered junk will never be seen at my house.
Are Privi Partizan and Barnaul actually the same plant in Russia ? Looks exactely like the Wolf laquer coated to me.

No, PRVI Partizan are in Serbia.
What I've seen from their recent production so far all had brass
cases, no lacquer.
It's the same as the current "FNM" headstamp.
When they come in boxes without the Portuguese flag, they are made
by PRVI. As long as the boxes show the Port. flag, this is elder portuguese
production which seems to not exist any more.
Wolf that had no lacquer on it, jammed up my 9mm Sigma so bad I couldn't get it to open. So I let it seat for about 10 minutes and then tried to clear it.

It froze up so bad that even pressing the slide against a wooden beam it still wouldn't budge.

I had to take the rubber butt of a model 66 and whack it a few times to get it to the point where I could get the pins to come down to get the slide off and that took 2 of us to do.

After I got the slide off I had to use a long thin screwdriver that I had in my range bag to pry the empty shell out of the chamber..

When I cleaned the chamber there was no evidence of any thing out of the ordinary that could have caused the problem. But it was clearly a ammo problem that caused it.

I don't care what kind of Wolf it is I learned my lesson..
Wolf that had no lacquer on it, jammed up my 9mm Sigma so bad I couldn't get it to open. So I let it seat for about 10 minutes and then tried to clear it.

Sounds like this was the lacquered case kind. I have seen it happen quite a few times.

I don't care what kind of Wolf it is I learned my lesson..

To each his own... I have shot literally thousands and thousands of Wolf ammo, and have never had an issue.
I've put a lot of the old lacquered Wolf through my ARs without any problems. That's what I used during both of the urban rifle courses I've been to. Those were both 500 round days without any cleaning or failures. I've shot the old stuff in all my ARs at one time or another.

The only time I've had trouble is with the new non-lacquered case. Jammed up just like you described. After getting the bolt open I had to push the case out with a cleaning rod. I still have some old stuff; when that's gone I'll have to decide whether to give the new stuff a second chance.
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